Bond University lake
This picture was taken while enjoying a coffee on a beautiful morning before class from one of the tables outside of the cafe

Welcome to Bond Uni! Where ambition is brought to life. Coming from a BIG 10 school with 40,000 undergraduates, this small and quiet campus is a major difference. While I will always be a Hoosier, Bond Uni is exactly the change that I wanted.

Bond has 2,900 students with around 13 different buildings, and an amazing body of water in the center of campus. Walking from one end of campus takes 10 minutes at most, and you are guaranteed to see a familiar face on that walk.

My favorite place is a cute little coffee shop called, Juicy Bits, with a beautiful view of campus and hands down the best iced coffee. The iced coffee is special in Australia because it comes with ice cream. Upon my arrival at Bond, I ventured to Juicy Bits for a snack and one of the cashiers told me that if there was anything not on the menu that I would like, he would be happy to whip it up.

Juicy Bits

The small campus means running into people you know on the short walk to class or the bus stop. Building 6 seems to be the place where most of my classes are, and there has not been a time where I haven’t bumped into a friendly face.

Bond Uni is an international school with students from all over the world. This semester I am enrolled in a class called Australian Popular Culture with around 70 kids. On the first day of class, my instructor asked if anyone in the class was actually from Australia and only student raised their hand. With this being said, it is a little harder to meet Australians in class than originally anticipated. However, this does not change the amazing, foreign atmosphere of Bond and the gathering of students from all over the world.

Brittany Goldstein is a student at Indiana University and a TEAN Featured Blogger. Brittany is currently studying abroad with TEAN on the Gold Coast, Australia.