Coming to New Zealand from June to August meant that I was here for their winter. I thought that would mean there wouldn’t be a lot of flowers blooming, but I am so glad to say that I was wrong! On the North Island, because of its temperate climate, there is always something blooming. As soon as I learned that, I began my rambles along every bush walk and garden I could find, photographing both the native flora and the cultivated ones.

Among the cultivated flowers that I have been enjoying are many varieties of camellias and magnolias. They are in full bloom right now in July, and their brilliant colors add so much life to every garden and hedge that I see.

The magnolia trees are vibrant in magenta, pink, and cream, and along with other flowering trees, the city is full of color.

I recently visited one of Auckland’s hidden gems, Eden Gardens. Founded in the 1960s, it used to be an old quarry. Now, it’s a little paradise of birds and flowers run by volunteers. As a photographer I was excited to capture some lovely photos of some native New Zealand birds, as they sang in the flowering trees. This is what I was going for, but initially, this is the sort of photo I got.

The famous New Zealand manuka bush is also blooming, covering whole patches of hills in snowy white blooms. They have a very faint fragrance, and the bees love this plant. On a sunny day these bushes are positively humming with bees, eagerly collecting nectar to make the famous honey.

While lavender season is in February here, there are still some varieties that bloom year round, and their gentle fragrance adds so much to a garden! Next to them, I often find daffodils and lily of the valley, adding nice contrast to the beds. 

I have been so happy to see all these flowers, and have reveled in the beauty they bring to the world.

Hannah Major, Grove City College, is interning abroad in Auckland with TEAN.