Sydney beaches

Packing up and moving halfway across the world and not personally knowing a single person in the entire country is something I am more than surprised I did. Just within seven days I met so many great people, saw breathtaking views, and experienced a completely new culture. Overwhelming is a good word to describe my time here so far, but surreal, eventful, and amazing do the job even better.

Sydney opera House

Although the names of my hometown and current residence are very similar, they could not be any more different. I grew up in Sidney, Ohio which is an extremely small fraction of Sydney in population and size. The scenery I see everyday here is also different than back at home. I am used to the view of boring suburbs and cornfields, but instead now I see a beautiful ocean every morning.

Sydney coastline

Traveling always comes with a little bit of a culture shock. Although Australians speak English, they definitely have a very foreign lingo. There are other differences that take adjusting to such as the use of Celsius instead of Fahrenheit and the fact that everything is a lot more expensive. Sydney is a much more lively city, too. There is never a dull moment no matter the time of day. My favorite differences from my small town of Sidney to the lively city of Sydney are easily everyone’s accents and the perfect weather.

Sydney bridgeclimb

I have only been here a short time, but have already experienced so many adventures. A night time cruise on the Sydney Harbour was one of my favorite events. The view of the city and Opera House was astonishing. Another one of my favorite things was seeing a kangaroo for the first time. I had no idea that people were able to pet and interact with them.


The popular Coogee to Bondi walk was just as stunning as it is made up to be. It still has not sunk in that I am living at this magnificent place and I don’t think it ever will. The transition from Sidney to Sydney is definitely a huge one, but I am beyond excited for what the amazing country of Australia has to offer me for the next five months. The photos in this post are some of my favorite pictures from my very eventful first week.

Bondi to Coogee coastal walk

Emily Bensman  is a student at the University of Dayton and a TEAN Featured Blogger. Emily is currently studying abroad with TEAN in Sydney, Australia.