Meet our student bloggers from previous semesters and click through to read their blogs!

spring 2024 Bloggers

Andrew Bower | University of Central Florida | Seoul, South Korea
Grace Lawrence
| Berry College | Sydney, Australia | DEI Blogger
Emily Valdovinos | Florida Gulf Coast University | Seoul, South Korea | DEI Blogger
Henry Larson | Arizona State University | Tokyo, Japan
Alex Madsen | Washington State University | Sydney, Australia
Jake Reeves | University of Tennessee, Knoxville | Sydney, Australia
Sarah Pilling | California State University Long Beach | Suva, Fiji

Fall 2023 Bloggers

Alexis Elzey | William & Mary | Bangkok, Thailand
Emma Gullen | University of Iowa | Seoul, South Korea
Allison Hale | Arizona State University | Tokyo, Japan | DEI Blogger
Natalia Martinez | University of Texas at El Paso | Seoul, South Korea
Kasidy Meyer | Texas A&M University | Seoul, South Korea | Intern
Brittany Pomierski | Grand Valley State University | Seoul, South Korea
Alex Dashner | University of Tampa | Gold Coast, Australia | Alumni
Melody Pha | Messiah University | Seoul, South Korea | Veritas
Ella Peters | Colorado State University | Christchurch, New Zealand

Summer 2023 Bloggers

Grey Hampsmire | University of Iowa | Seoul, South Korea
Breegan O’Hearn | William & Mary | Seoul, South Korea

Spring 2023 Bloggers

Joe Pazyra | University of North Carolina Charlotte | Sydney, Australia
Ryan Nickerson | University of New Hampshire | Melbourne, Australia
Helena Entrican | Simmons University | Perth, Australia
Jillian Pascual | Virginia Tech | Singapore
Lexi Witherspoon | University of Central Florida | Gold Coast, Australia
Alexandra Polk | University of South Florida | Townsville, Australia
Adrienne Povey | University of Massachusetts, Amherst | Seoul, South Korea
Sydney Higgenbottom | University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa | Seoul, South Korea

Fall 2022 Bloggers

Sam Radcliffe | Washington State University | Bangkok, Thailand
Alyesia Watkins | University of Pittsburgh | Bangkok, Thailand

Summer 2022 Bloggers

Alyssa Cortesi | The University of Texas at Arlington | Krabi, Thailand
Wheaton Hardwick | University of Kentucky | Seoul, South Korea
Kaylee Raines | Wright State University | Busan, South Korea

Spring 2022 Bloggers

Bailee Esposito | University of Colorado | Bangkok, Thailand
Kayla Bailey | Champlain College | Sydney, Australia