Meet Medsua Fang, our TEAN Resident Director for Shanghai
Meet Medsua Fang, our TEAN Resident Director for Shanghai

Tell us a little bit about your role at TEAN as the Resident Director for Shanghai.

I take care of TEAN students, help them with their study while abroad, help coordinate internships in China and setup accommodation in Shanghai. I will also arrange activities to help students get in touch with local people, engage them into local culture.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

I think it is when students tell me they really like their experience in Shanghai, when when they leave, they email me to say they miss me and Shanghai. I feel it is just worthwhile.

Why would you encourage a student to consider China for a semester abroad? 

China is an important global partner to the US. If you come to China, speak the language, make friends with the most talented young people in this country, see a real China with your own eyes, I am sure you will improve yourself, make you look at the world in a more comprehensive way and benefit your future.

TEAN Alum Daniel Perez
Photo of TEAN Alum Daniel Perez, Manhattan College who studied abroad in Shanghai

What advice do you give students when they arrive in Shanghai to help set them up for successful semester?

Follow TEAN’s instructions, take it easy, contact me for anything uncertain, make full use of your Chinese roommate. Always let me know if something is wrong, so I can help you and please trust that I have the experience to help you.  Lastly, always stay safe!

What are some of the not-to-be-missed bucket list items every study abroad student should check off their list during their semester abroad?

I would say trying to speak the local language and holding conversations with locals, eating all the types of food, making as many friends as possible, going to another city without the assistance of anyone and trying to make your way around.

Trying new foods during TEAN Orientation
Trying new foods during TEAN Orientation

What are some of your favorite Shanghai secret spots that you love but maybe are a bit off the beaten track?

Bus 49 goes through the most beautiful part of Shanghai. It connects the east Bund area with the west French concession area. The cost is only RMB 2 for a single trip. On the way, you can see most beautiful streets and architecture in Shanghai. Try to take the bus in different seasons to see great views.

How did you come to work in International Education? 

Right after my graduation from Fudan University, I started to work for international education at Fudan. I worked on the admission of international students for 13 years and provided general services to international students. Later I joined TEAN and started to work with incoming TEAN students.

What about Chinese culture and life in Shanghai most surprises students when they arrive? 

I think it is the food here. For example, near Fudan University, there are so many restaurants and street food that are so tasty and so cheap. I think Chinese people are really creative in making food. Just prepare your stomach, you will love it.

Neighborhood around Fudan University
Neighborhood around Fudan University

What is your favorite dish in Shanghai that you would encourage every student to try?

My favourite dish is sweet and sour boneless yellow fish. I have loved it ever since childhood. We have it together during our orientation in the most famous Shanghai restaurant, Lv Bo Lang.