We are excited to announce our TEAN scholarship winners for 2024! Congratulations to Emily, Jeanie, Jedidiah, Elizabeth, Keira, Xavier, Nina, Kira, and Paige.

From scuba diving at Poor Knights Islands in New Zealand to exploring the street markets of South Korea, our scholarship winners share what they’re looking forward to most while abroad. We asked them a few questions to learn more about their stories, too! 

MEET OUR Global Opportunity (full ride) Scholarship Winner

Emily V.

Home University: Florida Gulf Coast University 

Headed to: Seoul, South Korea

Program: Korea University 

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? I am already familiar with American and Latin American culture, so I wanted to immerse myself in a unique culture that differed from those I grew up with. I have been interested in Korean culture for a few years. Initially, I was introduced to the culture through K-pop and K-dramas. I came to find that South Korea has a rich history, culture, and language. Over a year ago, I began studying the language to learn more about Korean culture. I am interested in learning about how Korea has been able to preserve its traditions while being one of the fastest-growing countries. As a psychology major, I want to study and explore many issues in the country by understanding them first-hand. I also want to gain a deeper understanding of these issues by immersing myself in the culture and learning from the perspectives of the native people. Seoul, South Korea, seemed the ideal study abroad destination for me because not only do I have a curiosity for the culture, but it is also recognized for having a top-performing education system, and Seoul is at the center of it all. 

What does your scholarship mean to you? Being awarded the TEAN Global Opportunity (GO) Scholarship is a tremendous honor. I would have never expected to be the winner of such an honorable scholarship. As a first-generation student, it has been particularly challenging to have the privilege of participating in a study abroad. But I wanted to make my dreams come true, so I started working on scholarships a year in advance. Finances were crucial in ensuring that my study trip abroad was possible. I am thrilled to receive the TEAN Global Opportunity (GO) scholarship, which eliminates a significant financial burden and allows me to focus on making the most of my trip to South Korea. I can expand my knowledge and experience a new culture while obtaining an education that will prepare me for a better professional career.

What are you most looking forward to? My trip abroad will be my first time traveling outside the country. I am looking forward to becoming more independent as I learn to manage studying and living in a foreign country, learn more Korean, and make new friends. I am also excited about all the excursions hosted by TEAN and all the traveling I will be doing exploring different areas of South Korea. But I mainly look forward to how this trip will help me grow personally, academically, and professionally as I live in South Korea for four months. 


Meet our diversity Scholarship winners

Elizabeth C.

Home University: Berry College

Headed to: Seoul, South Korea

Program: Korea University Summer Program

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? As a trans-racial international adoptee, I’ve always wanted to go back to my birthplace of Seoul, South Korea. That desire has only grown with time as I’ve studied the language and culture (a longtime passion), engaged with its media (shoutout to Seventeen and The Extraordinary Attorney Woo!), and explored my Korean American identity. Truly, as I considered studying abroad, there’s only ever been one possible destination for me, and that’s Seoul, South Korea.

What does your scholarship mean to you? When I opened the email announcing my scholarship, I felt as though the sky had opened and unfurled a banner saying: “Elizabeth Kim Chandler is meant to go to South Korea.” That was pretty cool! But most of all, winning this scholarship feels like a gift to all the family, friends and mentors who have supported me as I’ve explored studying abroad. TEAN’s generous gift to me feels like a recognition of their support of me—truly, each thought I put in my essay, I fleshed out with my loved ones first. So, really, this scholarship means the world to me.

What are you most looking forward to? This is an impossible question for me to answer. I’m so excited for every single experience, from the most extravagant to the most mundane. Intellectually, I’m looking forward to the immersive experience of being in Korea. I’m incredibly excited to improve my Korean and to witness a culture where everyone looks like me. Artistically, I’m excited to capture every monument, café, and street corner in photography and every interaction, conversation, and identity-processing in writing. And as someone raised in a rural area where you have to drive to get anywhere, I’m very excited to experience Korea’s renowned subway system. Oh, and of course, the food! I’m very, very excited about the food!


Jeanie Y.

Home University: Colby College

Headed to: Seoul, South Korea

Program: Korea University 

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? As a Korean American, I was inspired to pick South Korea as my study abroad destination since I would get the opportunity to connect with my identity and cultural heritage. As someone passionate about sharing Korean culture throughout high school and college, I am excited to fully engage firsthand and share what I’ve learned back home. I am also excited to learn from a different educational perspective at Korea University’s psychology department, another contributing factor to my decision.

What does your scholarship mean to you? The DEI scholarship means to me the opportunity to further engage with my identities as an Asian American, low-income, first-generation student. This opportunity will not only allow me to deepen my understanding of who I am but also enable me to engage and work with communities who share similar experiences during my study abroad. In turn, I hope to help elevate and support others like me back home through experiences and lessons I take away during my time abroad.

What are you most looking forward to? I am most looking forward to immersing myself in the Korean culture and various communities I would like to partake in. Whether it’s engaging with the dance community, volunteering with KUSR, or conversing with my professors, I look forward to learning both in and outside of the classroom. I am excited to get involved and meet new people!


MEET OUR Semester Partnership scholarship winners

Jedidiah L. 

Home University: University of Alabama

Headed to: Tokyo, Japan

Program: J.F. Oberlin University 

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? I chose to study abroad in Japan because of the fascinating culture and way of life there, specifically how old traditions are interwoven with modernity, like finding a shrine next to a skyscraper. It also was the perfect location, as being on the outskirts of Tokyo meant having quick access to both the vibrant city life as well as the quieter, more serene side of Japan.

What does your scholarship mean to you? This scholarship is a massive help in aiding me to study abroad in Japan. It has relieved a load of financial stress I’ve had and is also an affirmation of this goal I’ve had since starting college.

What are you most looking forward to? As someone who has never left the country before, I’m excited to live in a place completely different from where I have been and experience as many new things as I can, from language to culture to food. What I look most forward to is visiting the countryside and more rural towns and seeing some of the beautiful scenery Japan has to offer.


Keira C. 

Home University: Drake University 

Headed to: Seoul, South Korea

Program: Korea University 

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? I ultimately chose South Korea as my study abroad destination due to my interest in its history and modern influence on the world. Studying both international relations and communications, I thought South Korea would be the perfect destination to be able to combine these two majors and really be able to grow through my studies. I’m, overall, super excited to explore and learn about everything South Korea has to offer! 

What does your scholarship mean to you? For me, studying abroad has been a dream for so long, and this scholarship has really helped allow this dream to come true. It really makes me feel like all my hard work has been noticed. I’m incredibly grateful for this scholarship and all the opportunities I’ll be able to have now because of it!

What are you most looking forward to? It’s hard to pick just one thing that I’m excited about, but overall, I am looking forward to really immersing myself in the Korean culture. As someone who wants to work internationally when I am older, I want to take this time to learn and reflect on what makes each country and culture so special. I’m also really excited to try all the different kinds of food, learn a new language, and explore all the different cities South Korea has to offer!


Soledad B. 

Home University: Texas Tech University 

Headed to: Seoul, South Korea

Program: Korea University

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? I was inspired to pick my study abroad location in Seoul, South Korea at Korea University for many reasons. To name a few, my siblings and I love the culture and had a childhood influenced heavily by Korean media. I also love the architecture, deep/unique history, and, of course, the music of K-pop. On an academic note, I am very fascinated by the different global health systems and picked South Korea to learn more as they are a country with one of the longest life spans in the world. I am very excited to learn more about the culture and health systems while studying abroad in South Korea.

What does your scholarship mean to you? The Semester Partnership Scholarship for Fall 2024 means a big deal to me as I come from a very tough background with very little financial support. I was very scared of the financial aspect of studying abroad but dove for my dream and decided to go anyway. To receive this scholarship means that not only do people at ISA/TEAN want to support my journey abroad, but they are also willing to support me financially in succeeding towards my career goals. This support fuels my will and energy to push through any obstacles abroad and demonstrate the pride, goodwill, and hardworking attitude that a scholarship recipient should have.

What are you most looking forward to? I am most looking forward to the culture, livelihood, and bustling life in a new country. I have never seen the ocean and am excited that the first time I will see the vast sea will be in Seoul, South Korea.


Xavier R. 

Home University: University of Massachusetts, Amherst 

Headed to: Christchurch, New Zealand

Program: University of Canterbury  

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? I chose the University of Canterbury in Christchurch for its great civil engineering program and location. I also wanted to travel to New Zealand because of its diversity and culture.

What does your scholarship mean to you? This scholarship takes a massive burden off financing my trip and will allow me to experience more of New Zealand.

What are you most looking forward to? Scuba diving at the Poor Knights Islands.


MEET OUR Host university Scholarship Winners

Caitlin R. 

Home University: University of Colorado Boulder

Headed to: Christchurch, New Zealand

Program: University of Canterbury

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? I’ve always loved to travel. My goal isn’t to solely see the fascinating destinations but also to learn about the culture and the environment of the place I travel to. New Zealand’s culture has been one that I’ve had very little exposure to. In history classes, I’ve learned about US history and European history, but New Zealand was rarely mentioned. With my limited knowledge of New Zealand, I decided that it would be the perfect place to study abroad so that I could continue my studies in Chemical and Biological Engineering while gaining further experience with different cultures. As for its environment, I am deeply intrigued by the various environments New Zealand offers and am excited to bike, hike, and explore them with the friends I make along the way.

What does your scholarship mean to you? It is a tremendous honor to be a recipient of this scholarship. It’s opened doors that wouldn’t have been available to me. Apart from the funding allowing me to study abroad, it has allowed me to discover myself and my new environment away from home.

What are you most looking forward to? I’m looking forward to hiking, biking, and exploring in New Zealand. I’m excited to make new friends that will join me on these adventures and create invaluable memories. I know that this will be a big transition, but I’m looking forward to the challenge and adventure.


Jackson D. 

Home University: University of Colorado Boulder

Headed to: Christchurch, New Zealand

Program: University of Canterbury

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? I chose to study abroad in New Zealand because I have never traveled outside of the United States. I was attracted by the challenge and personal growth that studying abroad may give so that I may continue improving on my character. New Zealand specifically enticed me through its diverse climate and variety of outdoor activities. Another key factor was having the opportunity to continue studying engineering at a top university. I look forward to learning more about Kiwi culture and meeting new people.

What does your scholarship mean to you? This scholarship is an opportunity and an investment in my life and my future. It is helping to make this experience a reality for me and I couldn’t be more excited. It gives me an incentive to continue my hard work and continue investing in myself. This scholarship helps to take some of the financial stress off so that I can focus on my studies and make the most of this experience.

What are you most looking forward to? In traveling to New Zealand I am most looking forward to making new connections and meeting new people. I plan to try new outdoor activities and explore new locations with friends I meet along the way. I have heard all the amazing things about New Zealand from friends and family and can’t wait to experience them for myself!


Kira p. 

Home University: University of Colorado Boulder

Headed to: Christchurch, New Zealand

Program: University of Canterbury

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? I was inspired to pick my study abroad destination because of my immense interest in the culture and natural landscapes New Zealand has to offer. New Zealand has a distinct culture that is unlike any I have ever experienced, and I hope to be able to immerse myself in it and understand its complexities. Additionally, I have always been captivated by the landscapes of New Zealand, which are always depicted wonderfully in movies. (what else)

What does your scholarship mean to you? To me this scholarship means I have an opportunity to embark on a form of study that is distinct from what I would experience anywhere else. Obtaining this scholarship allows me to worry less about the costs of the program and instead enjoy it for what it is.

What are you most looking forward to? I am most looking forward to getting to hike and snowboard in New Zealand. As a student from Colorado, I love any opportunity to go on a hike, and the landscapes of New Zealand are vast and breathtaking. I hope to be able to explore many of these natural areas on foot. Additionally, I love to snowboard, and I believe that snowboarding in New Zealand would be an incredible experience.


Nina A. 

Home University: California Lutheran University

Headed to: Auckland, New Zealand

Program: University of Auckland

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? Being what my friends and I call an “outdoorsian,” I have loved nature and being outside since I was a little kid, whether I am hiking, mountain biking, or surfing. The spirit of adventure and New Zealand’s untamed wilderness is what inspired me to study abroad there.

What does your scholarship mean to you? This scholarship to me indicates that my hard work and dedication have paid off. I am grateful to be recognized and will grow tremendously from this experience.

What are you most looking forward to? I am most looking forward to starting a new chapter in a new place. I look forward to creating new friendships, learning about the Māori, exploring New Zealand’s natural beauty, and bungee jumping.


Paige B. 

Home University: University of Massachusetts Amherst

Headed to: Christchurch, New Zealand

Program: University of Canterbury

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? New Zealand is known for its scenic landscapes, and as a forestry and horticulture double major, I wanted to be in a place where I could never get sick of going outside! I had always known I wanted to go somewhere in the Pacific region, and New Zealand felt like the perfect place for me. I am very passionate about learning about new cultures and gaining knowledge from Indigenous peoples, so New Zealand was an easy choice as they put effort into harboring the relationship with Maori people and their land. Also, New Zealand is one of the forestry hubs across the globe, so I just knew I would be able to fit right in!

What does your scholarship mean to you? This scholarship helps ease many worries about finances abroad. When going to a new place, many stresses follow, including finances, so being able to be granted a scholarship that helps with that stress makes the experience that much more exciting.

What are you most looking forward to? I am so excited to explore the South Island! I was introduced to New Zealand from the Lord of the Rings movies when I was younger, so being able to learn about the beautiful land where they were filmed is like a dream come true. I want to see species that are only found in New Zealand and its region and experience the wonderful biodiversity that the country holds. With going to Christchurch, I am so excited to see the Pegasus Bay as well as the surrounding national parks!



TEAN offers generous scholarships to help make study abroad a reality. No matter your program or term length, we have a variety of merit- or need-based scholarship opportunities for you!

There are also a number of university, local, and national scholarships you may be eligible for. Be sure to check with your Study Abroad and Financial Aid offices to see if they offer any scholarships or additional information.