Photo by Johanna Forsgren, University of Tampa, who studied abroad in Shanghai, China
Photo by Johanna Forsgren, University of Tampa, who studied abroad in Shanghai, China

Returning from your semester abroad might be tougher than you anticipate. You might even experience some reverse culture shock. You expected studying abroad to be challenging and bit scary, but coming home? That was supposed to be the easy part. Here are some helpful tips that will help you recover from your semester abroad.

1. Cook your favorite foods from abroad

After a few weeks back home from China I craved authentic Chinese food. I searched online for recipes, made a long list of ingredients, and hunted down each item at the store. My first attempts at the dishes were pretty bad, but after some practice I was making fried noodles and dumplings for my all of my roommates.

Cook favorite foods from abroad

2. Explore options for internships or jobs abroad

Just because your trip is over doesn’t mean you can’t go back! Seek out international companies online and email any foreign contacts you might have made. Don’t forget to emphasize your unique skill set from living abroad- you’re adaptable and adventurous. There are internship and job opportunities waiting for you.

Jobs and Internships abroad

3. Encourage others at your home university to travel

A great way to cope with missing your life abroad is sharing it with others. Volunteer to make presentations about your experience in language classes or at study abroad information sessions at your school. Inspiring and encouraging others to make the leap is incredibly rewarding. Plus, you get to relive all of your favorite memories.

Study abroad fair

4. Stay connected and meet up with the friends you made

This is a huge one. It’s hard once you’re spread out across the world, but keeping in contact with the friends you made abroad is essential. You shared an experience with these people that no one else will ever truly understand. If you live near each other you can make plans to meet up for a weekend and reminisce the good ol’ days.

Stay connected with friends

5. Plan your next adventure

Don’t stay bored for long! Make a list of your top future travel destinations and start saving up. Before you know it you’ll be back on a plane to have another adventure abroad.

Plan your next adventure

Kelly Flathers is a TEAN Alum and Global Ambassador at Saint Anselm College. She studied abroad with TEAN at Fudan University in Shanghai, China.