Bondi Beach
Sydney’s most famous beach – Bondi Beach!

Sydney is one of the most unique cities I have ever visited. You can be at the beach for part of the day, and after a quick bus ride, you can find yourself in the middle of downtown, surrounded by high-rise buildings and people rushing to get home after work.  You can take a ferry to different towns and other amazing beaches, complete a beautiful coastal walk, or take a train to go bushwalking in one of the nearby national parks.  Everywhere I have been to in Sydney and the surrounding suburbs has left me thinking, “Wow. This place is beautiful.”

Sydney beaches

There are over 100 beaches in the Sydney area.  Just because it is winter does not mean the beaches are empty.  In fact, no matter the time of day, it is likely to find a lot of people on the beach. I woke up early recently and decided to go on a short run.  It was still dark out, so I was surprised by the amount of people on the beach.  I saw over 50 people training in small groups on the beach early that morning. I have noticed that Sydney and the surrounding suburbs are full of active people.  I ended up joining one of the morning training groups, and so far I love it.  The sunrise is beautiful each morning and I have met a lot of local people through the training group.

Coogee beach
Coogee – My local beach

Now that the weather has started to warm up, my roommates and I have been spending even more time at the beach.  We are all very excited for the weather to warm up enough so we can go swimming in the ocean. My favorite thing to do on a nice day by the beach is the Coogee to Bondi walk.  It is a beautiful coastal walk with many cliffs, parks, bays, beaches, and rock pools along the way. No matter where you start the walk, you will always end at one of the beautiful beaches.

Coogee to Bondi Coastal Walk
Coogee to Bondi Coastal Walk

Every Sydney beach is different, but the one thing they all have in common is their beauty.  Clean, white sand, crystal blue water, clear skies and friendly people.

Alyssa Fox is a student at Rutgers University and a TEAN Featured Blogger. Alyssa is currently studying abroad with TEAN in Sydney, Australia.