Studying abroad is often sought out by students in college. However, one of the biggest things holding them back is the intimidating potential cost. However, if budgeted out correctly, studying abroad can be just as affordable as your semester back home.

Before you go abroad  

  • Save money: Before you go abroad, work as much as you can at a job in your home country. If possible, set a goal amount of money to have saved before you go so you know exactly what you’re working for.
  • Research your destination country: In some countries, the cost of living is either higher or lower than the United States. As a result, the amount of money you need to save may vary depending on what your designation is.
  • Pack essentials if they are cheaper in the USA: Since Australia has a higher cost of living, I personally decided to pack some of the essentials so I would not have to buy them there. In addition, then I could use the products I knew I liked and enjoyed instead having to find new products. For example, items I packed were shampoo, conditioner, feminine products, snacks, body wash, toothpaste, etc. In addition to this, all these items will prevent you from overpacking. Then, since you won’t be bringing all the essentials back; you’ll have room to bring souvenirs back.

Budget saving abroad

  • Cooking: Cook as much as you can at home to reduce cost of living. Cooking at home tends to be cheaper and more nutritious. While abroad, it is still important to try new cuisine and restaurants. However, try to limit it to a reasonable, affordable amount.
  • Walking to locations: This will depend on the country that your traveling to, however, in Australia lots of destinations could be reached by walking to them. Walking to places saves public transportation fees and is good for your health.
  • Budget meals and trips: When you get abroad, take a look at the money you can afford to spend and make a budget. Make a weekly budget for how much you can spend weekly on groceries and stick to it. In addition to personal expenses, talk to locals about where you should travel to. Then, make a budget for these trips and set that money aside so you can make sure you can afford them.

Apply for Scholarships

  • Many colleges have scholarships that students can apply for when studying abroad. In addition to this, TEAN has different scholarships. Click here to explore those different options.

Additional costs 

  • Passport: To travel abroad, you will need a passport to travel abroad. You can find information about the costs of a passport here.
  • Flights: When booking flights, some flights may charge extra fees for checking bags, carry on’s, food, drinks, etc. I personally choose to book with airlines where there wasn’t added charges, so I didn’t have the added stress of keeping track of what I was being charged while traveling.
  • Student Visa: Some countries require students to possess a student visa while they are there studying abroad. Often, this visa costs money. Be sure to do your research and budget for this cost, if applicable.

Overall, studying abroad was one of the best experiences of my life. Through planning and budgeting, I was able to make this semester very affordable and fun. I went on numerous trips while keeping on budget and was still able to enjoy myself while abroad.

TEAN Alum, Emily Manteufel, Concordia University Wisconsin, studied abroad in Australia.