Studying abroad in Australia is an amazing experience, but it also means you’re basically ruined for life.  After you’ve come to know this beautiful country, you’ll never be the same. Andrea, who is currently studying abroad on the Gold Coast, explains what we mean.

1. Because nothing will ever be like your first box of Tim Tams

Tim Tams
Yes, and they come in a peanut butter flavor too. Amazing.

2. …Or your first Tim Tam shake


3. …OR your first Tim Tam slam

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset
Bite both ends of the Tim Tam, dunk it in your coffee or tea so it acts like a straw, enjoy, repeat.

4. Because going to class isn’t dreadful when your campus looks like this… 

Bond Campus 02
Say hello to the beautiful Bond University campus.

5. Because the squirrels back home aren’t as loveable as koalas


…and you can’t just hang out with a deer like this


6. Because weekend trips look like this…

Moreton Island
Moreton Island outside of Brisbane in Queensland

And this…

Great Ocean Road
The Twelve Apostles, Great Ocean Road outside Melbourne, Victoria

7. Because the food is amazing



8. Because, quite simply… Australia is beautiful and nothing will ever compare.


Andrea Trach is a student from The University of Dayton and a TEAN Featured Blogger. Andrea is currently studying abroad with TEAN on the Gold Coast, Australia.