I love the opportunity that I have of getting to experience Sydney through study abroad, and I am so grateful for all of the friends that I’ve made thus far. However, school work and balancing friendships can be a lot to handle, and sometimes I just need some me time. Oftentimes, I’ll take “solo adventures,” where I plan something as simple as grocery shopping or visiting a new cafe and set out by myself to do it. It’s so refreshing to just have some music or a podcast on while I’m going about my activity and reflecting on events of the day or week. After grabbing, say, a matcha, I’d explore the area that I’m in, taking time to notice the colorful shops and people with their dogs enjoying an afternoon walk. In those moments, I get to relax and rely on myself because I’m shaping my own adventure.

Sydney Park and Elle coffee: Solo trip to visit a cafe in Erskineville and enjoying the beautiful sunny day at the park! (Yes, that is spilled coffee on my shirt.)

Sometimes, I just have a night in, enjoying my own company and doing things that I love. I usually grab takeaway on these nights, stopping by a restaurant I’ve been dying to try and waiting in the buzzing line along with everyone else ready to chow down (and, yes, I’m the type of person to have already looked at the menu beforehand XD). Back home, I’ll hop in the shower, put on some comfy pjs, and snuggle in my fluffy blue blanket as I turn on the latest K-drama I’ve been watching. I go into full-on “treat yourself” mode, pampering myself with face masks and ice cream. A lot of my friends like to go out at night, hanging out and staying up late for a taste of Sydney’s nightlife. While it can be fun to indulge in activities like that, I’ve learned that I’d rather spend my nights in. The nighttime is when I can get myself alone and hear my voice. I’m not bogged down by any obligations like class or lunch hangouts. It’s my moment of freedom, and I’ve realized I don’t have to apologize for choosing that over hanging out with my friends. It’s no disrespect to them, and I love hanging out together, but I also have to put myself first.

Watching K-dramas is Self-Care: Spending the night in after eating some takeaway and enjoying a new show I’ve been binging.

It’s so easy to get caught up in trying to please others that we can forget to take care of ourselves and recharge. I know that I tend to prioritize my friends and school work above myself, which often leaves me drained and miserable. Especially in a new country, you may find yourself always going out with people and wanting to be a social butterfly. That being said, doing things by yourself is a form of self-care, and you learn how to be comfortable and confident with yourself. In a sense, you’re working on the relationship that you have with yourself and strengthening that bond, just like you would with any other relationship in your life. Studying abroad has taught me that it’s okay not to be surrounded by people all of the time and to set aside time where I’m attentive to myself and my needs.

Grace Lawrence, Berry College, is studying abroad in Australia with TEAN.