Welcome to the Gold Coast! Below is information that you will need during the semester including details about your housing, what to do when you are sick, local transportation and more.

IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you keep TEAN’s contact details on you at all times in case of emergency. If your reason for calling/texting is not an emergency, please try to call/text during regular office hours (9:00 AM to-5:00 PM Monday-Friday).

Common Concerns: First few weeks

Common Concerns: First few weeks

As you start to get into the swing of things, we want to highlight some common concerns that may come up. We often see the same concerns raised each semester, so you’re not alone!

Feeling “disconnected” from the Bond and Griffith campuses: This may happen for the Beach Housing group. As you go back and forth to campus for O Week you may feel isolated from the campus community. Don’t worry! As classes start, you’ll find that you aren’t actually on campus that much and end up really loving where you live. Your peers living closer to campus can visit you in Broadbeach and you can visit them – you are all still very close. You definitely won’t regret living in Broadbeach – we promise!

Feelings of homesickness/anxiety: This is probably one of the most common concerns we hear during the first few weeks of the program. It is very normal to go through varying levels of homesickness. Some people may feel minor “pangs” of missing home and what is familiar, while others may feel fairly intense feelings of sadness and anxiety. The first week in your new home can be very overwhelming – you’re in a new city with new people, a new culture, new school, new everything – and it’s not uncommon to wonder if you have made the “right choice” to study abroad. These feelings will pass. When classes start and you get into a routine, you’ll start to feel more comfortable and confident in your new setting and the feelings of homesickness should start to lessen. That said, if they don’t please reach out and let us know. Bond and Griffith have excellent counselors on campus who you can meet with and talk to. Also, please remember to take things day by day – you’re dealing with a lot of adjustments and often some exercise, eating well, getting lots of rest and talking to other students can help. You’ll probably find that lots of other people are feeling the same way but aren’t sharing how they feel. TEAN staff are also on campus often, at our coffee catch ups and other events, so do let us know if you want to talk. We can call and message to provide support also.  

Concerns with roommates: It’s not uncommon to wonder if you have been matched up with the right people in your housing. You may have clicked with someone at the TEAN Orientation who you’re not rooming with or may even be in your own room feeling isolated. Some of you may never have lived with roommates (or flatmates as we call them) before, so it’s a learning curve! Be open and make sure to communicate; share how you feel about things in an honest way. Set some apartment rules that you all agree on and discuss how to best bring up issues. You’re here just for approximately 100 sleeps – try not to let minor issues become major worries during the semester.

Some things are more expensive: Yes, the cost of eating/drinking/going out is often very expensive compared to what you might be used to. The best thing to do is plan a budget for the semester and stick to it. Buy food and cook at home, search online to get good travel deals for the trips you want to take, remember to always have a supply of food/snacks in your apartment for when you’re hungry during those late night study cram sessions as shops close early, AND take advantage of the FREE TEAN events we offer! The coffee breaks are a must – they include a drink, a free bite to eat and a chance to chat with us!

Getting used to the teaching style: First of all, don’t freak out when you get your first assessment grades back – they will seem very low to what you are used to. In Australia you earn points (starting at 0 and going up to 100), while in the U.S. you start at 100 and points are deducted. It is very hard to get very high grades (High Distinctions and Distinctions) in Australia. Assessment grades are often worth a larger percentage of your overall grade than what you are used to as well. There are no “weekly tests” in Australia. You may find that your mid-term exam carries a 50% weight. Because there usually aren’t regular tests or assignments, you may feel like you don’t have much to do then find yourself cramming for a test or rushing to prepare a paper. Set a study and school work schedule for the semester and stick to it, even when it may feel like you have a light workload. If you are struggling at any point, please go and see the academic staff. They are all there to help with an open door policy, but you need to take initiative and go to them.  

Internet annoyances: The internet speed and data limits in Australia are not what you are used to in the U.S. We have fairly slow internet here and data limits so you aren’t able to stream and download shows all the time. For faster internet, access one of the WiFi hotspots on campus as well as around Broadbeach and other local areas. The internet speed certainly takes a little time to get used to but hang in there – it’s just a more chilled out internet, all will be okay!

Accessing Money


  • Banks in Australia are generally open Monday to Thursday (except public holidays) from 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM and until 5:00 PM on Friday. These hours may be extended on certain days depending on local conditions.
  • To open a bank account you will need to prove your identity by providing documents such as your passport plus two other forms of identification (credit card, driver’s license, etc.)

Transferring Money from the U.S.

  • If your family wants to send you money via transfer, they can send funds to any Australia Post Outlet where you can collect the funds. To learn more about the process visit here.

Getting a Job

Getting a Job

Planning to get a job? Here are some helpful tips…

Job Inquiries: When you are inquiring or applying for a job, it is always best to inquire in person. Ask to speak with the manager. This shows you are confident and have initiative, and they will take your inquiry more seriously. When inquiring about positions available in cafes, restaurants or bars, it is best to inquire during slow service periods. Most have a lunch and dinner service, which can get very busy and stressful for staff, so they are less likely to take the time to help you, or will assume you don’t have any experience in the industry.

Presentation: Be well groomed, punctual and polite. Guys should be clean-shaven and girls should tie their hair back if possible. Most places will expect this of you when you are working so it makes sense that you apply looking the same. Wear something appropriate. It’s best not to wear shorts, hats, torn jeans or thongs (flip flops) for an interview or when you apply, instead wear smart casual dress. Most cafes, restaurants and bars require you to wear black shoes with black pants while working. Depending on the venue they may have a uniform/shirt for all staff.

Personality: As you can imagine personality is very important in the hospitality industry. You are a salesperson so customers want you to be polite and helpful, and staff want to work with someone who is friendly. Be nice, outgoing and always wear a smile!

Resume or CV: Always bring several copies of your current resume (we call it a CV, which is short for Curriculum Vitae) with you when you apply. Most venues don’t have application forms, so you will need to take and leave a copy of your resume with management. Cafes, bars and restaurants are mainly interested in work history that involves customer service, sales or hospitality experience, but often a positive and outgoing personality is also really important.

Availability: Your availability is very important to employers. The more days you are available to work the more likely you’ll get a job. Friday and Saturdays tend to be the busiest times for a lot of venues and if you’re not available on weekends, most places won’t consider your application.

Sourcing work: The Gold Coast Bulletin Local newspaper lists part time/casual jobs in their “classified section”. Wednesday and Saturday is the best time to check the paper, as that is when most jobs are advertised.
The Courier Mail (Brisbane) – as above.
Online Job Search Sites – Search online for part time/casual work filtered by job type and location. You can register (free) for the below job search sites and have suitable jobs emailed to you daily. (www.seek.com.au, http://au.indeed.com/, www.careerone.com.au)
Visit the Careers Advisor on campus – they can give you access to their website which lists some part time and casual jobs around the Gold Coast.

Areas in the Gold Coast with high concentrations of jobs

The Gold Coast has many employment options. If you take some time to research jobs, you should be able to find a place that suits you. Our best suggestion for finding a job is to walk around the major shopping malls, cafes, restaurants and bars to drop off resumes at venues that you would enjoy working at. There are hundreds of bars and cafes and shops on the Gold Coast – you just have to get out there and visit them!

Some specific venues to consider:

  • Pacific Fair Shopping Centre (a few minutes from the Broadbeach apartments)
  • Robina Town Centre (5-minute bus ride from Bond),
  • The Oasis (2-minute walk from the Broadbeach apartments)
  • Kurrawa Surf Club (right on the Broadbeach and a few minutes from the student beach accommodation)
  • The Star (Opposite the student beach accommodation and home to a number of bars and restaurants)
  • Gold Coast Convention and Exhibition Centre (Located next to The Star and may have seasonal/casual work when the need arises)
  • Surfers Paradise, Broadbeach, Burleigh Lawn Bowls Clubs
  • Mermaid Beach Tavern (a short bus ride from Broadbeach Surf Clubs)
  • Main Beach, Nobby Beach, Miami (there are always hotels, restaurants and bars close to the beaches!)

Job Training

If you interested in taking the Responsible Service of Alcohol class (RSA) or completing a barista course, the following companies offer short, accredited courses teaching skills you can use long after your stay in Australia and greatly increasing your chances of securing a job. Many places that serve alcohol will require you to have your RSA.

Barista training (3-hour course for $119 in Southport)
Serving alcohol training (4-hour course for $70 in Southport)

Online options

Getting a Tax File Number

If you get a job in Australia, employers will require you to have a Tax File Number (TFN). This is like your Social Security number and allows your employer to tax you at the appropriate rate. If you do not have one, you will be taxed at the highest rate. To avoid this, apply online for your Tax File Number as soon as you get a job.

To apply online you must have a valid passport or relevant travel documents. You don’t have to provide proof of identity documents – the Tax Office will compare your personal and travel document details with Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) records. Within 28 days, the Tax Office will send your TFN to the Australian address you provide on your application.

If you need to discuss anything with the Tax Office or have questions that are not answered on their website, please call them on 13 28 61.

Apply online here 


Seeing a doctor on campus

Bond University
There is a doctor on the Bond campus. Generally you need to make the appointment 1-2 days in advance. If you need to see the on-campus nurse, you can usually make a same-day appointment. Call student services or visit student services on campus to make the appointment.
Phone: (07) 5595 4043

Griffith University
There is a doctor on the Griffith Gold Coast campus. Call or visit the Griffith University Health Service to make an appointment
Phone: (07) 5552 8794

See a doctor off campus

If you need to see a doctor outside of the university (outside of university hours or on weekends) you can make an appointment with a doctor from a nearby clinic. Sometimes you have to pay for the appointment out of pocket, other times you might be able to get half paid for by your health insurance.

To visit a Doctor off campus, you can source one locally to you here.

Near Beach Housing

Mermaid Beach Medical Centre
2506 Gold Coast Highway, Mermaid Beach
Phone: (07) 55954900

Mermaid Central Medical Centre
2431 Gold Coast Highway, Mermaid Beach
Phone: (07) 55752444

MyHealth – Pacific Fair
Shop 1536, 2-30 Hooker Blvd, Broachbeach Waters
Phone: (07) 55267400

Chevron Renaissance Medical Centre
45 Elkhorn Ave, Surfers Paradise
Phone: (07) 55610340

Paradise City Medical Centre
Shop 2, 3046 Surfers Paradise Blvd, Surfers Paradise
Phone: (07) 55398200

Near Beach Housing and GUV

Australia Fair Medical Centre
40 Marine Parade, Southport
Phone: (07) 55323466

Health HQ
95 Nerang Street, Southport
Phone: (07) 55264444

Surfers Paradise Day & Night Medical Centre
16/3221 Surfers Paradise Blvd, Surfers Paradise
Phone: (07) 55922299

Uniradiology – Southport
26 Railway St, Southport
Phone: (07) 55319300

Chirn Park Medical Practice
37 Musgrave Ave, Labrador
Phone: (07) 55326781

Near Beach Housing and Bond

Burleigh Heads Medical Centre
45-47 West Burleigh Road, Burleigh Heads
Phone: (07) 5535 1844

Near Bond and Reserve Housing

Eastbrooke Family Clinic Burleigh Waters
1 Santa Maria Court, Burleigh Waters
Phone: (07) 5568 6000

Gold Coast Medical Precinct
15 Lake Street, Varsity Lakes
Phone: (08) 55622910

MyHealth – Robina
4270B/19 Robina Town Centre Drive, Robina
Phone: (07) 55933490

Robina Bulk Billing Medical Centre
1/100 Cheltenham Drive, Robina
Phone: (07) 55788848

Robina Family Medical Centre
6/110 Laver Drive, Robina
Phone: (07) 56891212

Robina Village Medical Centre
Shop 3, 201 Ron Penhaligon Way, Robina
Phone: (07) 55931266

Varsity 7 Day/Night Medical Centre
3B/191 Varsity Parade, Varsity Lakes
Phone: (07) 55808628

Varsity Lakes Family Practice
Suite 5B Market Square, 201 Varsity Parade, Varsity Lakes
Phone: (07) 55758155

House Calls

For appointments out of hours you can call the below company who will send a doctor to your apartment.

House Call Doctors – Gold Coast
Phone: 13 5566

See a Doctor Online

To find a doctor on-demand, online 24/7 visit here.


  • If you have a life-threatening medical emergency, go to your closest public hospital emergency department or call 000 immediately for help.
  • If you have become very sick and need to go to the hospital, you can go to the Robina Hospital or the Gold Coast Hospital (Southport). You can call a taxi at 131 008.  

All public hospitals in Australia have a 24-hour emergency and casualty department where you can get help after hours and on the weekend. People waiting in emergency are assessed and treated based on how serious their medical condition is. Patients with the most urgent problems are seen and treated first. If you attend the emergency department with a less serious medical condition, you may need to wait a long time to be treated.

If you’ve been admitted to hospital and have an OSHC policy with us, contact us immediately on 1800 814 781 so we can help you with your payment arrangement to the hospital.

Health Insurance

Bond Students

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is insurance to assist international students meet the costs of medical and hospital care that they may need while in Australia. OSHC will also pay limited benefits for pharmaceuticals and ambulance services.

All the details about your Student Health Cover is listed here.  This website gives you the option to find a local Doctor and shows you how to order your health insurance card. It has a good student FAQ section to check out too that should answer most of what you need. We suggest you do this as soon as possible.

The health insurance provider also have a 24-hour student advice line (1300.884.235). You can speak confidentially about a range of issues such as medical and accident assistance, personal safety, drug or alcohol issues and trauma counseling.

For those living on-campus or at The Reserve you should always try and book in with the campus doctor – it’s only a $5 co-pay for a visit.

Please contact the Student Business Centre for any questions and to find out when the insurance representative will be on campus (call: 5595 4049)

Griffith Students

How to order your insurance card and download the app. 

  1. Open your web browser (on a computer not smartphone) and go to www.allianzassistancehealth.com.au
  2. Click on “Student Log in” (top of screen)
  3. Click on “Create Account” (right of screen)
  4. Enter your policy number; Last name; Date of Birth.
    Your policy number is your Griffith University ID followed by S-GU. For example: 1234567S-GU
    Your date of birth needs to be day/month format (not month/day format)
    Your email needs to be your Griffith email
    Date of birth format is DD/MM/YEAR
  5. It will ask you to create a password – use a minimum of 8 characters including at least one number, capital letter and special character ($%+@)
  6. You will then be taken to a link to confirm your account.
  7. Download the Allianz OSHC App from the Android or Apple App Store  to then access your card online, find a doctor, make a claim and more here.

An Allianz Health Rep is on the Griffith Campus to assist with claims or answer questions you may have about your cover or policy. Visit the student administration on campus for information on when they will visit.

For detailed information about accessing the Medical services on campus (making appointments) to see a Doctor; Nurse; Counsellor see here

Clubs and Organizations

University Groups and Clubs

Dive into the campus culture and connect with other students by joining a club or student organization. Each of our partner universities in Australia offers a ton of different options and opportunities to suit a range of interests. Below, you’ll find examples of some of the most popular associations at different institutions plus links to find even more clubs for each school.

Griffith University

Griffith has a range of clubs for academic, personal and professional interests. Find a full list of clubs here.

Go Global Club
This community allows students to network and share their Go Global Experiences with each other whilst also encouraging prospective exchange and study abroad students.

LIFT Nutrition, Health and Wellness Society
This society supports university students’ self care by promoting a well-balanced lifestyle.

Hope for Health
This non-profit organization and registered charity, works to improve health outcomes for local, rural, Indigenous and international communities.

Griffith Mates
Want to meet local students? Griffith Mates is a group of current Australian and international students from across the world that helps new international students adjust to university life in Australia through organized events and activities!

Academic Resources

Campus Academic Resources

Your host university offers academic resources on campus to help support your learning needs and thrive in your courses. If you need help with a certain subject, guidance on exam writing or additional academic support, just take a look below.

Griffith University

Griffith University offers a range of services, resources and assistance to help support your academic needs. Students can book a consultation with a library specialist, access the Griffith Health Writing and Referencing Guide, get online tutoring and assignment feedback via Smarthinking, and more. Learn more about what’s available here.

Sports and Fitness

Sports and Fitness

Australians love to stay active. Keep reading to see what on-campus gyms, fitness classes and sports facilities your host university offers.

Griffith university

Griffith University offers an extensive range of weights and cardio machines, group fitness classes (including HIIT, boxing, yoga), a Cycle Studio and classes, a functional training studio, a 50-meter heated pool and more. Membership starts from $12.50 AUD a week. Learn more here.

Dining and Errands

Dining and Errands

From on-campus canteens and convenience stores to nearby restaurants, cafes and grocery stores, there are plenty of places to find food and stock up on necessities. Scroll down to see where to go shopping, eat out and run errands around your university.

Griffith University

The Uni Store is located at the center of campus and is good for basic study snacks and drinks. The grocery store Woolworths is an 11-minute walk from campus. There is a large range of popular restaurants, coffee shops and on-the-go options on or near campus, including Burger Urge, Flavour Asia and Village Café. There are also a number of useful retail stores on or near campus such as hair salons, a post office, STA travel and banks You can read more here.

Gold Coast Transport

Gold Coast G:LINK (Trams and Buses)

Go Card is TransLink’s electronic ticket that lets you travel seamlessly on all TransLink bus, train and ferry services. It’s cheaper than paper tickets, easy to top up and you can register your card to protect your travel balance if it is lost or stolen.

Use the card by touching on at the beginning of your journey and touching off at the end. Your fare is automatically deducted from your card balance.

How to Get & Use Your Go Card

  • Your first step to getting your Go Card is to sign up for a Tertiary Transport Concession Card during Orientation week on campus. This will enable you to travel on a reduced student fare (50% discount) on all trains, trams, buses and ferries throughout the Gold Coast and Brisbane.
  • You will purchase a Blue Adult GO Card when you arrive (You can buy a Go Card at the 7 Eleven in the Phoenician Resort, 90 Surf Parade Broadbeach, the Broadbeach South Tram station OR on campus at Bond and Griffith).
  • You need to show your Student ID card and Tertiary Transport Concession Card to ensure you pay student rates for your Go Card.
  • You must register your Go Card online and register for a Tertiary Concession. This enables you to receive 50% of the adult fare.
  • You can put a monetary amount on your card that you top up when it runs low.
  • When you have completed nine trips in one week, the rest of your trips for that week are free. But please note that all journeys made using the Go Card aren’t the same. When making a number of trips to get to your destination, it is still considered one journey if you touch on within 60 minutes of touching off on your previous trip. When making a number of trips to get to your destination, if you touch on more than 60 minutes after touching off you’re starting a new journey.
  • For all the transport information including fare costs; journey planners and to register your card for the concession fare visit here

Download the transport app

Download the free G:Link App from the Apple App Store or Google Play. The app includes up-to-date timetables, departures and station amenity information at your fingertips.

Journey Times

The end-to-end journey time from the Gold Coast University Hospital to Broadbeach South station (closest to Peppers) is around 37 minutes. Typical journey times on the G:LINK are:

  • Gold Coast University Hospital to Southport = 11 minutes
  • Southport to Cavill Avenue (Surfers Paradise) = 14 minutes
  • Cavill Avenue to Broadbeach South = 12 minutes
  • Southport to Broadbeach South = 26 minutes
  • Gold Coast University Hospital to Cavill Avenue = 25 minutes

Bikes & Surfboards

Only fold-up bicycles are permitted onboard the trams and they must be placed inside a bag. There are bicycle racks at or near every tram station for you to store your bike. Surfboards are permitted but must be stored in the board racks provided (only in those carriages indicated with a sticker on the door).

Any questions? Call G:LINK on 13 12 30 or visit http://ridetheg.com.au/ or www.translink.com.au

Common Bus Routes

Bond University (University Drive bus stop) to Broadbeach (Broadbeach South):

  • Route 750 Broadbeach South
  • Travel time: 13 minutes
  • Departs every 30 minutes


  • Route 753 Broadbeach South
  • Travel time: 13 minutes
  • Departs: every hour

Once the bus has dropped you off, walk outside and turn right on Hooker Boulevard, then cross the Gold Coast Highway, turn left (to go to the Meriton) or go straight ahead on Margaret Avenue (to get to the beach)

Bond University (University Drive bus stop) to Surfers Paradise (Cavill Avenue):

  • Route 750 Broadbeach South
  • Travel time: 35 minutes
  • Departs: every 30 minutes
  • travel time 35 minutes

(take Route 750 Mudgeeraba to get home)

From Broadbeach (Broadbeach South) to to Surfers Paradise (Cavill Avenue):

  • Route 745 Surfers Paradise, Route 706 Paradise Point, Route 707 Griffith University, Route 750 Broadbeach South or Route 702 Southport
  • Departs: There should be a bus every 15 minutes.

To get back to Broadbeach (Broadbeach South) take Route 706 The Pines, Route 702 Burleigh Heads, Route 5 or Route 709 Broadbeach South, or Route 707 Burleigh Heads

Broadbeach South to Burleigh Heads (great for surfing):

  • Route 760 Tweed Heads, Route 707 Burleigh Heads, Route 706 The Pines or Route 703 Burleigh Heads (for on-campus and The Cape students, take Route 750 Broadbeach South from the University Drive bus stop to Broadbeach South first) Or Route 700
  • Travel time: 20 minutes
  • Departs:  every 13 minutes

To get back to Broadbeach (Broadbeach South) take Route 703 Harbour Town, Route 700 Southport, Route 706 Paradise Point, Route 707 Griffith University or Route 760 Broadbeach South. Or Route 777Airport Burleigh

From Bond University (University Drive bus stop) to Robina Town Centre (grocery shopping for on-campus and Reserve students):

  • Route 750 Mudgeeraba
  • Travel time: 13 minutes
  • Departs: every 30 minutes


  • Route 749 Nerang Station
  • Travel time: 9 minutes
  • Departs: every hour

To return to Bond University, take Route 750 Broadbeach South (every 30 minutes, travel time 15 minutes) or 748 Bond Uni (every hour, travel time 9 minutes)

From Broadbeach (Broadbeach South) to Bond University (University Drive- refer to campus map):

Once outside the Meriton, walk south (to your left), cross the Gold Coast Highway where it meets Hooker Boulevard, Broadbeach South will be on your left, the bus stops are on the ground level)

  • Route 750 Mudgeeraba
  • Travel time: 11 minutes
  • Departs: every 30 minutes


  • Route 753 Burleigh Heads
  • Travel time: 13 minutes
  • Departs: every hour

Common Tram Routes

Griffith University and back from Beach Housing:
The G direct from Broadbeach South to Griffith University Hospital.

Griffith Village to Broadbeach:
The G from Griffith University to Broadbeach South. This light rail also stops at Southport and Surfers Paradise.

Brisbane – from Griffith:
The G from Griffith University to Helensvale. Train to Roma Street or Southbank Parklands. See timetable for details: https://jp.translink.com.au/plan-your-journey/stops/helensvale-station

Transport Beyond the Gold Coast

Getting to the Gold Coast & Brisbane Airports

Brisbane has the closest major airport (often cheaper than the Gold Coast airport) and is the location you fly into and out of for your arrival, departure and mid-semester travel.  

Option 1: Shuttle (Gold Coast and Brisbane airports)

They collect you from your housing and drop you right to the terminal. More if you have extra bags or surf boards. Reserve a shuttle

Option 2: Uber (Gold Coast airport)

Uber is really only viable for the Gold Coast airport (not Brisbane) and if you can fit your bags in a normal car trunk. 

Option 3: Bus (Gold Coast Airport)

If you don’t have much luggage and depending on your departure time, you can catch the bus from Broadbeach directly to Coolangatta Airport. Start at Broadbeach South Stop B and catch the 777 (Broadbeach, Burleigh Heads, Airport) bus to the terminal. It’s about a 40-minute journey. Those living on campus will need to get the 750 bus to Broadbeach South first. Journey planner on TRANSLink.

Option 4: Taxi (GC airport):

Call 131 008 for a taxi to the Gold Coast Airport. It will cost around $35. If there are a few of you traveling together you can request a “Maxi Taxi” which holds more people.

Option 5: Airtrain (Brisbane airport)  

To catch the Airtrain from Gold Coast to Brisbane airport you can purchase tickets at the station or online. Broadbeach housing: you will need to catch the bus to Nerang Train Station (start at Broadbeach South, Stop C and catch the 745 to Nerang Station) and then from there get on the Airtrain. It’s a 90-minute journey to the terminal and costs about $33 one way from Nerang to the airport. No student concessions. From Bond you could catch the bus to Robina Station (bus 750) and then catch the Airtrain to the terminal. 

Unfortunately, student concessions are NOT available for train travel between the Gold Coast and Brisbane Airport (known as the Airtrain). You can still use your Go Card to purchase your ticket, and the airport station has facilities to top up and receive a balance.

Airtrain services travel between Brisbane Airport and the Gold Coast every 15 minutes during peak times and 30 minutes during off-peak times. Refer to the Airtrain timetable to plan your trip. You also have the option of booking online and saving up to 15%.

Note – the Airtrain doesn’t run all night, so if you have an early flight out of Brisbane this won’t be an option. Option 1, the shuttle, would be your best choice.

Peppers Broadbeach Housing

Welcome to Peppers Broadbeach Apartments

Your Resident Director will meet with each student group upon arrival or after settling into your apartment to discuss your responsibilities while living in TEAN accommodation. This accommodation has been secured by TEAN for the entire length of your study.  

TEAN has built a strong relationship with Peppers Broadbeach Apartments, on-site managers and your neighbors. We want you to have a good time this semester, but please remember to respect this apartment and the neighbors at all times.  

You are each personally responsible for the condition of your own room. Any damages occurring in your room will be billed to you accordingly. As a household, you are all responsible for keeping your apartment clean and tidy for the duration of your stay. Any damages occurring to the common areas will be billed/shared by the household members.  

To ensure you keep your apartment in good condition, the Resident Director will be making monthly inspections, or more frequently if deemed necessary. You will be notified at least 24 hours in advance of these inspections.

Please ensure that the apartment is securely locked before you leave each day.

Unit Contents

Most conveniences have been supplied and are in the apartment. Please report any breakages or missing items as soon as possible to the on-site manager or your TEAN Resident Director.

Smoke alarms have been fitted and you should familiarize yourself with an escape route in the event of fire. Do not under any circumstances disable your smoke alarm! If you disable your smoke alarm, you will be charged for repairs/reconnection. If the fire department is called out you will be fined $1,050.


You have been issued with a full set of keys to your unit. The cost to replace lost or stolen keys is expensive (approximately $45 per set), therefore please be responsible and do not lose your keys. They must be returned at the end of your stay  Should you lose your keys, please report this to your Resident Director immediately.

Cleaning Service

A cleaning service will be provided twice a week every 7 days from the time of check-in. Do not take advantage of this service – it is intended mainly for changing linens/towels and quick vacuuming/tidying. The cleaners won’t clean the floor or bench tops if things are covering them (clothes, personal items) so please try and not leave things on the floor or benches (or baths/showers). You will need to tend to your own dishes, etc.

Your Resident Director will receive a weekly update on the condition of your apartment from the cleaning staff. You will be provided with small amounts of laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent and dishwashing liquid each week. To ensure you don’t run out, please purchase your own supplies for the semester at the local grocery stores.

Rubbish Removal

Please utilize garbage chutes on every floor. Do not expect the maids to remove your rubbish – this is your responsibility.

Calling from Your Apartment

You are responsible for paying for your phone calls if made from your apartment. If the bill hasn’t been paid after departure this will come out of your housing deposit.

To make calls:
Dial “0” for an outside line
Dial“9” for reception

If you are giving other people your telephone number (the landline at your apartment), give them the general number of the Peppers Apartments (07) 5635 1000 and reception will transfer the call to your apartment.

At the End of Your Stay

Property Managers are very strict in Australia. You MUST leave your accommodation exactly as you found it (e.g. in good clean condition with all personal belongings, food, etc. moved out). The Resident Director will contact you in writing a month before your departure to outline the procedures for moving out.

Tenancy Agreement

TEAN has signed the tenancy agreement for all units/houses. However, you are responsible for maintaining the units in the manner required by the owners. Before departing the U.S. you were required to read and sign the TEAN, LLC HOUSING AND RESIDENCE AGREEMENT which outlined the conditions of your residing in TEAN accommodation.

As a reminder – during your stay you must:

  • Keep all plumbing clean and clear
  • Dispose of all garbage as directed by management
  • Keep the walls, floors, doors and ceilings of the premises free of nails, screws or adhesive substances
  • Not intentionally or negligently damage the premises and inclusions (including glass and mirrors)
  • Only hang clothing and other articles outside the premises in areas designated by the owner or his agent
  • Request permission before the installation of any picture hooks
  • Be aware that Blu-Tac and all stickers ARE NOT PERMITTED to be used on any surface

Air Conditioning

Air conditioning should be set no lower than 23 degrees Celsius due to the high humidity in Queensland. Please turn off the air-conditioning units when the weather cools and/or you will be away from the apartment for an extended period of time.


High-speed wireless Internet is provided and can be used throughout your apartment. Please be patient and remember internet speeds may not be as fast as in the U.S. You have unlimited data. Please provide your device IP address to reception soon after arrival so they can ensure you don’t have to keep requesting passwords every week.  

Please speak with the reception to obtain your passwords.


If you have any issues regarding the apartment, please contact reception immediately.

If you are unsuccessful in an attempt to resolve an issue through reception, please contact your Resident Director.

Noise Complaints, Etc.

  • Peppers Apartments has a “No Excessive Noise/No Party Policy”. If you break this policy you risk being evicted immediately by Peppers Apartments Management.  PLEASE NOTE – PEPPERS IS HIGH SCALE APARTMENT LIVING AND AS SUCH YOU WILL BE EXPECTED TO TREAT THE COMPLEX WITH RESPECT. IF YOU DO NOT FOLLOW RULES OUTLINED IN THIS DOCUMENT YOU WILL FACE IMMEDIATE EVICTION.
  • Upon receiving a complaint, Peppers Apartments Security will visit your apartments and investigate the complaint. Depending on the circumstances, you will be warned, fined or possibly evicted.
  • You will only receive one warning from Security.
  • Any successive complaints about your apartment will be directed immediately to your Resident Director who will follow up directly with you and your housemates. Depending on the circumstance, you will receive an Official Warning (which you must sign and acknowledge), be issued a fine or an Immediate Eviction Notice.  
  • Should you receive an Official Warning and any subsequent complaints occur, this will bring an Immediate Eviction Notice regardless of the circumstances.
  • All TEAN housing is smoke free. Smoking is also prohibited on all balconies. Please smoke outside of the apartment building.
  • All TEAN housing is drug free. If you are found using drugs within your apartment, you will be immediately evicted.  
  • If dirty pots and pans are left in the sink there may possibly be an additional cleaning charge.

NOTE:  Our students typically feel very privileged to live in this upscale housing. While we encourage you to enjoy yourself and be social, we also recommend you  take large social gatherings outside of your unit to make noise complaints less likely. Remember, there are other residents, families, and business people living in these apartments and you must respect everyone.  

Pool/Gym Facilities

  • Front desk (reception/security): open 24 hours a day 7 days a week
  • Emergencies: Dial 9
  • Gym/fitness room: open from 6:00 AM – 9:30 PM
  • Indoor/outdoor swimming pool: open from 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM


  • Guests found breaching the terms and conditions may be evicted without prior warning and, if required, law enforcement will be notified and requested to attend.  
  • Should we suspect involvement in illicit activities in the apartment or in or around the property, we have the right to contact the police to investigate further and evict any and all persons we suspect may be involved.
  • Management reserves that right to inspect the apartment during your stay or on departure.
  • Should a room be deemed unusable after your departure or eviction, you will be liable for all expenses to return the apartment to its original state along with any related loss of income incurred during this period, charged at the current best available rate.
  • Eviction will include the loss of all prepaid monies held for the remaining duration of the booking; this balance will not contribute towards any outstanding incidentals or any damages including the potential loss of income due to any damages.
  • It is the policy of Peppers Broadbeach that immediate eviction will be the result if any guests or guest’s visitors are found to have thrown any item off the balcony. This includes bottles, glassware, or any other in room or personal item. There will be NO prior warnings, only immediate eviction with NO refunds on accommodation.
  • In the event of a call to local authorities which results in a fee or charge, this charge will be directly attributed to the registered guest. ($1,050.00 for a fire alarm resulting in fire brigade attendance).
  • No more than the registered number of guests are permitted in the apartment after 10:00 PM.
  • After 9:00 PM, noise must be kept to a minimum and in accordance with local legislation governing noise control. Unregistered guests creating a nuisance may be asked to vacate the premises.
  • The apartment and its contents on departure will be returned in a similar condition to arrival. We recommend checking the apartment upon entry, if you have any concerns with your apartment on arrival, please notify reception immediately.
  • The apartment must not be used for any illicit activities.
  • Objects must not be thrown from the balconies.
  • A non-smoking policy is enforced at all times. Any room left with a cigarette odor upon departure, will attract a $200.00 smoking fee. This fee covers the cost of a professional deodorization process to return the room to its original quality.  

Close Circuit TV cameras are in use in and around the property and in the lifts.  Footage may be used as evidence in a court of law.

The Reserve Housing

Welcome to The Reserve Housing

Your Resident Director will meet with each student group upon arrival or after settling into your apartment to discuss your responsibilities while living in TEAN accommodation. This accommodation has been secured by TEAN for the entire length of your study.  

TEAN has built a strong relationship with The Reserve on-site managers and your neighbors. We want you to have a good time this semester, but please remember to respect this apartment and the neighbors at all times.  

You are each personally responsible for the condition of your own room. Any damages occurring in your room will be billed to you accordingly. As a household, you are all responsible for keeping your apartment clean and tidy for the duration of your stay. Any damages occurring to the common areas will be billed/shared by the household members.  

To ensure you keep your apartment in good condition, the Resident Director will be making monthly inspections, or more frequently if deemed necessary. You will be notified at least 24 hours in advance of these inspections.

Please ensure that the apartment is securely locked before you leave each day.

Unit Contents

Most conveniences have been supplied and are in the apartment. Please report any breakages or missing items as soon as possible to the on-site manager or your TEAN Resident Director.

Smoke alarms have been fitted and you should familiarize yourself with an escape route in the event of fire. Do not, under any circumstances, disable your smoke alarm. Should you disable your smoke alarm, you will be charged for repairs/reconnection.  If the fire department are called out – you will be charged the call out fee which is very expensive.


You have been issued with a full set of keys to your unit. The cost to replace lost or stolen keys is expensive (approximately $41.50 per front door key, $21.50 per letterbox key and $55 for fobs); therefore, please be responsible and do not lose your keys. They must be returned at the end of your stay. Should you lose your keys, please report this to your Resident Director immediately.

Rubbish Removal

All cartons and boxes must be flattened and all household garbage needs to be put into bags prior to going into bins. Bins are located in the basements of each block.

At the End of Your Stay

Property Managers are very strict in Australia. You MUST leave your accommodation exactly as you found it (e.g. good clean condition, with all personal belongings, food, etc. removed). The Resident Director will contact you in writing a month before your departure to outline the procedures for moving out.

Tenancy Agreement

TEAN has signed the tenancy agreement for all units/houses. However, you are responsible for maintaining the units in the manner required by the owners. Before departing the U.S. you were required to read and sign the TEAN, LLC HOUSING AND RESIDENCE AGREEMENT which outlined the conditions of you’re residing in TEAN accommodation.

As a reminder – during your stay you must:

  • Keep all plumbing clean and clear
  • Dispose of all garbage as directed by management
  • Keep the walls, floors, doors and ceilings of the premises free of nails, screws or adhesive substances
  • Not intentionally or negligently damage the premises and inclusions (including glass and mirrors)
  • Only hang clothing and other articles outside the premises in areas designated by management.
  • Request permission before the installation of any picture hooks
  • Be aware that Blu-Tac and all stickers ARE NOT PERMITTED to be used on any surface

Air Conditioning

Air conditioning should be set no lower than 23 degrees Celsius due to the high humidity in Queensland. Please turn off the air-conditioning units when the weather cools and/or you will be away from the apartment for an extended period of time.


If you have any issues regarding the apartment, please contact reception immediately.

If you are unsuccessful in an attempt to resolve an issue through reception, please contact your Resident Director.

Noise Complaints, Etc.

  • Residents must not create noise likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of other residents. All residents are asked to consider others and are requested to quiet down nightly after 10:00 PM. In the case of any written noise complaints, a Notice to Remedy Breach may be issued. If you break this policy, you risk being evicted immediately by The Cape Management.
  • Upon receiving a complaint, The Cape Security will visit your apartments and investigate the complaint. Depending on the circumstances, you will be warned, fined or possibly evicted.
  • You will only receive one warning from Security.
  • Any successive complaints about your apartment will be directed immediately to your Resident Director, who will follow up directly with you and your housemates. Depending on the circumstance, you will receive an Official Warning (which you must sign and acknowledge), be issued a fine, or an Immediate Eviction Notice.  
  • Should you receive an Official Warning and any subsequent complaints occur, this will bring an Immediate Eviction Notice regardless of the circumstances.
  • All TEAN housing is smoke free. Smoking is also prohibited on all balconies. Please smoke outside of the apartment building.
  • All TEAN housing is drug free. If you are found using drugs within your apartment, you will be immediately evicted.  

NOTE: While we encourage you to enjoy yourself and to be social, we also recommend that you take large social gatherings outside of your unit to make noise complaints less likely.   


  • Front desk and reception: open Monday – Friday from 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM
  • Pool and BBQ area: Open daily from 6:00 AM until 9:00 PM
  • Reserve use of the Kitchen Area and clean up after Kitchen and BBQ use or a cleaner will be hired at the tenant’s expense

Housing Advice

General Housing Advice

As most of you are now sharing a room and living in an apartment with new people, you may come across some challenges. We always like to remind everyone to get out of your housing and into the world exploring what the Goldie and surrounding areas have to offer. Try not to worry too much about the size of your room or closet, if your room is smaller than another room, if your bathroom is smaller, etc.

We also suggest you sit down as a group/apartment and have a “family dinner” to better get to know one another and set some ground rules that you all agree to. Each person can contribute as to what is important to them and what isn’t as important, such as:  

  • Do you clean up after you have eaten a meal or wait for the end of the day?
  • Do you have the option to share each other’s food or should you ask permission? And if so – what is okay to just take and what isn’t? (For example, is it okay to use someone else milk for your coffee or not?)
  • Who takes out the trash?
  • How tidy do you like to keep your bathrooms and living areas?
  • What time you like to go to bed and do you prefer to sleep with blinds open/closed or a light on/off
  • How you cope with noise at night – do you prefer that people are quieter after a certain time?
  • How do you feel about visitors coming over – is it okay or not? And if so – until what time?

It’s important you all remain open and honest when you live together. Please remember to always talk  about things and keep communication open. If your roommates are frustrating or challenging you in some way, talk with them privately and work on a compromise or a way to figure it out.  

It’s normal to have roommate frustrations. It’s impossible for everyone to always get along – this is just part of life and an important lesson to go through. We also are positive that even if you have a few bumps along the way, you’ll end up loving your housing in Oz!

Moving Out of Housing

You MUST leave your accommodation exactly as you found it (e.g. in good clean condition, with all personal belongings, food, etc. moved out). Upon departure, an inspection will be carried out of your room and apartment.

Please note that if this is not done, you will be charged for the Resident Director’s time to tidy the house for the cleaners. Any items left in your rooms will be donated to charity or thrown out.

Your responsibilities

It is expected that the following areas will be cleaned satisfactorily:

  • Individual Bedrooms: Your room is your own responsibility
  • Floors: Pick up any items off the floor
  • Rubbish: Put all rubbish or recycling in the bin outside. If there is any rubbish left in your apartment you will incur an additional rubbish removal fee
  • Personal Effects: Remove all your personal articles from the entire apartment
  • Furniture: Leave all furniture in its original place
  • Walls: Clean off any scuff or hand marks and stains
  • Communal Areas: In the communal areas, please place particular emphasis on the condition of the walls and carpet, and the cleanliness of the oven, stove, microwave and fridge. All appliances in the apartment including the washing machine and dryer should be left clean. Please make a note of any broken or missing items of furniture or equipment.
  • Microwave: Clean the microwave inside (wash turning plate) and wipe clean the outside
  • Fridge: Remove all food from the fridge and freezer and clean.
  • Kitchen Cupboards: Remove all food from the kitchen cupboards and clean
  • Bathroom: Empty all personal effects from drawers and cupboards and leave bath towels/mats in a pile on the floor (we will have them commercially cleaned)
  • Outside: Outdoor areas should be left tidy and free of all rubbish.
Entire Household Responsibilities

It is your responsibility as a household to organize your tasks. Please do not neglect any of the areas mentioned and please be considerate of all members of your household. If you are the first to leave, do not leave all the work to the last person.

Returning Your Keys

You will need to arrange to return your keys before you vacate your accommodation for the last time. Check out at the front desk, or if you leave early ensure you leave your keys in the key drop.

If you are in The Reserve or On-Campus – please chat with the property manager prior to your departure date to ensure you check out following their procedures. You must be vacated by 10:00 AM.

Housing Security Deposit Refunds

At the end of the Housing Period, TEAN will be permitted to make any deduction from the Deposit that is necessary to cover any direct or indirect costs that have been or will be incurred to: clean the Premises; repair damage to the Premises including all furnishings and improvements; replace or restore damaged or missing items; provide furnishings, fixtures, non-contractual services and/or other household items required by Occupant or any other occupants of the Premises; and otherwise restore the Premises to the move-in condition.

If TEAN can reasonably determine (i.e., an occupant takes specific responsibility for damage incurred) that certain costs should be allocated to an occupant, then a specific allocation will be made. Otherwise, the aggregate amount of such costs will be allocated in equal proportion to each occupant of the Premises. If TEAN determines that the Deposit is not sufficient to pay for any damages, then Occupant will be required to pay for such excess damages prior to departure from the program site. Failure to settle any charges prior to departure from the program site will result in the charges being assessed to your TEAN account.

Occupant is required to complete and submit the Housing Security Deposit Request Form within 30-days of vacating the Premises. Upon receipt of the Deposit Request Form and after all costs are determined and deducted from the Deposit, remaining funds, if any, will be refunded to the Occupant. Please note we cannot accept the Deposit Request Form before you vacate the premises.

Please note that if for some reason the cleaning/damages costs exceed your Security Deposit your official academic transcript will be held until all debts are cleared with TEAN.

Finalizing Accounts
  1. Make sure you finalize any accounts not set up by TEAN before you leave.
  2. Please ensure that you finalize any personal phone call expenses with Bond and that you ensure you don’t have any outstanding debts at Bond.

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the above information on vacating your TEAN accommodation, please do not hesitate to contact your Resident Director.

Important Contact Info


To contact the police, fire depart or for an ambulance in case of emergencies: 000

Local Transport

For transport information, call 131230 or visit the TRANSLink website for trip planners, timetables, bus stop search, ticket types, fares, service changes, etc.

Taxi Service: Regent: 131008

TEAN Staff

Helen Armitage
Resident Director
0410 799 658 or helen.armitage@teanabroad.org

Emma Black
Resident Assistant
0403 421 155 or emma.black@teanabroad.org

Rebecca Gillingham
Resident Assistant
0432 084 407 or rebecca.gillingham@teanabroad.org

Other Resources

Local Resources

  • The Gold Coast Bulletin (local paper)
  • The Courier Mail (Brisbane paper)
  • The Australian (national paper)
  • For entertainment information check out Scenestr and subscribe to their e-newsletter.
  • Another great source of what’s on is The Urban List – Gold Coast
Travel Resources

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