Seeking a nature getaway or trying to have fun but save money? Look no further! Springbrook National Park, located about an hour and half south of Brisbane, is a must-see. Make sure to check the weather beforehand, as heavy rain and storms can damage roads and access to the park. (Some rain is wanted, however, as the waterfalls will be at their peak.)

Springbrook is the perfect day trip and most easily reached by car. TEAN recommends booking a guide, so you can stay safe and don’t have to drive – plus, it also helps get you access to spots you might not have found otherwise. You can pack a lunch and enjoy the waterfalls below after hiking along the trails.
Purling Falls is arguably the most incredible waterfall in Springbrook. Check out the falls from up top or down below where you can take a dip in the water if you are brave enough! I was lucky enough to witness a rainbow right across the falls. You can also explore Twin falls and Goomoolahra Falls in the park.

Waterfalls aside, there are also amazing lookouts, places to swim and caves to explore. Be sure to look up every once in a while when you are walking as there are many spots to stop and witness the mountains beyond. As for pools, check out Twin Falls or Warringa Pool.
Make sure you save time (about an hour) for the Natural Bridge Cave. At night, you can witness millions of worms glowing on the cave ceiling. You’ll also hear the loud echo of the waterfall in the cave, which is remarkable.
Overall, there is much to see at Springbrook. Make sure to pack plenty of water, snacks, and wear appropriate shoes and clothing. Water may get sprayed on you at times and it can get humid in the forest. There are different classes of trails to follow (such as easy or moderate) and maps at the entrance where the trails are listed. Always travel with a friend or two!
Check out this website for more detailed information and make sure to do your own research before you go!
Caroline Grady is a TEAN Alum and student Stonehill College. She studied abroad with TEAN in Brisbane, Australia.