How to finance and pay for your study abroad program

Finances are an important factor when it comes to planning for study abroad. Our team can help advise on program costs and scholarship through TEAN. If you’ll be using financial aid for the program, you will likely also need to meet with your home university.  

Financial Aid

Start by meeting with your home university study abroad office to see if your financial aid and scholarships can be used on a TEAN study abroad program. We can accept any aid or scholarships you can get approved. Often federal aid can be used to pay for our programs, but sometimes university-specific aid and scholarships won’t transfer. 

 For additional details on using Financial Aid to pay for your program abroad, please visit the Financial Aid section of the TEAN website.  


TEAN offers scholarships, as do many of our host university partners, that we encourage you to apply for. All the information on TEAN Scholarships, deadlines and how to apply can be found here. 

 There are also a number of external scholarships you may be eligible to apply for. Check with your home university study abroad office and major department to see if they offer any scholarships you’re eligible for. You can also find some recommendations on our website here under external scholarships. 


We have special billing agreements with some universities which means you may receive an invoice directly from TEAN or you may pay your program fees through your home university. Your study abroad office and/or your TEAN Program Manager can let you know if this would be the case for you. If your school doesn’t have a billing agreement with TEAN, you will need to make a payment directly to TEAN. 

 If you pay TEAN directly for your program, you will receive an invoice once you’ve been accepted to the program. The invoice will be due by the Payment Deadline (see below for more information). You will need to pay your invoice in full, provide a Financial Aid Agreement form and pay a down payment or enroll in a payment plan by the Payment Deadline. 

 TEAN offers payment plans if you would like to pay your final invoice in installments prior to departure.  

View Program Payment Deadlines 

Budgeting & Expenses


We’ve provided the following list of estimated expenses as a guide to help you budget during your time abroad. As each student and program is different, so are the expenses. TEAN program costs include items such as tuition and fees, insurance, and more. Please see specific program descriptions for details.

Use our TEAN Cost Comparison Worksheet to take a closer look at your budget and to see how a term abroad will compare to a term at your home university. In addition to TEAN’s Cost Comparison Worksheet, be sure to check out these additional expenses you may want to take into consideration.

Books & Supplies

We estimate that students should expect to spend the following amounts on books and course materials:

  • Summer:  $50
  • Semester/Trimester: $100
  • Year: $200
  • Exceptions (per semester):
    • Australia; Fiji; New Zealand: $300
    • South Korea; Japan; Singapore; Vietnam: $200

Personal Expenses

We anticipate that students may expect to spend additional funds for incidentals such as toiletries, snacks bought outside the home, bus fares and other miscellaneous items. Site-specific materials for students may differ from this amount, but this is an estimated amount for budgeting/financial aid purposes.

  • China; Fiji; Thailand; Vietnam: $100/week
  • Hong Kong; Japan; Singapore; South Korea: $125/week
  • Australia; New Zealand: $175/week


Flights are not included in the program price. The estimated cost for airfare is listed below.

  • China; Hong Kong; Singapore; South Korea; Vietnam: $1300
  • Japan; Thailand: $1500
  • Australia; Fiji; New Zealand: $2200

Local transportation

We estimate that interns should expect to spend the following amounts on local transportation:

China: $35-70/month
Hong Kong: $70-$100/month
New Zealand: $100-200/month
Singapore: $95-115/month
South Korea: $50-60/month
Vietnam: $80-120/month

Travel Expenses

Passports and Student Visas are not included and vary by country. The approximate costs are listed below.

  • Passport: $165
  • Student Visa/Residency Permit: $50-600
  • Entrance Fee or Departure Fee: $10-150
  • Immunizations/Medical Exams: Varies
  • Additional Travel: Varies


Housing options vary by site and actual budgets for meals can vary widely by housing-type and individual participant’s eating habits.

Meals are not included in the following sites:
  • Fiji; Thailand: $75/week
  • China; Seoul, South Korea; Vietnam: $90/week
  • Hong Kong; Thailand; Singapore: $100/week
  • Australia; New Zealand; Japan: $150/week
Some meals are not included in the following sites:
  • Busan, South Korea: $50/week

Covid-19 Cancellation Policies

TEAN by WorldStrides COVID-19 Pre-Departure Program Cancellation Policy

If TEAN is required to cancel or suspend your program before your program start date, you’ll have 

  • The option to consider an alternative TEAN program at a new location using your existing application and any paid fees 
  • The option to attend your preferred TEAN program at a later term, waiving any change fees 
  • The option to not attend any program and instead receive a full refund of your TEAN program fees paid (including your application and program deposits) 

 If you’ve received a TEAN scholarship, it can be applied to a new program or term. 

TEAN by WorldStrides COVID-19 Active Program Cancellation

If TEAN must cancel a program while it’s already running, we cannot guarantee a refund but will work closely with our partners and onsite staff to: 

  • Recover any associated program costs that can be returned to the furthest extent possible 
  • Present all available options to complete the academic requirements of your program, if possible 
  • Be in direct communication with you and your home institution 

Cancellation Policy


This policy applies to all cancellations, regardless of the reason. Your request to withdraw and receive a refund must be made in writing to TEAN. The $95 application deposit is non-refundable. If your application is denied due to eligibility requirements, your deposit will be fully refunded. Alternative payment arrangements (financial aid, payment plans, etc.) do not exempt you from this policy. 

 If you withdraw…  

  • on or before the TEAN original payment due date, you are liable for the $95 application deposit 
  • 1-9 days after the TEAN original payment due date, you are liable for $750 plus costs incurred by TEAN on your behalf 
  • 10-20 days after the TEAN original payment due date, you are liable for $1,250 plus costs incurred by TEAN on your behalf. Summer program participants are liable for $1,000 plus costs incurred by TEAN on your behalf. 
  • 21 or more days after the TEAN original payment due date but prior to the final deadline for withdrawal, you are liable for $1,750 plus costs incurred by TEAN on your behalf. Summer program participants are liable for $1,500 plus costs incurred by TEAN on your behalf.  

The final deadline to withdraw from any TEAN program is 14 days prior to the start date of the program. If you withdraw after this deadline, regardless of the reason for withdrawal, you are not eligible for any refund from TEAN. 

Signing and returning all documents in your student portal is your responsibility. If you fail to return the documents after repeated notification (email or call), you will be deemed withdrawn and will not be eligible for any refund. 

Housing confirmation fees are non-refundable after the TEAN original payment due date. If you change or defer to another TEAN program after your TEAN original payment due date, but prior to the final deadline to withdraw, TEAN will assess a $500 change fee plus costs incurred. Program changes are not permitted 1-14 days prior to the start of the program. Prior to your official acceptance, please refrain from booking flights for your program. TEAN reserves the right to adjust program dates to accommodate host university calendar changes and is not responsible for airline fare or ticket change fees incurred by program participants.  

 Prices and dates are subject to change without notice.