Support from Start to Finish of the Study Abroad Process

TEAN will help you from start to finish with the application process as well as support you during your time studying abroad. Along with our expert team at our headquarters in Chicago, we have local staff in all of our program locations.

Pre-Departure Advising

We’re here to help you. The team in our U.S. office has visited, or even lived, in all of our study abroad program locations and if you have any questions about a location or program, you can speak to someone who will share with you all the insider details. If you’re considering a few different program options, we can advise you on the best choice for your academic and lifestyle needs. Don’t be afraid to give us a call!

Once you apply and pay your application deposit, you’ll get a call from your Program Manager within 48 hours. Your Program Manager will be your main contact at TEAN for the entire process until you depart for your host country. They’ll quickly become your best resource and trusted confidante when it comes to going abroad. If you ever have a question, this is the person you should email or call.

We’ll walk you through the passport application process, selecting courses (and making sure you get credit from them), arranging your housing, booking your flights, getting your visa…everything you think you need and more. (We’ve been doing this for 25 years!)

Program Support In-Country

Once in your host country, you’ll be collected from the airport and whisked away for your TEAN Orientation program. These are no ordinary study abroad orientation programs – you’ll get all the necessary information but you’ll also have fun experiencing your new country and getting to know other students.

During the Orientation, our team will help you get your phones set up if you’re using a local SIM card, and make sure we have a reliable method of contacting you after the orientation program whether it be via a local phone number, WhatsApp, etc.

After the orientation, whether it be heading to your host university orientation or starting an internships, we’ll make sure you know what to do and how to get there. Throughout your program there are regular check-ins and fun cultural events, but you do not need to wait to speak with your TEAN contacts. They are available to answer your questions at any time. (Although maybe don’t call them at 1am asking for their fave pizza recommendations in Sydney!)

If there is an emergency situation, our team is available 24/7 and will react quickly. For more information on TEAN’s approach to study abroad program health and safety protocols go to our Health & Safety page.