Now that your internship placement is confirmed, it is time to apply for your visa!

You’ll find all the information and instructions below. You should apply for your visa as soon as your Program Manager emails you instructing you to apply and must receive your visa before you travel. (You cannot board your flight to New Zealand without your visa.)

Before you Apply

Before you Apply

  • Interns going to New Zealand need to apply for the New Zealand Student & Trainee Visa online using the APPLY NOW link in the “How to Apply” section below.
  • This visa allows you to stay in New Zealand for up to 6 months from the day that you enter the country.
  • You will need to have booked your flight to New Zealand, as the visa application requires you to upload your itinerary. Instructions on how to book a flight were recently sent via an email from your Program Manager titled: “Step 4: Flight Instructions”.
  • This visa application costs US$35. We recommend that you notify your bank prior to paying for your visa, as it might get flagged as an unauthorized international purchase.
  • Immigration New Zealand processes 90% of applications within three months, but this estimate can change at any time. You can find the most up-to-date processing times on Immigration New Zealand’s website here.
  • Please follow the application instructions very carefully and double check each of your answers for mistakes as you go.
  • If you are looking to stay in New Zealand longer than 6 months (after completing your internship placement), please reach out to your Program Manager, as there may be another visa option available to you.

If you have questions, first check the Common Questions section below, then contact your TEAN Program Manager.

Visa Application Checklist (What you will need)

In order to successfully apply for the Student & Trainee visa, you will need the documents listed below. Please note, items 1 – 4 were sent to you by your Program Manager in the email titled “Step 5: Visa Instructions”


This letter is provided by your internship host company and was sent to you by your Program Manager in the email titled “Step 5: Visa Instructions”.


This was sent to you by your Program Manager in the email titled “Step 5: Visa Instructions”.


This was sent to you by your Program Manager in the email titled “Step 5: Visa Instructions”.

4. FORM INZ 1225

You will need to fill out form INZ 1225. This is very important! This form allows your Program Manager to assist with your visa and communicate with Immigration New Zealand about your visa on your behalf.

  • Complete section A with your information and then sign/date
  • Complete section B with your Program Manager’s information, select the “yes” box, and then sign/date

Be sure to view acceptable photo guidelines here before submitting.


Be sure this is the document that you are traveling to New Zealand on if you have multiple passports. Be sure to sign your passport.


This is a letter from your university stating that you are currently enrolled and will be returning to the U.S. after your program abroad. If you are still waiting for this letter, you can substitute your transcripts and update the document later. Your study abroad office or registrar’s office should be able to provide this letter.


Either a bank statement showing at least 2,500 NZD (approximately $1,850 USD) worth of funds or a letter from your bank stating that you have access to at least 2,500 NZD worth of funds. Note that if you request a letter from your bank, it must be on official letterhead and signed by your banker with their contact information.


Your itinerary will let your case officer know your arrival and departure dates.

How to Apply

How to Apply

  1. Click here: APPLY NOW
  2. At the top of the page, select the middle option: “Apply for a visa.”
  3. Select the visa you’d like to apply for: Work
  4. What is your work visa based on? Select: Other
  5. Select a visa: Student and Trainee Work Visa
  6. Click the button that says “View Visa Details and Apply.”
Create A RealMe Account

Read the information carefully and alert your Program Manager if you have any questions before proceeding. Follow the prompts to apply now.

You will need to create a RealMe account. Once you create your account, you will receive a verification email to review and complete your visa application. This email can end up in your spam folder, so check there if you don’t receive the verification email in your inbox.

Application: Identity & Contact

Complete the “Identity and contact” section with your personal information. Agree to the declaration statement at the bottom, then click “Continue”.

  • This visa is not being submitted together with other visa applications as part of a group. Select no.
Application: Work Details

What type of work visa are you applying for?
Select Student and Trainee Work Visa – Student Work Experience

What position have you been offered?
State the type of internship you have been offered (i.e. marketing internship, business internship, psychology internship, etc.)

Provide the ANZSCO occupation number that best matches your position.
Pick the 6-digit ANZSCO number that most closely matches your internship. It may not be a perfect fit. Use Immigration New Zealand’s ANZSCO full occupation list directory to find an occupation number that’s the best fit.

Provide details about the employer that offered you the position.
Enter employer contact information (organization name and address at minimum) using your Confirmation Letter from your TEAN Student Portal and/or your host company’s website.

How much will you be paid per annum?
0 (all internships are unpaid)

Do you have a job offer that requires New Zealand registration?

How long do you plan to stay in New Zealand in total?
6 months or less

Application: Health Details

Answer the health questions as applicable to you. Inform your program manager immediately if you answer yes to any of these questions, as you will potentially need to undergo additional medical evaluations before being granted a New Zealand visa.

  • Answer no to the question “Is a physician submitting your health information on your behalf?” (You are filling out this form.)
  • Answer “Not applicable” to the question “Has immigration New Zealand previously asked you to provide any of the following with this application?”
Application: Character Details

Answer these questions as applicable to you. Inform your Program Manager immediately if you need to reply “yes” to any of these questions.

Note: new Zealand takes driving very seriously. If you have been convicted of a driving offense, you may need to provide additional documentation.

Application: Work

Answer the questions regarding your work history as applicable to you. You do not need to enter a New Zealand Business Number.


This section is asking about your undergraduate (and graduate/post-graduate, if applicable to you) education. Fill out as applies to you.

Start Date (mm/yyyy): Date of matriculation at your university
End Date (mm/yyyy): Expected graduation date
Name of Institution: Name of university
Name of qualification: Degree


Complete as applicable to you.

Application: Apply on Behalf/Assist

Are you completing this form on behalf of someone else? No
Have you received immigration advice or assistance relating to this application? No

Application: Upload Documents

Please upload the required documents.

  • “Job Offer” – This is your Host Organization Letter
  • “Other Documents You Wish to Provide” – Upload your TEAN Enrollment Letter, TEAN Cover Letter, flight itinerary and completed INZ 1225.
  • “Evidence required” – Upload the letter from your university. If you do not have a letter, you may substitute your transcripts; however, some Immigration NZ case officers will email you and request the letter, so it is good to have this in the works.


  1. Read and review everything before submitting. The application will cost $35 USD. This is an official immigration document.
  2. Regularly check your email for communication from Immigration New Zealand and/or TEAN. If they require any additional documentation, provide it as soon as possible. Any delay on your part could jeopardize your arrival.
  3. Print your application and write down or print any relevant reference numbers.

You can view your application as a PDF document under “Submitted Applications” in your account. Please upload the PDF of your application (or just a screenshot of the submitted application) to the “Proof of Submitted Visa Application” section in your TEAN online application.

***Once you receive your electronic visa, please also upload the PDF of your visa to the “Upload Final Proof of Visa” section in your TEAN online application.***

Common Questions

Common Questions

How long does this visa take to process?
Immigration New Zealand estimates that this visa can take up to 3 months to process, but this is not a guarantee, so it is important to submit your application early. Visas can also experience processing delays during busy times of year or your case officer may require additional documentation, so it is best to allow your visa the maximum processing time possible.

Does this visa application cost any money?
The online visa application is $35 USD for citizens of the United States. If you are not a U.S. citizen, click the “Check Criteria” button at the bottom of the Student & Trainee Visa information page, then enter information about the nationality on your passport and location you are applying from to determine any application fees.

I’m a recent graduate, should I be applying for this visa?
No! Hopefully you and your Program Manager have already been in touch about this, but if not, please let them know immediately. You will instead need to apply for the Working Holiday Visa, which has a different application and requirements. Your Program Manager will provide you with the correct instructions for your visa.

What if I’m not applying as a U.S. citizen?
Some of your application requirements may differ. Please inform your Program Manager, who will help you successfully complete your application. For more information, you can also go to the Student & Trainee Visa information page then click the “Check Criteria” button at the bottom. Enter information about the nationality on your passport and location you are applying from to determine any application requirements that differ from these instructions.

How do I get an acceptable visa photo?
New Zealand has very specific requirements for their visa photos. Unfortunately, some common passport photo locations are unable to provide digital copies of the photos required for this application and scans of these pictures won’t meet the required size or be clear enough. Here are a few possible solutions and resources that might help:

  • Check with local passport photo services. As previously stated, some may not be able to provide digital copies in the correct size and that meet the NZ visa photo requirements. However, check around before moving on to the next suggestions, as they will be able to provide the most high quality photo if they can meet the New Zealand requirements.
  • Check with your university. Often the offices that provide Student ID card services will also take passport/visa photos. However, be sure that they can accommodate the NZ requirements (non-white background, digital copies of specific size, etc.).
  • Take your own photo. While this should be a last resort, with the right resources and research, it is possible to produce an acceptable visa photo on your own. Try to use a high quality camera and get someone to help you (no selfies!). The U.S. Passport Service Guide and Digital Trends have good general tips on taking a clear, usable photo, but be sure to follow the New Zealand guidelines linked above and not the US passport ones that might be mentioned in the articles.

I think I made a mistake on my application. How do I fix it?
You can upload new documents to your application after you submitted the application, so if you forgot to add something (flight itinerary, cover letter, INZ1225, etc.), you can simply log in to your RealMe account and upload the forgotten document to your application.

If you’re not sure you made a mistake, you can review what you submitted as a PDF document under “submitted applications in your account (the same place you got the PDF to upload to the “Student & Trainee Visa—New Zealand item in your TEAN application).

If you determine you definitely made a mistake or you’re still not sure and can’t find out, please contact your Program Manager immediately to determine the severity and next steps for resolving it. Do not delay in letting TEAN know; a mistake may cause visa delays or visa denial.

My case officer has reached out to me requesting more information. What do I do?
If you have the evidence they are asking for, provide it to them. Sometimes a document that was needed didn’t get uploaded, or they may request your flight itinerary. Please also let your Program Manager know, so that they are aware of your visa’s progress.

If you aren’t sure what your case officer is requesting or you want to be sure you’re providing the right information, feel free to reach out to your Program Manager for assistance.

Who should I contact with questions about my visa status or issues with my RealMe account/application?
You can contact Immigration New Zealand for specific updates on your visa’s progress or if you’re having issues with your RealMe application. Generally, don’t call for a status update unless you’re getting close to departure, you feel your visa is experiencing an unprecedented delay or if you have been instructed to do so by your Program Manager. You can contact them from the U.S. at (+011) +64 9 914 4100 between 6:00 AM Monday to midnight on Saturday (NZT).

When you call, be ready to tell them your full name, application number (the number on your application that begins with an A and is followed by six digits, ex. A163148), passport number and date of birth.

Sometimes the wait can be long, but you can put yourself “in line” for a call back. Students sometimes find they get through faster by calling in the morning (U.S. time) rather than the afternoon or evening, but it ultimately depends on how busy the help center is, which varies.

If you’re concerned about how long your visa is taking to process, feel free to reach out to your Program Manager for advice. Remember, the processing time can be long and often varies case by case, so you may need to be patient!

How do I check if my visa has been uploaded?
Sometimes the “submitted” status does not update when your visa is uploaded. Some case officers will email applicants when their visas have been successfully uploaded but not all. Check periodically in your RealMe account to see if your visa has been uploaded. You will need to actually click in to your application and it will be attached as a PDF.

I have my visa. Now what?
Upload the PDF to your TEAN application under “Copy of Visa” so that TEAN has a copy and knows your visa has been issued.

Your visa is electronic but you should print a copy of your visa to bring with you in your carry-on when you fly to New Zealand. It is possible you may be asked to present documentation of your visa.

Who do I contact with additional questions?
Contact your TEAN Program Manager.