We have outlined here TEAN’s six easy steps to studying abroad. Your TEAN Program Manager guides you through the entire process, reminding you when and what we need from you as you traverse along the journey to studying abroad. These six steps also include all the vital information you need to know as you prepare for your time abroad. If you can’t find the answers to your questions here, then don’t hesitate to call or email us.

Get Started



Congratulations! You have applied to a TEAN China semester program, so you are already one step towards the best semester of your college life! This section walks you through how to complete your application, paying your deposit, how to obtain a passport and check that yours will be valid for the duration you need, the best ways to contact TEAN, and all those important dates to mark down on your calendar now. As usual, if your questions are not answered here, don’t hesitate to contact us. Step 1: Get Started explained in 60 seconds.

TEAN Application


1. If you haven’t already started your application with TEAN, you will need to visit the apply now page to start the process. You will be asked to pay a $95 application deposit that is counted toward your total program fees.

2. Once you’ve submitted your application and paid the application deposit, our team will review your application.

3. After your application has been approved by TEAN you will receive an email from us with information on how to login to your account and access your application.

4. Now you can start to work on the checklist items listed for your application. You will see a list of things that need to be worked on including the following:

  • TEAN Applicant Profile 
  • Copy of Your Passport – see the step by step instructions below (let us know if you’re renewing).   
  • Send the TEAN Statement from University electronically to your advisor at your home institution for completion 
  • Emergency Contact Info  
  • Academic Reference (if marked as required) 

As we move through the application process more forms and items will be added to your checklist by your Program Manager. So continue to check back for updates! 

5. Submit your most recent transcripts

In order for us to fully accept you into the program, we will need to review your official transcripts. For students studying in the Spring semester, we will need transcripts including grades from the previous Spring semester. For Fall students, we require transcripts including grades from the previous Fall semester.

There are two ways you can submit your official transcripts:

1. Request an official copy of your transcript be sent via mail to our office:

5301 Southwest Parkway, Suite 200
Austin, TX 78735

2. Request an official copy of your transcript be sent electronically (directly from your Registrar’s office) to We are unable to accept documents that have been previously opened as they are then considered “unofficial.”

Program Acceptance


Once you complete the required forms in your TEAN application portal, your Program Manager will let you know that you are accepted to the program!  Once accepted, we will provide information on how you will pay for your program. If we do not have a billing agreement with your home institution, you will receive your program invoice at this time. Payment is due by your program’s payment deadline. We’ll send you more information on how to make payment, using financial aid, and the option of a payment plan. Please be prepared to make payment by your payment deadline in order to move forward with the program.  You can review more information regarding finances here 


Your TEAN Program Contract will be available in your TEAN application portal once you apply. You must sign and upload your completed Program Contract by your program’s payment deadline. Please familiarize yourself with the cancellation policy below prior to signing your  contract. 


The below cancellation policy applies if a student chooses to withdraw.  For our policy covering TEAN cancelling the program, please see here. 

This policy applies to all cancellations, regardless of the reason. Your request to withdraw and receive a refund must be made in writing to TEAN. The $95 application deposit is non-refundable. If your application is denied due to eligibility requirements, your deposit will be fully refunded. Alternative payment arrangements (financial aid, payment plans, etc.) do not exempt you from this policy. Payment deadlines can be found on our Dates & Fees page. 

If you withdraw…  

  • on or before the TEAN original payment due date, you are liable for the $95 application deposit  
  • 1-9 days after the TEAN original payment due date, you are liable for $750 plus costs incurred by TEAN on your behalf  
  • 10-20 days after the TEAN original payment due date, you are liable for $1,250 plus costs incurred by TEAN on your behalf. Summer program participants are liable for $1,000 plus costs incurred by TEAN on your behalf.  
  • 21 or more days after the TEAN original payment due date but prior to the final deadline for withdrawal, you are liable for $1,750 plus costs incurred by TEAN on your behalf. Summer program participants are liable for $1,500 plus costs incurred by TEAN on your behalf.   

The final deadline to withdraw from any TEAN program is 14 days prior to the start date of the program. If you withdraw after this deadline, regardless of the reason for withdrawal, you are not eligible for any refund from TEAN.  

Signing and returning all documents in your student portal is your responsibility. If you fail to return the documents after repeated notification (email or call), you will be deemed withdrawn and will not be eligible for any refund.  

Housing confirmation fees are non-refundable after the TEAN original payment due date. If you change or defer to another TEAN program after your TEAN original payment due date, but prior to the final deadline to withdraw, TEAN will assess a $500 change fee plus costs incurred. Program changes are not permitted 1-14 days prior to the start of the program. Prior to your official acceptance, please refrain from booking flights for your program. TEAN reserves the right to adjust program dates to accommodate host university calendar changes and is not responsible for airline fare or ticket change fees incurred by program participants.   

Prices and dates are subject to change without notice. 


Apply/Renew your Passport

Obtaining a passport for international travel may take a considerable period of time as the State Department can often have a backlog of applications to work through. Therefore, it is crucial that you apply for your passport as early as possible to avoid any last minute complications. You can apply for your passport at your local U.S. Post Office.

You can obtain necessary information regarding passports from the U.S. Department of State: Passport Services Department,   download passport applications, find a nationwide list of passport agencies, etc. here.

Verify Validity of your Passport

As a condition of your student visa, your passport must be valid a minimum of six months post your anticipated return home. If your current passport is set to expire before then, you will need to apply for a renewal.

Inform TEAN of your passport details

  1. Scan a copy of your passport page with your photo and information on it.
  2. Upload the scanned image to your TEAN application where it states, “Please upload a copy/photo of your passport (signature and picture page only).” Alternatively, email the scanned copy of your passport to your TEAN Program Manager.
  3. Enter your passport information under the section titled, “TEAN Applicant Profile.”

Please Note: If you are not a holder of a U.S. passport, it is important that you complete this section immediately and notify your TEAN Program Manager. China has strict regulations as to who may apply for a student visa, so it’s pertinent that we get your application in immediately.

Contacting TEAN

Contacting TEAN

Email is the primary form of communication during the application and enrollment period. Please provide us with an email address you use regularly, as important program announcements and instructions will be sent via email. Also, please check your email on a regular basis and make sure to update your online application if you change your email address. Please also periodically check your junk mail to ensure that messages from TEAN are not being filtered into “spam”. If messages are being filtered into spam, please add the TEAN email address to your contacts.

In addition, please be sure to include your full name on all correspondence (including emails). We work with many students so providing your full name will ensure timely responses to questions and inquiries.

Mailing Address

The Education Abroad Network
2405 N Sheffield Ave #14522
Chicago, IL 60614

Telephone and Fax

Toll Free: 1-800-585-9658 (from within U.S.)
Local Number: 1-312-239-3710 (from outside of U.S.)
Fax: 1-312-239-3713

Office Hours

TEAN is open Monday – Thursday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, and Friday from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Central Standard Time and observes all major holidays. If these hours are not convenient, you may schedule a time outside of our normal business hours to speak with us. If you are currently abroad, it is possible to set up a time to Skype and get to know your program managers.

Important Dates

Important Dates

We finalize our program calendar several months before each semester abroad. During that time, we work with our overseas partner universities in order to determine our orientation schedule. We will provide updated information pertaining to orientation, key semester dates, flights and excursions once our program calendar has been finalized. We will send you an email notification once the updated calendar information has been posted on the website so you can plan accordingly.

Once the program calendar has been finalized, we will post this information on our website and you’ll be notified by your Program Manager. Once the calendar has been released, all dates are still subject to change. While we do not anticipate any date changes once the calendar has been finalized, we reserve the right to make changes, particularly if one of our partner universities institutes their own date modification. All program participants will be contacted in the event of a date change.


If you haven’t already, please start your TEAN application prior to your program’s application deadline.  Your payment for the program (unless we have a billing agreement with your home institution) and Program Contract are due by your program’s payment deadline. You can find both deadlines on our Dates & Fees page. You must also reach out to your home institution’s study abroad office to ensure you meet any of their deadlines to study abroad. 

Please review the cancellation policy in the ‘Program Acceptance’ section above for important dates should you choose to withdraw your application. 


Most airlines do not allow open-ended tickets and now require international passengers to select a return date at the time of booking their flight. Return dates can be changed, subject to availability and ticket rules, but program participants should initially book a return flight home no earlier than one day after their university exams are scheduled to finish. After receiving their final exam schedule, participants can change their return to an earlier date, if their schedule permits. However, participants should not rely on professors allowing exams to be taken prior to the official exam date, as professors are under no obligation to accommodate such requests. For example, if the student’s last exam is December 17th they should not rely on rescheduling it so they can return home early.

Housing Dates

We provide housing until one day after the final day of university exams. Study abroad students generally finish their exams before the last scheduled exam date so students should have plenty of time to prepare for their departure. Please also pay particular attention to the housing move-in dates. We are unable to make exceptions for early move-in requests due to the complexity of housing logistics.

Program Start Dates

The program officially begins at the start of our Orientation program in Shanghai, China. Students arriving in advance of our orientation will be responsible for their own transportation from the airport and any necessary accommodations prior to the orientation start date.

Dates by Program

Semester in Shanghai
Summer in Shanghai 

Diversity & Identity

Diversity and Identity

One of our main goals at TEAN is to make sure all of our students are thoroughly supported from day one of the study abroad process. Embracing diversity in all its forms is very important to us. We’re dedicated to providing the most information and resources possible so students can make an informed decision on what program will best suit them, both academically and personally. We encourage all students to read through our Diversity and Identity page of our website to find resources useful for you directly and learn more about the students you will be studying abroad with.

Get Schooled



Congratulations again! If you’ve gotten this far you are well and truly on your way to an incredible time in China! This section contains information on selecting your courses so you can ensure you get credit for the courses you take at Fudan. We have also included details on some of the academic differences you can expect in China. Step 2: Get Schooled explained in 60 seconds.

Chinese Higher Education

Chinese Higher Education

Students participating in one of our China programs will find that the Chinese education system pays attention to the accumulation of knowledge with less emphasis on daily/weekly assignments. There is quite a great deal of importance placed on self-motivation so it is important to stay on top of readings and keep up with the class progression throughout the semester. The final examinations will typically count for a large percentage of your grade so it is best to not wait and cram for the final exam at the end of the term. Entry into Chinese universities is based on high school exams which are quite grueling and determine which “level” university the student can be admitted to. In the university system, electives are not as common as in the U.S. Also, many schools tend to emphasize science, business and technology courses over liberal arts units.

With a rich history of respect for teachings, such as Confucius, students in China do not often question a professor’s teachings. Unlike in the U.S. where critical thinking and participation is encouraged, Chinese classrooms are very lecture-based. Students have been taught since a young age to respect the knowledge and authority of their teacher.

It is also important to understand that Chinese universities work on a much different timeline than American universities. The Chinese academic calendar is based around national holidays, which in turn is based around the lunar calendar. As such, dates are often subject to change before and throughout the academic term. Students will need to develop a good sense of flexibility when it comes to planning their time abroad in China.

The academic calendar for the school year (Fall – Spring) in China is traditionally released in the summer. So students planning to study in the Fall semester need to be more patient in allowing us to confirm the program dates. These dates are also often subject to adjustment once the semester gets underway. As soon as this information is released by Fudan we will provide it to you. You must be flexible and understanding when making your arrangements to study abroad in China, however, don’t be concerned! Hundreds of students have been through this process with TEAN and had a rewarding, authentic Chinese experience at Fudan.

Given the above note on the Chinese academic calendar, it is also important to know that course catalogs containing offerings and their course descriptions are not released until just before the start of the semester. Students will be sent past course offerings in similar academic terms to give you a good idea of what will be available during the term in which you will be studying at Fudan University.

American-style syllabi are relatively uncommon in Chinese education. A lot of the syllabi that we have on file are specifically created for American institutions and partners like TEAN. You’ll find that some of the dates will be a bit off from the dates of your term, but once in China you will find that the content stays the same.

We have a lot of syllabi already in our files, however, we may have to request one for you and requests for syllabi can take a few weeks. Please keep this in mind if your school has a deadline to approve courses so you can send those requests as early as you can. You may send all your syllabi requests to your Program Manager.

Students attending Fudan for the fall semester should be aware that most courses taught in English do end before the winter holidays but some may not. Please plan accordingly. If you have questions contact your Program Manager.

These cultural and academic differences will allow you to have an experience completely different from what you are used to at your home university. Take these opportunities to remember, “It’s not wrong or weird, it’s just different!” and to immerse yourself into an incredible time abroad.

Semester Courses - Fudan University

The TEAN Model

TEAN has established a model with Fudan University where students are able to choose from a broad range of English-language courses throughout the university’s academic departments. This is a key difference between our programs and those offered through other study abroad programs. TEAN course selections offer students the opportunity to be in the company of Chinese students looking to improve their English-language skills and receive credit for their courses on an official Fudan transcript. Students who have advanced Chinese language skills also have the opportunity to take their courses in Mandarin. 

Important Information on Courses
  • Your tuition allows you to take up to 16 credits maximum at Fudan. Any additional Fudan courses will be charged at a rate of $300 USD per credit.
  • In China, a standard course meets for 2 or 3 hours of class time per week, for anywhere between 16-18 weeks per semester depending on the lunar calendar. As a result the number of contact hours can vary per semester. At Fudan, 2 credits is equivalent to 32-36 contact hours, and 3 credits is equivalent to 48-54. Because of the difference between the credit hours between standard American universities and Fudan, you should talk about this with your academic advisor. 
  • Students should aim to take 3-credit courses as they will transfer back normally as 3-4 U.S. credits. Contact your Program Manager should you need a course conversion chart. 
  • Conversion is dependent on your home university and you should meet with your academic advisor about this prior to departure to make sure that you courses are approved and will transfer back to your home institution. 
  • Courses with the ICES designation are only for students on direct exchange with Fudan through the International Cooperation and Exchange office and are not available for TEAN students to take, with the exception of the language courses. Chinese language courses are available to TEAN students. 

Chinese Language Courses

Chinese language courses are available through Fudan’s International Cultural Exchange School, ICES. Three level of courses are available, each for 4 Fudan credits. There are 4 contact hours per week.  Classes typically meet twice a week. 

Courses are as follows: 

  1. Beginning Chinese – ICES110010.02
  2. Intermediate Chinese – ICES110010.0
  3. Advanced Chinese for Foreign Students I – ICES110001.01 

Selecting your Courses

Please make sure you’ve read the Chinese Higher Education section prior to starting with your course selections. It is crucial to understand the process. 

Below are listed the past course rosters for the fall and spring semesters. You will use these lists to choose courses for your upcoming program. For example, if you are studying in the spring then please use the two spring lists to determine which courses will most likely be offered in the spring. All courses are subject to change, but you can use previous semesters as a guideline. Typically, there are few changes to the courses offered each term.

If you need any syllabi, please email your TEAN Program Manager.

Work with your home university to determine which Fudan courses are approved for you to take.

Once you have made your course selections, submit them online in your TEAN application in the form that should now be viewable called TEAN Course Selections.

Your formal course enrollment will be finalized when you arrive in China. Our resident staff will assist you in your final selections for courses.  At Fudan University, the first two weeks of the semester are add/drop weeks where you can try out courses and re-arrange your schedule if necessary. After this period there will be a fee for adding or dropping a course, much like at your home university. 

Popular Courses

Please note that subjects may change each term and the below courses may no longer be offered.

Popular Courses offered in English
Spring Courses Fall Courses
Korean Business & Management in the Global Context MANA110050 How to Write Research Paper ECON130171
Organizational Behavior MANA130046 Marketing Channel Management MANA130059
Financial Management MANA130004 Service Marketing MANA130062
Marketing Management MANA130006 Business Ethics MANA130320
Marketing Information Systems MANA130007 International Finance ECON110024
Organizational Communication & Its Social Context MANA120324 Economics of Development ECON130012
Investment Fund Management MANA130349 International Marketing ECON130063
Microeconomics SOFT120004 Project Evaluation MANA116005
Foreign Business Investment MANA116015
Entrepreneurial Development MANA116018
International Markets Study MANA116019
Business Research Methods MANA116021
Company Logistics MANA116022
Personal & Business Finance MANA116027
Investment Fund Management MANA130349
Tourism Marketing TOUR130007
Spring Courses Fall Courses
Atmospheric Chemistry ENVI130045 Energy & Environment ENVI110010
Aqueous Environmental Chemistry ENVI130061 Global Environmental Change ENVI130044
Instrumentation ENVI13007
Urbanisation & Development SOCI110052
Humanities & Social Sciences
Spring Courses Fall Courses
Selected Readings in History of American Literature FORE11006 Nordic Literature FORE110013
Philosophy of Logic PHIL130048 Shakespearean Tragedy FORE110031
Politics & External Relations of the European Union POLI130032 Language & Culture FORE110036
Introduction to Comparative Politics POLI130153 Selected Readings in History of American Literature FORE110068
British & American Press FORE110071
Selected Readings in English Short Stories FORE110076
Philosophy of Mind PHIL130101
Nordic Countries: An Introduction POLI110049
Philosophy of Mind PHIL130101
Collective Actions I POLI130155
Dissertation Writing POLI130170
Pre-Qin (Classical) Daoism & Mohism PHIL110030
Introduction to Psychology SOSC120013
International Studies
Spring Courses Fall Courses
Linguistics of Chinese Sign Language CHIN130173 History of Diplomacy in Modern China POLI110033
Artistic Charms of Chinese Traditional Culture PHIL110045 Regional Scenario: Asian Pacific POLI110034
Western Etiquette Culture POLI130137 International Political Economics POLI110035
Religion in Chinese Society SOCI130136 Intercultural & International Communication POLI130138
Introduction to Psychology SOCI120013 International Economic Policy POLI130187
China’s Population & Development SOCI110033
Shanghai in Comparative Perspective: Urban Research SOCI130135
Conflict Resolution & International Negotiation POLI110039
Introduction to International Relations POLI110046
Spring Courses Fall Courses
International Investment Law LAWS130036
International Commercial Arbitration Law LAWS130041
Media & Communication
Spring Courses Fall Courses
North European Movies FORE110021
Spring Courses Fall Courses
Research Methodology & Scientific Paper Writing BIOL130051 Bioethics BIOL130067
Human Evolutionary Genetics BIOL130073 General Chemistry A I CHEM120005
Biological Thermodynamics BIOL130093 Microsystem & Lab on a Chip MATE130086
General Chemistry II CHEM120006 General Physics B PHYS120003
Fundamental Physics Experiments PHYS120015 Molecular Imaging & Drug Discovery PHAR130092
Fundamental Physics Experiments PHYS120015
Problem-Based Pharmacology PHAR130086
Choose Earth

The Choose Earth Program is an opt-in experiential learning opportunity that develops the knowledge, skills, and attitudes students and participants need to become locally engaged, civically minded, and globally responsible. Understanding how your individual choices made at the local level have a global impact is essential! By engaging as many participants as possible with Choose Earth, our collective actions will positively impact the planet’s vitality, diversity, and longevity. 

If you would like to participate in our Choose Earth Micro-Credential, click here for more information.  

Check out these other great courses that are available for standard credits! 

  • Climate Change and Energy ENVI110013.01
  • Aqueous Environmental Chemistry ENVI130061.01
  • Soil Environmental Chemistry ENVI130090.01
  • Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict POLI130192.01
  • China’s Population and Development POLI130192.01
  • Introduction to Heritage Tourism TOUR130061.01
  • Global Environmental Change ENVI130044 

Summer Courses - Fudan University

Courses and Credits

Courses at Fudan University’s International Summer Session cover a variety of disciplines: History and Culture, Society and Politics, Business and Economy, Law, Physical Education, and Chinese Language.

Students attending the International Summer Campus are able to select one to three courses over the 4-week program. Each course is typically 2 Fudan credits, which should transfer back to your home university at 3 credits, but is at the discretion of your home university. Each course typically meets three times a week. Language courses meet every day.

Selecting your Courses

You have the option of taking one language class (beginner, intermediate or advanced) and can choose either one or two content courses. Students are not required to take a language course but must take either one or two content courses.

  1. You may find the current courses offered and access the syllabi on Fudan’s summer course listing. Click the Course Title to download the syllabus. Chinese Language syllabi are not available online, so please reach out to your Program Manager for these. 
  2. Work with your home university to determine which Fudan courses are approved for you to take.
  3. Once you have made your course selections, submit them online in your TEAN application in the form that should now be viewable called TEAN Course Selections

Please note that the course schedule will be published closer to the program start date.  We recommend choosing at least 1-2 backup courses in case your preferred courses are held during the same timeframe. Your Program Manager will let you know when the course schedule is available.

About 2-4 weeks before you depart for your program, your Program Manager will send you instructions on how you can enroll in your courses. This will be done online, so your courses are finalized prior to your arrival in China.

Semester Internship

Part-Time Semester Internship

TEAN offers the opportunity to add a part-time internship in addition to your courses through Fudan. This is a great opportunity to gain real world professional experience and add to your resume while abroad. Past placements have been in the fields of Business, Marketing, Software Development, Travel, Journalism, Nonprofits, Event Management and Advertising, and are usually 2-3 days per week. Students should plan to allocate two full free days within their course schedule for a placement. If you decide you would like to give an internship a shot, please notify your Program Manager as soon as possible to get started on this process.

There is an additional $500 cost for all internships sourced through our team. Internships will be sourced after arrival and finalization of your course schedule to assure your internship does not conflict with your classes.

Please note that we do not currently offer a part-time internship in conjunction with the summer program. For more information on doing a summer internship in Shanghai, please refer to our Shanghai Internship program.

Financial Aid

Financial Aid

A representative from the study abroad office will be able to assist you in determining how much, if any, of your financial aid will transfer to your experience abroad.

While we strive to keep our programs affordable, we recognize that many students need financial help. The good news is that most financial aid you are currently receiving is applicable toward study abroad. Generally, you can transfer federal financial aid, such as Pell Grants and Stafford Loans, that do not need to be repaid until after graduation.

See the Higher Education Act of 1965 (Public Law 102-325, 106 Stat.448): The act was reauthorized in the summer of 1992 to include a number of provisions to facilitate the use of federal financial aid for study abroad. (NAFSA: Association of International Educators Newsletter, Volume 44, No 3/Dec-Jan 1993).

The U.S. Department of Education advised that the Perkins Loans, SSIG Grant Program, Pell Grants, FSEOG Grants, Stafford Loans, SLS loans, PLUS Loans and Consolidation loans can now be used for study abroad. Your study abroad experience does not have to be compulsory for your degree program in order to apply your aid. Please contact your home institution financial aid office to discuss your financial aid options for study abroad.


The Financial Aid Agreement form (FAA) is completed by you and your home university. The FAA acts as proof of incoming funds and allows you to defer a portion of your payment until your financial aid awards are released, even if that is after your program start date. Note: If your entire program is covered by aid, a down payment is still required to confirm your participation in the program. More information will be available via a link in your TEAN portal. 

  1. Download the Financial Aid Agreement from your TEAN application 

2. Read the information carefully and sign and date the student portion at the bottom 

  1. Send your signed FAA to your financial aid office and ask them to either send to or return the form to you to upload to your TEAN application. 
  2. Pay your program’s down payment OR the balance not covered by aid (whichever amount is greater) by your program’s payment deadline.

For example: If your financial aid covers all but $700 of your balance and your program down payment is $1000, you would pay $1,000 by the payment deadline. This $1,000 would go towards your total program balance. 

If your financial aid only covers $5,000 of your $12,000 program balance, you would pay the difference ($7,000) at the payment deadline and then pay the remaining $5,000 once your aid is disbursed. 

  1. Pay your remaining balance once your financial aid is disbursed. Payment is due to TEAN within 5 business days of the date listed on your FAA form.

Your FAA is due by your program’s payment deadline. You can read more about financial aid and payment options here 

Consortium Agreements

If you are currently receiving financial aid (federal loans, grants, scholarships, etc.) from your home institution, please follow these steps. The financial aid you currently receive may not be processed in the same manner and the same amounts may not be awarded to you.

Step 1: Visit your home university’s financial aid office and inform them you will be studying abroad through TEAN. Ask them how much of your current aid will transfer for a study abroad experience. You will also need to check if there is additional paperwork specific to your home university.

Step 2: Ask your financial aid office if they have a “consortium agreement” (do not worry if this is a foreign term to you, they will know what it is!), which essentially means they will complete all paperwork regarding your existing financial aid while you are studying abroad. This is the ideal arrangement as it makes the whole process easier for everyone. You will also need to have a TEAN Financial Aid Agreement form filled out that will be provided to you by your Program Manager.

Step 3: If they have a consortium agreement, most likely they will have an existing agreement that is university specific. TEAN will likely have to sign this for you and send it back to them. It will not go to your overseas institution. The TEAN Financial Aid Agreement form should then be faxed or emailed to us.

Unfortunately, not all universities will sign a consortium agreement. If this applies to your school please consult us immediately for further guidance.

Please note: The financial aid process is very complex and adequate planning is necessary. You should contact your home institution’s financial aid office if you will, or think you may need to, apply loans or aid to your study abroad program. TEAN is not a lending institution so unfortunately, all financial aid and loan discussions will need to be made within your home university’s financial aid office.



In addition to the current financial aid you receive, you may want to consider one of our many scholarships. Each year TEAN awards thousands of scholarship dollars to qualified program participants.  Awards range from $1,000 – $5,000, and we have a range of categories that students may qualify for. In addition, there are scholarship opportunities available through several external organizations. Review details of the available study abroad scholarships. If you are a returning TEAN student, review the option to apply for our TEAN Repeat Grant as well.


TEAN makes every effort to provide reasonable accommodations abroad. The level of accommodations varies by country and by university, thus TEAN cannot guarantee that all services offered at your home university can be matched in your program location. We will try to accommodate you as much as possible through coordination with the resident staff, the host university abroad and others in charge of student services overseas.

The host university and TEAN facilities and sites may not be equipped to handle special physical or other requirements as stipulated by the Americans with Disabilities Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The Office of Civil Rights, United States Department of Education has opined that ADA and Section 504 do not apply extraterritorially. Accordingly, please understand that our asking you for further information does not imply what, if any, accommodation may be provided to you by TEAN or the host university.

Get a Room



You will live in an off-campus studio apartment that includes furnishings, a private bathroom, and wifi. All housing options are an easy commute to campus and downtown. Within a short walk from your front door, you’ll find restaurants, shopping, and public transit.

Off-Campus Apartments

Off-Campus Apartments

Location: Varies by term, all convenient locations to get to campus and downtown Shanghai
Meal Plan: None available
Commute:  Most housing options are within a 30-minute commute by public transit or a 20-minute walk to Fudan’s campus.  All housing is located near public transit for a convenient commute to campus and downtown Shanghai.
Accessibility: Accessible options vary greatly, please consult your program manager for additional information. 

Students will have their own single room within an apartment or long-stay hotel complex. All studio apartments are fully furnished and include a private bathroom, wifi, and access to laundry facilities. Most do not include kitchen access but may include an electric burner and/or mini fridgeExact details on housing for will be provided to students throughout the application process. Housing each term is based on availability. 

  • Photos are examples of our housing options; actual rooms may vary

Get Booked



It’s time to book your flights! It’s really happening – get excited! This section details information regarding flights for China,  excursions and cultural events, and any travel-related frequently asked questions. Step 4: Get Booked explained in 60 seconds.



The best route (and airfare) for flights to Shanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG) will depend on your departure point in the U.S. Please read the below Steps for Booking Flights, Important Flight Booking Notes and FAQs in full before booking your flights. 

Important: Do NOT book your flights until you have received instructions to do so by email from TEAN. 

Steps for Booking

Step 1:Review the Flight Booking Instructions email sent to you by your Program Manager. Do not book your flights until you receive the instructions from TEAN by email. Read all the information on this page carefully and be sure to contact us with any questions to ensure you understand the flight booking procedures.  

Step 2:Review the arrival and departure dates. Students should book flights departing on or after the program end date. Note that if you depart after the program end date, you may not be able to stay in the TEAN housing. For both the Semester in Shanghai program and the Summer in Shanghai program, you will be instructed to arrive by a designated time in order to be transferred to the accommodations.

Note on Arrival Timeframe:   

TEAN staff will meet you at the airport; we’ll send you the meeting point details about a week prior to your departure. If you arrive early, you will need to wait in the International Arrivals area. We recommend arriving in the late morning/early afternoon so that you have ample time to get through customs.  For anyone arriving after the stated timeframe, you will be responsible for making your own way to accommodations. Your Program Manager will provide you with details on that closer to departure.  

Step 3: Determine if you are intending to travel independently prior to or after the program dates as this will impact your travel dates to/from the U.S. Due to the length of the student visa application process, we strongly recommend you do not plan to travel to China or anywhere internationally prior to your program start. If you plan to stay in China after your program end date, please note your visa may not allow thisContact your Program Manager if you plan to stay outside of your program dates. 

Step 4: Research travel itineraries and costs. To assist with your search, ensure you read the below Important Booking Notes.

Step 5:  Book your international travel and upload your flight itinerary to your TEAN portal. 

Important Flight Booking Notes

  • TEAN recommends shopping around to find the best routing and airfare from your departing location. 
  • Check out our partner travel agency, Student Universe. Create a student account and search for flights here,, email, or call +1 866-761-0068. Hours are: Monday-Friday: 9:00am – 6:00pm EST.  
  • Students must arrive in Shanghai on or prior to the recommended arrival date.  Please ensure that you have the correct arrival date when researching airfare options. Most flights arriving on the arrival date will have departed on the day before, however this is not always the case, as sometimes a departure of two days prior will be required! 
  • Be careful when looking at arrival dates/times. For example, a flight may arrive at 12:05 am on the arrival date, however, technically, this is the evening of the previous night. If you book a flight like this, you are going to need an extra night of accommodation. 
  • If you have a domestic stopover, ensure your flights are all on the same itinerary so you have your international luggage allowance for all of your flights. Adding extra bags is very expensive! 
  • Provided you arrive on the official arrival date, during the designated time, TEAN will coordinate your airport pick-up and transfer to the TEAN Orientation accommodation. Please make sure you read through all the arrival time restrictions if you want to ensure airport pick up. 
  • Accommodation will be provided for students arriving on the arrival date, but accommodation will not be available prior to this date. 
  • Airfare costs can vary greatly from one departure city to another. In the event that you live relatively close to more than one potential departure city, we encourage you to research flight options through each applicable departure location. Students may find that by driving to a slightly farther departure city/airport, they may save several hundred dollars in airfare costs. 
  • We recommend booking flights that fly to Shanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG) as it is where the group pick up is, and much easier to get into the city than from Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport (SHA). 
  • Please strongly consider purchasing trip insurance on all your flights, as you will be protecting your large purchase from possible interruptions to your trip. It is not a requirement by any means, but it’s nice to have the peace of mind. Please note that not all travel insurance policies are the same; some only offer minimal coverage and will not allow you to change your flights if necessary. 

Flight FAQs

How much should I expect the airfare to be?

The estimated cost for all international flights varies from approximately $1,200 – $2,800. This is due in large part to the departure locations from within the U.S. (for example: New York, NY versus Omaha, NE), as well as the return travel dates. 

I have found a cheap flight to an airport other than Shanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG) . Can I fly there instead?

Yes. However, you will not be eligible for group pick-up and will need to take your own taxi or public transport to the accommodation. 

What if I want to arrive prior to the recommended arrival date?

If your visa still covers the total amount of days you will be in China, this is okay. You will need to book your own accommodation until the official program arrival date. Your TEAN Program Manager will be able to provide you with details of the orientation accommodation, and a time to meet up with the group on the arrival day. Note that airport pick-up is only available if you arrive on the official program arrival date. Please note that no accommodation is available prior to the initial program start date and any accommodation prior must be sourced on your own. 

How many bags can I have? 

Check with your airline for baggage allowances, as they differ by airline and by international or domestic. We strongly recommend that you confirm your luggage allowance before you travel to avoid expensive charges for additional bags or overweight luggage.  

Offset Your Carbon Footprint

How to Offset your Carbon Footprint

Team up with TEAN to reduce your carbon footprint by offsetting your carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from air travel!

What is carbon offsetting?
Carbon offsetting is the action or process of compensating for carbon dioxide emissions produced from industrial or other human activity by participating in activities or programs designed to reduce the equivalent amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

How do I calculate my carbon emissions?
Visit the free Carbon Footprint calculator page to access a user-friendly calculator that will guide you through the quick process of calculating your carbon.  We encourage you to utilize the emissions calculator to estimate how much carbon is entering the atmosphere from your flight overseas. Through TEAN activities or utilizing companies that Carbon Footprint Ltd is associated with, you will have plenty of ample opportunities to offset your carbon throughout your semester abroad and better understand the many ways in which you can make a positive environmental impact.  The Choose Earth Team at TEAN is always happy to assist you with your calculations, so please don’t hesitate to ask us for help!

What can I do to offset my carbon emissions?
TEAN will suggest plenty of opportunities to Choose Earth while you are abroad that will help offset your carbon emissions from your international flight. Following their helpful tips and offsetting your flight is the best way to start reducing your overall carbon footprint while abroad.

If you would like to do more – and we hope that you do! We encourage you to donate the monetary amount estimated by the calculator through Carbon Footprint Ltd.'s partnerships with multiple certified eco-friendly companies. That way, you can directly contribute to programs that help offset the carbon emitted from your flights, helping to make a global impact. Contributions from climate conscious consumers assist in developing projects that promote clean technology. The beauty of this particular program is that you can choose from a variety of charitable causes that are personal to you, as opposed to a single monetary donation to an airline where you may not beg sure if your money is going exactly where you intend it to. Through Carbon Footprint Ltd, you have the power to choose when and how your carbon emissions are offset.

Get Documents



This section is very important. Before you jet off for the time of your life, you’ll need to apply for a student visa for your program. Please read this section carefully, and when the time comes, your Program Manager will guide you through the visa application process.

Student Visa

Student Visa

All students attending Fudan University will need to apply for a Chinese Student Visa. The timeline to applying for your visa will depend on when your Program Manager receives the admission documents from Fudan University. Once the admission documents have arrived, you should apply for your visa as soon as possible. The visa process can take approximately 2-4 weeks, but appointments may be scheduling 3-6 weeks out. It is very important you pay attention to all emails your Program Manager sends you regarding the visa application. Your passport needs to be valid for at least six months after the conclusion of your semester to satisfy China’s entry requirements. You must also have at least two blank pages in your passport for the visa. 

IMPORTANT: If you have ever held Chinese, Taiwanese or Hong Kong citizenship, please let your Program Manager know as soon as possible. There may be additional steps and documentations needed when applying for your visa. 

Application instructions

You need to apply for and obtain a student visa. Student visa types can vary depending on the duration of the program. Students are granted either an X1-visa or an X2-visa. Students granted an X-2 visas are given permission to study in China usually for a 6-month period of time. In order to apply for an X-1 or X-2 visa, students must submit a copy of their passport, JW202 form, and Admission Notice.The JW202 form and Admissions Notice is provided by the University and will be sent to you directly upon receipt by TEAN.

Your Program Manager will notify you when you are eligible to apply for your student visa, which is typically 6 – 8 weeks prior to your departure. If you plan to travel outside of China while abroad, our recommendation is that you apply for a multiple entry visa. You may not necessarily receive one, as this is up to each consulate’s discretion.

Please note: If the Chinese Consulate does not issue you a visa that covers the duration of your program, or if you receive a single entry visa but plan to travel outside of China, our resident staff will assist you in applying for residency upon entry so that you are allowed to stay for the full program. Any fees associated with this are the student’s responsibility and historically have cost about 900 RMB. 

How to Apply

Given the complexity of the Chinese visa, students are strongly encouraged to go through a visa agent to complete the visa application process, as they are usually able to quickly move your documents along for processing. The recommended visa agent is Swift Passport Services. TEAN will send you instructions on how to apply for your visa through Swift once it is time. 

Swift is located just a short walk away from the TEAN Chicago headquarters and their offices are across the hall from the Chinese Consulate. This close proximity allows TEAN to deal quickly and directly with the visa issuer and results in a very smooth process. 

If you are applying for a visa internationally, you will need to locate your closest Chinese embassy and complete the application process that they have for that particular region. 

Very Important: Once in country, all students holding a student visa are required to register with the local police station. Within 24 hours of your arrival, make sure you register your residential information with the nearest law enforcement authority.  You can register with a hotel or at a local police station. If you arrive on the program start date, your Resident Director will help you fulfill this requirement.  

Get Going



It’s almost time! Now you just need to review some last minute information on insurance while abroad, follow our packing tips, start planning how you will manage your money while abroad, figure out cell phone arrangements, and read up on details regarding your arrival and Orientation in Shanghai. Our China-based staff are looking forward to meeting you when you get off your plane in Shanghai! Step 6: Get Going explained in 60 seconds.

Insurance & Healthcare


TEAN requires that all international students possess health insurance coverage for the duration of their studies in China. Enrollment is automatic, and the cost of this insurance is included in your program fee. 

TEAN is proud to partner with Chubb, an established worldwide leader in the educational travel and cultural exchange insurance market. Chubb is committed to providing comprehensive insurance coverage to international students and cultural exchange participants worldwide. Coverage provided through health insurance typically includes: 

  • $500,000 of coverage per injury/illness 
  • 24-hour worldwide emergency assistance 
  • $100,000 for emergency medical transportation, evacuation, and return of mortal remains 
  • Diagnosis, treatment, and surgery by a physician 
  • Operating room charges 
  • X-rays for outpatient services 
  • Dressings, drugs, and medication requiring a prescription 

There are limitations to this medical insurance, including dental and optical services. If you have any existing health concerns, contact your current insurance provider before you leave. 

You will have access to both local Chinese hospitals as well as fully westernized medical facilities, which we will always recommend. Our Resident Director is available to you 24/7 in the event that you need guidance in seeking medical advice or treatment. 

 When receiving medical care, you may be required to pay for your care out of pocket and then submit a claim for reimbursement.  Please always keep all receipts/paperwork relating to any doctor/hospital/pharmacy visit.  Our onsite staff can help you submit the insurance claim. 


We recommend students put anything of value i.e., digital cameras, jewelry, musical instruments, cell phones, laptops, etc. on a Personal Articles Policy (many homeowners already have this policy so students most likely can add their items onto their parents’ Personal Article Policy). This insurance often covers the full value of the items worldwide, with no deductible. Typically, items valued up to $3,000 can be covered for an approximately $30 premium. We encourage students to take pictures of item(s) and note their model, make and serial number, as well as save receipts when possible. Purchase of this insurance is left to the discretion of the student and his/her parents. 

Travel Insurance

Trip insurance is highly recommended and is NOT included in TEAN program fees. We recommend considering supplemental trip insurance to protect against unexpected mishaps (i.e. lost luggage) that can occur while traveling. Plans range from $100–$350 and can be purchased through various insurance carriers. If you would like to discuss plans with TEAN’s recommended travel liaison, please contact Student Universe at 602-253-4743. 

Packing List

Packing Advice

  • Follow the “less is more” theory or, as previous students have advised, “Pack everything you might need, then take half of it out”. 
  • Put labels on your belongings (especially on luggage) 
  • Please refer to your airline carrier’s website for current baggage restrictions on international flights. 
  • Most past students suggest also bringing a backpack, which useful for weekend trips 

Baggage Allowance

For exact baggage restrictions (including dimensions and weight) check your airline’s website. You’ll want to be sure you check the luggage allowances for all the airlines you’ll be flying. If you will exceed one checked item it is generally more economical, safer and easier to pay the airlines for additional checked baggage versus shipping items to China.  

Suggested Packing List

The packing list provided below is a suggested list. Triple-check to ensure you have everything necessary!  TEAN is not responsible for forgotten items. 

Essentials to Pack in Your Carry-On 

Also listed on your Arrival Information that we’ll ask you to print and keep with you: 

  • Passport with visa 
  • Arrival Information (to be supplied by TEAN prior to departure) 
  • Proof of COVID vaccination if you have it (not required, but good idea to bring with you) 
  • Your TEAN Housing Address and Contact Information (will be provided to you) 
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), including facemask(s) and hand sanitizer; check with your airlines to ensure you meet their requirements 
  • Airline confirmation numbers and flight itinerary 
  • Money (cash, debit/credit cards, etc.) and Chinese currency if you have it. You may also withdraw RMB at airport ATMs 
  • At least one photocopy of important documents (student visa, passport, driver’s license, credit/bank cards, flight itinerary, travel insurance info, etc.). Bring one set with you in your carry-on and ensure you have copies saved electronically. 
  • Prescription medicine in original packaging and a note/proof from doctor (Please read the Medications Abroad email previously sent to see what you can bring in) 
  • Snacks for your flight (no dried meat, fruit, or vegetables) 
  • At least one change of clothes 

In addition to your daily staples, you may want to consider bringing the following: 

  • A raincoat and/or umbrella (umbrella can also be purchased in Shanghai) 
  • Camera/smartphone and an extra memory card (if applicable) 
  • Glasses/contact lenses (extended wear if possible) and solution, as this can be difficult to procure in China 
  • Backpack that you can use for class as well as weekend travel 
  • Plug adapter for electronics (please note: most modern electronics don’t require a voltage converter. Please consult manufacturer’s instructions for more information on your personal belongings) 
  • Deodorant – this can be sometimes hard to find in China  
  • Feminine products – these can be expensive and sometimes different from what you are used to in the U.S. 
  • A travel-size toilet paper roll (most public restrooms in China do not provide toilet paper, so you may want to carry some with you) 

Things to leave at home: 

  • Extra toiletries (with the exception of deodorant, as mentioned above), you can buy these in China 
  • Electrical appliances, including hair dryer, straighteners, curling irons, etc. – you can purchase them in China (otherwise you will need a voltage converter and electrical adaptor). 
  • All kitchen supplies: utensils, pots/pans, crockery/glasses 
  • Bedroom/linens/towels – (TEAN has arranged for a bedding pack to be provided in all accommodation) 
  • Expensive jewelry, flashy clothes or handbags may make you a target for thieves or pickpockets. 

Health & Safety

safety abroad

We are committed to the health and safety of every participant. It is very important that students make informed decisions about their study and travel destinations. We continually monitor the safety and security of our study abroad program locations as well as popular student travel destinations. We continue to advise students of the safety and health risks associated with studying and traveling abroad based on the information from the U.S. Department of State travel warnings, local law enforcement, the Chinese government, NAFSA: Association of International Educators, and the World Health Organization. 

Emergency Response Plan

We have created an Emergency Response Plan for our study abroad locations that will be implemented by both our Resident Director staff in China and our U.S.-based staff. Our staff will work with students, parents, and study-abroad staff at both the student’s home and host university to provide the most up-to-date information regarding any situations that may arise while studying abroad. Participants will be given Emergency Contact Information before they depart the U.S. and be briefed at orientation on specific instructions to follow in case of an emergency. 

TEAN Protocols

In the event of a health emergency, serious accident, natural disaster, crime, or death, each program location has a contingency plan that can be activated. TEAN will contact participants, their emergency contacts, and home universities in the event of such a situation. 

Disclaimer: Nothing in this plan is a guarantee that any specific action will be taken in any given situation; nor is anything in this document a contract or part of a contract between TEAN and any other party; nor is any statement in this document intended to sell a service to a prospective customer, nor to attempt to persuade any party to avail themselves of any program or service provided by TEAN. Health, safety, and recovery from emergency situations are the sole responsibilities of each individual participant. 

After Hours Urgent line

TEAN personnel are available to assist you with an emergency 24/7. In addition to having access to a Resident Director and instructions on contacting Police/Fire/Ambulance in your host country, you and your family will be able to reach us after hours in the event of an emergency. Although TEAN personnel will not always be your best resource to resolve an issue directly, we work in conjunction with our partners and colleagues on the ground to make sure students get a quick resolution in crisis situations. 

Please call 1-800-585-9658 or 312-239-3710 during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm CST. For urgent assistance after business hours, please call +1 512-632-9284. 

Tips for Personal Safety

Emergency Contacts: Be sure to designate a parent or guardian as your Emergency Contact. This way, information regarding an emergency situation will automatically be passed on to the appropriate person. Please make sure to provide us with your Emergency Contact’s most up-to-date contact information.

Communication Information:  Provide TEAN with accurate and up-to-date contact information regarding your cell phone, address, and email address. Be sure to notify a parent or guardian and the Resident Director in case of an emergency.

Keep Others Informed: Tell others (your roommates, your parents or guardian, your Resident Director) your travel plans. Keeping others informed will make it easier to locate you in case of an emergency.

Stay Informed: Research the political, cultural, and social climate of your study and travel abroad destination before heading overseas. While abroad, read local newspapers and watch local news broadcasts for developments that may affect your health and safety. If you have questions, please contact TEAN either in the U.S. or abroad.

Please avoid discussing any controversial topics with locals, such as the current political climates in Taiwan or Hong KongUse your best judgment and avoid sharing opinions about sensitive topics, even if asked. 

What about anti-American sentiment? Although individual Americans are generally well-liked abroad, there can be negative feelings toward U.S. government policy. Participants are urged to use common sense, avoid overt displays of American patriotism, and avoid all public demonstrations and protests.


It is recommended to have general vaccinations up-to-date including tetanus, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, etc. 

If you have any health conditions that may cause issues, please make sure to consult a doctor before departing. 

Relevant Travel and Safety resources

Arrival Info

Arrival Information

Please upload a photo of your flight itinerary to your TEAN portal. 

Specific arrival details will be provided to you prior to departure. In general, you will need to arrive within the allocated arrival window provided to you during the flight booking process. 

It is your responsibility to notify TEAN in a timely manner if you experience flight delays and/or itinerary changes. 

Contact Information

During orientation, we will provide you with contact details for all key TEAN personnel, including your Resident Director, as well as information on your local embassy and emergency contacts. 

Communicating While Abroad


Below are some suggested ways that you can easily stay in touch with your family and friends while studying abroad. 

We recommend setting up a contact plan before you depart, deciding how and when you’ll be available while abroad. Whether you prefer daily, weekly, biweekly, or monthly check-ins, it’s good to have a consistent way to get in touch, as well as back-up alternatives in case of an emergency. While studying abroad can be a time to spread your wings and become more independent, it’s important to regularly touch base with your loved ones so they don’t worry while you’re away. 

No matter which method you choose, we recommend downloading your preferred applications before leaving home and testing them out to make sure any accounts and contacts are set up properly. 


Your Resident Director can help you purchase a SIM card that can be used for calls, texting, and data. Phone plans vary depending on location, and more details will be provided by your Program Manager. It is recommended to only use your U.S. phone number to call home in cases of emergency since long distance calls can be expensive. There are plenty of other ways to call internationally for free or very cheap (keep reading!). 


In order to use the local SIM card, you need to make sure your phone is unlocked and able to accept SIM cards from other mobile carriers. “Unlocking” your phone means that your phone is not locked to one specific carrier. If your phone is unlocked, you will be able to use a foreign SIM card while you are abroad. If you’re unsure if your phone is unlocked, it’s important to call your current service provider to check. If you cannot get your current phone unlocked, you will need to bring a different unlocked phone from home or plan to purchase a phone while in your host country. 


If you don’t want to purchase a SIM card, you can keep your U.S. number and opt for an international phone plan. In most cases, this allows students to utilize their phone domestically in their host country and internationally. The cost of this can vary based on service provider. If you are interested in this option, you should get in touch with your phone service provider to obtain the relevant fees and service options. Be sure to consider costs for dialing local numbers, as it can sometimes make an international plan undesirable for calls within your host country. 


This would only be a viable option if you do not want to or cannot use your current U.S. phone, and can speak and read the local language. Phones can be purchased in all locations for costs comparable to U.S. phones. This may be a good option for a student who is looking to use a phone for just texting and calling while in country, as non-smart phones can be purchased cheaply in most countries. If you are worried about losing your U.S. smartphone, you may want to consider purchasing an inexpensive phone in your host country. 


There are free ways to get in touch with people across the world while connected to the internet or data. 


Skype typically works in China, but you have to have it downloaded PRIOR to arriving in China. Skype allows free chat, audio calling and video calling between users while using WiFi or data. This allows for calls between two parties both using the Skype app downloaded. The Skype app can be downloaded onto your phone, tablet and computer. You can also purchase Skype credit which allows you to call international landline and mobile phone numbers directly (so both parties don’t have to have a Skype account).  


While we don’t suggest going out of your way to purchase an iPhone for this option, it is a great feature for any students who have these phones already. iPhones use iMessage and FaceTime while on WiFi or data at zero charge to the provider plan. iMessage should work in China, while FaceTime likely will not work. 


There are several apps that allow free chat, audio calling and video calling between users while on WiFi or data. WeChat is by far the most popular app in China and can even be used to make purchases at stores/restaurants/transit stations. 

The tricky thing is that WeChat is difficult to download. You will need to download the app, create an account, then have someone who already has WeChat ‘approve’ you before you can actually access the app.  If you are unable to download WeChat, please let our onsite staff know once you arrive in Shanghai and they can try to help you.  

You may be familiar with WhatsApp.  This is a popular app internationally, but it is technically blocked in China.  You’ll need a VPN on your phone to access WhatsApp. 


It may seem obvious but email is a great way to continue to stay in touch with people back home regardless of the time differences. If your host institution gives you a new school email, but sure to update friends and family with the email address you will be checking most frequently throughout your program. 


Some VPNs also offer apps for smart phones that you can use while traveling. If you choose to bring your phone along, make sure you download the app as well so that you are able to use your standard websites. Be sure you read the fine print to make sure you are using a trustworthy VPN that will not share your information with third parties (usually a bigger risk for free VPNs).  


Wireless internet is provided in your accommodations and will also be found on your university campus. Please understand that internet in China is much different from internet in the United States due to government filters, censoring, and a web infrastructure that is underdeveloped. Access to Google (including Google Maps and Gmail), Facebook, YouTube, streaming platforms, Instagram, etc. is blocked unless you have a VPN. Many sites/apps you are used to using may be blocked in China. With that in mind, remember to develop a patience and understanding that this is a part of the cultural experience. 

If you want to remain connected to your typical sites, you may wish to consider downloading a VPN, or Virtual Private Network. This application for your computer/phone allows you to access a public network while masking your identity and maintaining your privacy. By masking your IP address, you’re able to get around the censors and filters that slow things down. You will need to find a trustworthy VPN that works in China, which usually costs a small fee. If you want to use a VPN, you’ll need to download it PRIOR to arriving in China. 

Finances While Abroad

Bringing Currency to China

We generally do not recommend bringing large amounts of cash with you for security and safety reasons. However, since using mobile pay apps can be tricky as an international visitor (more on that below), we do recommend that you have a sufficient amount of foreign currency available prior to your departure, about 1,000 CNY (equivalent to a little less than $150 USD). The easiest way to get Chinese Yuan (CNY, also referred to as RMB) is to use your bank card at an ATM in the Shanghai airport.  You will likely be charged an international ATM fee by your bank, so ensure you’re aware of what the fee is beforehand. 

You can also exchange currency at most banks or a standard currency exchange. In our experience, exchanging currency is most expensive in airports, so try to plan ahead. 

Money Access in China

As you’ll read in this section, the most common way to pay in China is to use one of two mobile apps: WeChat Pay or Alipay. Unfortunately, both can be a little difficult to use with an international bank card. Ideally, you’ll be able to download and connect your US bank card to one or both of these apps.  If not, you will need to always have some cash on you so that you can make purchases (even transit, such as a taxi). It is not common for all stores/restaurants/transit to accept debit or credit cards in China. Please read this section carefully and do your own research to prepare for your time abroad!  


Using an ATM is the easiest method to withdraw cash in China. Most, but not all, ATMs will accept an international bank card.  You will find Visa, Mastercard, and American Express are the most commonly accepted, while Discover and other cards may not be. It is important to do your research and check with your bank to see if your card can be used in China.  Please also ask your bank about fees for withdrawing money in a foreign currency overseas, as most banks charge fees for the currency conversion, as well as charging for use of an ATM that is out-of-network. You must let your bank know that you will be in China and confirm with them that your card will be accepted internationally. If you don’t notify your bank of your travel, it’s possible your card could be flagged for fraud when you try to use it abroad. ATMs are readily available in large cities and developed tourist areas of China, however, outside of these urban centers ATMs are not common and can be difficult to find. 


These two mobile apps are extremely common when making purchases in China; you will see almost all locals paying for everything with their cell phones. It is so popular that some merchants may not even accept debit/credit cards for payment. You may also run into a merchant that is cashless. For these reasons, we will try to help you get Alipay set up with your international bank card. WeChat Pay is unlikely to work with an international bank card (but you can try!). If you are unable to connect to Alipay, it may be worth opening a Chinese bank account (especially for the semester program).   

To download Alipay: 

  1. Download the Alipay app:  
  2. Enter your US phone number (UNLESS you want to get a Chinese SIM card, then you can wait to download the app until your Chinese SIM is in your phone) 
  3. Choose Alipay international version 
  4. Enter passport info to verify identity 
  5. Enter US bank card info 
  6. Load money onto Alipay  

You can try doing this now, or you can have our staff in China help you download the app. Life will be much more convenient if you’re able to use one or both of these mobile apps to make purchases!  If neither work and you don’t want to open a Chinese bank account, we advise you always have cash on you just in case merchants don’t accept cards. 

To use Alipay or WeChat Pay, you will simply either have the merchant scan your QR code in the app OR you will scan the merchant’s QR code (usually a sign posted somewhere). Make sure your phone is always charged before venturing out! 

Please note: Apple Pay does not work in China. 


Some students also choose to open a Chinese bank account upon arrival in China, but this is more likely if you are staying for a semester and not the short-term summer program. The easiest way to use Alipay and WeChat Pay would be to connect these apps to a Chinese bank account. There are some additional steps required to open a local bank account and it can be quite complicated, so please just let our in-country staff know upon your arrival that you are interested and we will do what we can to help you through the process. 


Remember, not every store/restaurant/taxi/train accepts cards for payment.  Larger stores will accept cards. I advise bringing at least two cards with you (most students will have a debit and credit card) in case you have trouble using one at ATMs. Please remember to inform your bank/credit card company that you will be in China so that they do not shut down your card. Also make sure to check for any potential fees for using your card internationally. 



Cultural Expectations


When we talk about Chinese cultural experiences most students think of things like watching the Chinese acrobats, experiencing a tea ceremony or the moon festival. However, cultural experiences permeate every way of life when you study abroad. We have a motto here at TEAN: “It’s not wrong, it’s just different”. It’s a great reminder that just because something isn’t done in the way you are used to, doesn’t mean it’s weird or wrong – it’s just different. It’s always good to remember that every culture has their own way of doing things and there are reasons people do things differently. It keeps us unique, and it also keeps cultural differences alive. It doesn’t mean you always have to like the cultural differences, but we do encourage you to embrace them head on. After all, that is one of the greatest benefits of studying abroad. 


This may seem silly to you now, but it is something students are always surprised by. Mattresses in China are much firmer than the standard American mattress. It is commonly thought in China that it is better for one’s back to sleep on a firm mattress as it prevents curvature or issue with the spine. Many Westerners who are accustomed to a plush, soft mattress may have trouble converting to the Chinese standard mattress. If you find yourself having this trouble, it is easy to purchase an inexpensive mattress topper for cheap at local stores. 


Hopefully it will be no surprise to any of you that the food is very different in China. If you expected Chinese cuisine to be the same as American Chinese food, you’ll be in for a surprise. Here are a few things to keep in mind for your upcoming semester. Some students are surprised that dairy is uncommon, so you will not see it in a lot of dishes or on its own. While Western food is available, it is less common and will always be more expensive. The further away from major cities that you travel, the less common it will be. Farmers markets are quite prevalent in Shanghai and are quite affordable. We recommend that you shop here to buy fresh vegetables and fruit to help keep you on budget for your semester. This is a great opportunity to try new things and expand your palate! 


The U.S. Consulate in Shanghai monitors the air quality and updates the information on an hourly basis. You can follow them on Twitter and even turn on alerts if you want to get notifications right to your phone. Students with asthma or allergies should definitely plan to keep an eye on the air quality index. Some students will choose to utilize face masks on particularly bad days. If you choose this route, just be sure you are purchasing a good quality mask. 


Even if you have a strong proficiency in Mandarin, you are bound to encounter a language barrier during your time in China. Whether it’s encountering Cantonese, a Shanghainese accent, or a slang term, some things just cannot be taught in class but are learned through your experiences! It is important to remember to always be patient and polite and know that it is always ok to ask questions – that’s the best way to learn and get the most out of your experience! It’s a good idea to have a language app downloaded to your phone, or a mini dictionary to carry around to help you when you need it.  


Laundry facilities are included at your housing, but you must pay a fee to use the machines. You will find though that dryers of the same strength are a lot less common. Most people in China air dry their clothes, you can see this evident by the lines strung between buildings all throughout the city and country. For some, the adjustment of not having a dryer can be a huge cultural change. Drying racks are very common and should you need your own, you can purchase a cheap drying rack at the local Walmart.  


The general level of cleanliness in China is different from the U.S. so it is best to manage your expectations before you arrive. Also anticipate spitting and smoking as a very common thing. Non-smoking areas are quite rare but do exist. You are expected to keep your room tidy and clean.