Mar 30

The 9 Things that Surprised Me About China

1. People are generally very understanding about the language barrier From what I’ve observed, many … Read more

Feb 06

10 Reasons to Study Abroad in Shanghai, China

Although Shanghai may seem like a non-traditional place to study abroad, this city is a popular … Read more

Oct 13

5 Highlights from TEAN Orientation in Shanghai

Arriving in a new and foreign country is fascinating and exciting. But it can also … Read more

Jul 23

One Weekend in Shanghai

You could spend forever exploring everything there is to see in Shanghai, but if you’ve … Read more

Apr 02

5 Useful iPhone Apps when Studying Abroad in China

When you’re studying abroad, your phone is your best buddy. Loading it up with the … Read more

Feb 20

5 Favorite New Foods from China

I will admit I did not use to be very adventurous in my food choices, … Read more

Jan 23

Walking Tour: Street Art District of Beijing

One of the included excursions for TEAN China students includes a trip Beijing. It caught … Read more

Dec 09

5 Steps to Recover from your Semester Abroad

Returning from your semester abroad might be tougher than you anticipate. You might even experience … Read more

Dec 02

6 Reasons You Won’t Forget Beijing

Home of the Summer Palace and the Imperial City. Epicenter of both cultural and political … Read more

Nov 17

5 Differences Between my Life in Shanghai vs California

Now that I’ve been here in China for a month and a half, I consider … Read more