What is Veritas?

The mission of Veritas Christian Study Abroad is to provide college-level study abroad programs at international host universities, while helping students develop as ministry-minded Christian leaders as they learn to live and serve in another culture. Veritas Christian study abroad programs incorporate distinctive elements—Christian spiritual support and community, ministry opportunities, and academics—to deepen their faith during a traditional study abroad program.

Ministry Opportunities & Academics

Students work with the local church and established ministries while studying abroad, serving others in the host community. Students will get a broader understanding of the joys and challenges of cross-cultural ministry. Engaging with the local community also provides unique immersion and perspective of their host culture.

To further enrich the study abroad experience, semester and summer Veritas Christian Study Abroad students also explore faith and life abroad through an additional course taught from a Biblical worldview. In addition to being a full-time student at a host institution abroad, semester students take a 3-credit Comparative Religions or Global Ministry Practicum course and summer students a 1-credit Global Ministry Practicum course.

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Veritas Courses

Veritas-specific courses are taught by a Christian professor who understands the mission of Veritas Christian Study Abroad. The professor encourages students spiritually and academically and helps students gain a missional perspective through their studies. The Veritas-specific academics allow students to process their experiences through research, reflection, and critical thinking as students experience first-hand the challenges and opportunities of living out their faith in a cross-cultural context.

Semester programs include the 3-credit Comparative Religions course or the 3-credit Global Ministry Practicum.

Summer programs include the 1-credit Global Ministry Practicum.

Comparative Religions (HUM 353)
This course is an introduction to the major religious traditions of the world—particularly Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—and indigenous, new, and secular religions. The historical development, key figures, as well as major doctrines and practices are explored.

Global Ministry Practicum (HUM 490)
This course provides upper division credit for international ministry opportunities and an extended ministry experience designed to acquaint students with the implementation of missions principles in an international context through Veritas Christian Study Abroad programs.

Denominational Affiliation

Veritas Christian Study Abroad is an inter-denominational study abroad program committed to helping students become culturally-aware people of faith who recognize their opportunities to live as global followers of Christ. We affirm the Apostle’s Creed as a historically understood statement of basic Christian beliefs. The leadership of Veritas Christian Study Abroad and the Veritas Mentors in each of our locations identify as Protestant Evangelical Christians. We recognize that within this identification, there are a variety of denominations and doctrinal distinctions that we hope will lead to students having healthy inquiry and faith discussions as they explore the world on an ISA Veritas program. Veritas Christian Study Abroad is not a church. We strive to help students identify a church home while abroad that honors and fosters their identity as a follower of Christ.


Academic Sponsor: California Baptist University

Veritas Christian Study Abroad welcomes California Baptist University as our official academic sponsor. Veritas Christian Study Abroad is a unique opportunity for students who are mission-minded to engage in cross-cultural ministry while fulfilling degree requirements. Our desire is to offer academic programs of the highest quality while supporting a student’s spiritual needs. Students who study abroad with Veritas will receive course credit from fully-accredited universities abroad and from our academic sponsor, California Baptist University (CBU). CBU provides transcripts for the Veritas course (Comparative Religions) and practicum (Global Ministry Practicum). See the Veritas Statement of Faith.

About California Baptist University

Founded in 1950, CBU is a member of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU). Today, CBU boasts an enrollment of over 4,100 campus students in 90 undergraduate majors and 25 graduate programs. Named “2011 Best Regional University” by U.S. News and World Report, CBU is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, as well as the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs, the National Association of Schools of Music, the State of California Board of Registered Nursing, the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, and the Board of Registered Nurses.

Standards of Best Practices

Additionally, Veritas Christian Study Abroad is committed to all programs adhering to the recognized standards of best practices in the field of study abroad. Therefore, all programs will be regularly assessed on the basis of the Standards of Good Practice for Education Abroad, developed by the Forum on Education Abroad. These standards include baseline expectations regarding academic integrity, learning environments, health and safety, student conduct and advising, and student learning and development.

Summary Information Regarding Academic Transcripts

  • Veritas students take courses at accredited universities in each host city
  • Only the Veritas-specific courses are transcripted by CBU
  • Veritas-specific course professors are approved by CBU
  • Veritas students receive two transcripts on each program (one from the fully-accredited host institution and one from CBU)
  • Transcripts are accompanied by a cover letter explaining credit equivalency.


Program Inclusions

On a Veritas program, students receive on-site spiritual support from a Veritas Mentor who helps make their time abroad a spiritually engaging and growing experience. Their Veritas Mentor also engages students in Christian community through connecting them with a local church and other ministry opportunities. In addition to a Veritas Mentor, ministry opportunities, and an extra course, your Veritas program includes:

  • Tuition
  • Guaranteed, pre-arranged housing including internet
  • Comprehensive health and travel insurance
  • Services of local TEAN support staff throughout the semester
  • 4-day Orientation Excursion Program with meals, excursions, accommodations and transportation
  • Local SIM card
  • Cultural events and catch ups during the semester such as attending a rugby match
  • Access to unique and exciting optional mid-semester excursions
  • Extensive pre-departure advising
  • University and course selection advice
  • Official academic transcripts from host institution
  • Credit approval and transfer assistance
  • Help with student visa preparation (if needed)
  • Financial aid transfer planning
  • Airport pickup and reception upon arrival at TEAN Orientation and in host city
  • Student association fees
  • Host university orientation
  • Farewell Dinner at conclusion of program

Our Values

Veritas Christian Study Abroad is an inter-denominational study abroad program committed to helping students become culturally-aware people of faith who recognize their opportunities to live as global followers of Christ. We affirm the Apostle’s Creed as a historically understood statement of basic Christian beliefs. The leadership of Veritas Christian Study Abroad and the Veritas Mentors in each of our locations identify as Protestant Evangelical Christians. We recognize that within this identification, there are a variety of denominations and doctrinal distinctions that we hope will lead to students having healthy inquiry and faith discussions as they explore the world on an Veritas program. Veritas Christian Study Abroad is not a church. We strive to help students identify a church home while abroad that honors and fosters their identity as a follower of Christ.

Our Students

Students on Veritas Christian Study Abroad programs come from diverse Christian backgrounds and a variety of college experiences: some from private or Christian universities and others from secular or state universities.

Study + Veritas Programs

An overhead view of a quad and buildings on Korea University's campus
Study + Veritas, Study Abroad
Seoul, South Korea
A beautifully ornate building surrounded by pink flowered trees on University of Otago's campus
Study + Veritas, Study Abroad
Dunedin, New Zealand
Study + Veritas, Study Abroad
Seoul, South Korea
Korea University campus at dusk
Study + Veritas, Study Abroad
Seoul, South Korea
Hanyang campus
Research, Study + Veritas, Study Abroad
Seoul, South Korea
Study + Veritas, Study Abroad
Seoul, South Korea

Our Team

Kenzi Starr

Director - Veritas Christian Study Abroad

A born and raised Kansan, Kenzi grew up watching the Travel Channel and dreaming of a chance to explore the world. While attending Missouri State University for her undergraduate degree in Marketing and Masters of Business Administration, she was able to spend two separate semesters abroad – one in France and one in China. These travels revealed a passion for international education and for encouraging students to seek adventure and expand their worldview. One of her favorite ways to experience a different culture is through food, so she is always excited to try new restaurants, watch cooking documentaries, and recreate her favorite recipes at home. When she’s not dreaming about what’s for dinner, Kenzi enjoys reading and spending time in the great Colorado outdoors with her husband and dog.
