Exercise Science Programs Abroad

Whether you are looking for some hands-on experience in Exercise Science or specific coursework to enhance your knowledge, TEAN has program options throughout Asia Pacific in sports, kinesiology, physical therapy, and more. A study abroad experience can also give you a greater understanding of the cultural context of sports, exercise, and physical wellness, ensuring that you have the cultural competency to be a successful practitioner within the field.

Students Say
"I studied and interned abroad in Perth...I was able to work hands on with athletes as a sports trainer, and I was able to receive school credit for the internship.
TEAN Alum, Kendall Scholl, University of Pittsburgh
Study Abroad
Gold Coast, Australia
Semester, Summer
Photo of the University of New South Wales campus
Study Abroad
Sydney, Australia
Semester, Summer
A beautifully ornate building surrounded by pink flowered trees on University of Otago's campus
Study + Veritas, Study Abroad
Dunedin, New Zealand
Two students walk through AUT's central campus hub
Study & Intern Abroad, Study Abroad
Auckland, New Zealand
Semester, Summer
An intricately designed building on University of Auckland's campus
Study & Intern Abroad, Study Abroad
Auckland, New Zealand
A group of students walk toward a large, ornate building on University of Sydney's campus
Study & Intern Abroad, Study Abroad
Sydney, Australia
The front entrance to James Cook University in Townsville, Australia
Study Abroad
Townsville, Australia
Two gray buildings on Griffith's Gold Coast campus
Study & Intern Abroad, Study Abroad
Gold Coast, Australia
People sitting in lawn chairs enjoying the outdoor area of University of Newcastle's student center
Study Abroad
Newcastle, Australia
Study & Intern Abroad, Study Abroad
Christchurch, New Zealand
Cloudy skies over Massey University Wellington's campus
Study & Intern Abroad, Study Abroad
Wellington, New Zealand
Three people sit on a bench on UTS's campus
Study Abroad
Sydney, Australia
People sitting in lawn chairs enjoying the outdoor area of University of Newcastle's student center
Study Abroad
Newcastle, Australia
The exterior of the rear of Macquarie University's library at sunset
Study & Intern Abroad, Study Abroad
Sydney, Australia
A biker rides down a main street in downtown Melbourne, home to RMIT's urban campus
Study Abroad
Melbourne, Australia
Study Abroad
Brisbane, Australia
A man sits in front of an outside lap pool holding an array of athletic equipment
Internship, Study & Intern Abroad, Study Abroad
Perth, Australia
Two people walk towards an illuminated building on Murdoch University's campus in Perth at dusk
Study Abroad
Perth, Australia
An ornate, brick building erect near a grassy quad below a blue sky on University of Western Australia's campus in Perth
Study & Intern Abroad, Study Abroad
Perth, Australia
Degree Programs
Gold Coast, Australia
Full Degree