John on a recent visit to Shanghai
John on a recent visit to Shanghai

Tell us a little about your role at TEAN as Manager of Enrollment?  

My job is to ensure that our current students and future students receive expert guidance and service, in a timely manner, from our very knowledgeable Program Managers.

What journey have you taken to arrive at your current role and working for TEAN?  

An indirect one! It took me a while to find a field that interested me. Ultimately it was my passion for travel, restless nature, and a bit of luck that lead me to TEAN. After several years leading our Internship Programs, earning my Masters in Business Administration, learning our company’s processes and coming to know the team that I took on the role of Manager of Enrollment.

Why would you encourage a student to pursue an internship abroad?

An internship was once a point of differentiation. Nowaday, it has become an expectation. An international internship will truly stand out, especially if properly reflected upon so you can convey your experience to future employers. Equally important is an expanded network, personal and professional growth. An internship abroad will give you a greater sense of what it means to be a global citizen.

Exploring Chiang Mai
Exploring Chiang Mai

What have been some highlights or favorite moments from your travels in the Asia Pacific?  

Number one highlight is my first international flight, which happened to be 29 hours of travel to Perth Australia (believe it or not). It got old about half way through but the anticipation and excitement was very memorable. I’d say number two on the list is my third trip to Australia, when I did the Coogee to Bondi coastal walk in Sydney by myself. Next, would be touring Chiang Mai, Thailand for the first time with a local guide. Fourth favorite is visiting a hawker centre in Singapore for the first time. Lastly, is having a drink  on top of the Shanghai World Financial Center (aka The Bottle Opener).

You are an avid traveler, but actually never studied abroad as an undergraduate. What held you back from going abroad?  

Lack of knowledge. Cynicism. If I had been encouraged to go abroad, I may have seriously considered it. International education at the time was not as prevalent as it is now, or maybe I just wasn’t looking in the right places.

If you were going to study abroad tomorrow on a TEAN program, where would you go?

I would study abroad on one of our New Zealand semester programs, because they all include a pre-semester excursion to Fiji.

John and Todd, our Resident Director of Internships in Australia.
John and Todd, our Resident Director of Internships in Australia.

You work closely with the program team from our Chicago office, what makes this team unique?  

The specialized knowledge base. I came from a different industry so was not aware that there were people who valued international education and travel so highly. All of the people that I work with are very well traveled, passionate, motivated, and most importantly, experts in the regions in which they manage programs.

For those who haven’t been to the TEAN Chicago office before, how would you describe the environment and setup?  

This is the most difficult question in this interview, because you really just need to visit in-person to get a good feel for it.  I would describe it as “An ideal place for international education enthusiasts to; collaborate, have fun, work hard, cook great lunches, relax in beanbags, participate in meetings on exercise work bikes, play tug of war with the office dog, and change lives.”

John and Lily making Friday lunch for the team. A weekly tradition in the Chicago office.
John and Lily making Friday lunch for the team. A weekly tradition in the Chicago office.

We know you are a bit of a ‘foodie’ based on our Friday team cooking experiences. Have your experiences abroad played a role in your appreciation for different cuisines?

Yes, travel has definitely introduced me to new foods and ethnic cuisines. I’m a huge fan of spicy foods, and enjoy discovering new dishes with that aspect, especially in Thai dishes.