Number One Study Abroad Provider

We are excited to share that we’ve been named the top Study Abroad Organization by both Abroad101 and GoAbroad this year.  The number one ranking is a direct result of TEAN’s strong student reviews for our study abroad and internship programs over the last year. We are grateful to our awesome program alum for taking time to share their feedback on our programs and help get the word out on TEAN programs.

Tiffany Young
TEAN Alum Tiffany Young with friends

“The Education Aboard Network has been a perfect program and made the entire process so easy! It really helped that the staff is so good at communication and how friendly they are. TEAN has been more than just an experience aboard. It gave me the chance to make the changes I needed in my life when I was ready and helped me learn so much about myself.”

– Tiffany Young, University of Hartford

Johanna Forsgren
TEAN Group at the Great Wall of China

“A team of such vast personalities, backgrounds, and goals; some of us came to China to experience a different culture, to learn a language, to study global economics; some came to explore family history, some ended up here on a whim. No matter why we came or where we came from, we are all connected by the time we spent with TEAN, the laughs, the food, the views, and the knowledge that China is a place we will never forget.”

– Johanna Forsgren, University of Tampa

Photo of Whitney Wemett at Surfers Paradise on the Gold Coast in Australia
Photo of Whitney Wemett at Surfers Paradise on the Gold Coast in Australia

“I differentiate TEAN to other study abroad programs by explaining to the students the level of commitment TEAN has to all individuals in the program.  I feel like I am apart of the TEAN family, not just an alum.”

– Whitney Wemett, Stonehill College

Read more of what our alum are saying about our programs on Abroad101 and GoAbroad. Have a question for a program alum? Let us know so we can connect you with a recent TEAN program alum.