We are excited to announce our TEAN scholarship winners for Fall 2023 Congratulations to Beckham, Niang, Logan, Graciela, Michelle, Ella, Luke, and Sara!

From hiking the majestic mountains of New Zealand to exploring the street markets of South Korea, our scholarship winners share what they’re looking forward to most while abroad. We asked them a few questions to learn more about their stories too! 


MEET OUR DIVersity Scholarship Winner

Beckham D.

Home University: University of Mary Washington

Headed to: Auckland, New Zealand  

Program: AUT University 

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? One of my biggest goals in life has been to travel to and live in Aotearoa because of the presence of such diverse wildlife and cultures. I have always wanted to experience and learn about its history, as well as have the opportunity to study the unique ecology of such an amazing place firsthand.

What does your scholarship mean to you? I am incredibly grateful for this scholarship as it not only allows me to fulfill my dream of experiencing life in my dream destination, but also to continue to study my passion. As a minority student, I am beyond excited to have this opportunity and am eager to share the lessons I will learn in Auckland with the world for the rest of my life.

What are you most looking forward to? I am most looking forward the connections I will make with the people I will meet while studying abroad, as well as the truly unique wonders of nature all around that I am sure to remember forever.


MEET OUR Semester Partnership scholarship winners

Niang v. 

Home University: University Nebraska, Lincoln

Headed to: Seoul, South Korea 

Program: Hanyang University 

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? I chose to study abroad in Seoul, South Korea because of the city’s boom in artistic creativity, which aligns with my studies and interests. Seoul’s rich cultural heritage and vibrant modern society are what inspired me, along with its amazing cuisine and media industry.

What does your scholarship mean to you? Receiving this scholarship means so much to me as it not only provides financial relief for me and my family, but it is also a validation of my hard work and dedication. As a student from a low-income household, studying abroad is a dream that seems almost unrealistic to achieve. This scholarship signifies the many opportunities that have now opened for me.

What are you most looking forward to? In addition to fulfilling my goals, I look forward to exploring the many beautiful things Korea has to offer, such as the historical sites, the beautiful scenery, and the delicious foods. I’m especially excited to go to the street markets because it reminds me of my childhood.

Logan B. 

Home University: Missouri State University

Headed to: Auckland, New Zealand 

Program: AUT University 

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? I was inspired by New Zealand’s environmental consciousness and culture. I’m a marketing management major and I have developed an interest in environmental sustainability and marketing for a related cause. One smaller factor that pushed me towards choosing New Zealand was the existence of kiwi and kākāpōs, as I have an affinity for all kinds of bird species and would love to get the opportunity to see these birds and volunteer for a cause that benefits them if given the chance.

What does your scholarship mean to you? This scholarship gives me confidence in my decision to go to New Zealand and more freedom to obtain value through my semester abroad. I will be able to focus more on my future with another portion of my current financial load taken off my back, which will allow me to engross myself more fully in this experience!

What are you most looking forward to? I’m most looking forward to meeting new people in another culture, experiencing that culture, and being in a country with some outstanding environmental variety, as well as all of the adventures that come with that. I love to explore, and with New Zealand in particular, I’m excited to learn about customs in and out of Auckland; the urban architecture, the business culture, and the environment around the country are especially appealing to me.


Meet our HOST University Scholarship winners

Graciela B.

Home University: University of San Diego 

Headed to: Sydney, Australia 

Program: University of Technology, Sydney 

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? Australia was my dream study abroad destination because of the beautiful atmosphere. I have a deep curiosity of the diverse marine and wildlife, and I am excited to explore those aspects on my own and in my studies. Getting to experience such a unique, fun, and interesting continent for a whole semester was something that I was determined to have for myself.  

What does your scholarship mean to you? My scholarship to me is a gift, one that makes my journey to Australia more obtainable. Going abroad can be financially intimidating, but with opportunities like this, it gives students like me a chance to experience something life-changing. 

What are you most looking forward to? I am most looking forward to going on hikes; to be able to see the continent from great heights is an accomplishment I can’t wait for. Australia has so much urban and natural beauty to be explored, that I am grateful that I get to live there for several months. 

Michelle C.

Home University: University of New Hampshire 

Headed to: Brisbane, Australia 

Program: University of Queensland  

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? I have been dreaming about studying and living in Australia for years and it has finally come true! My dream university has always been the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia and I now have the opportunity to study here. My goal is to move to Australia after I graduate and this is a perfect first step in that direction.

What does your scholarship mean to you? This scholarship will allow me to financially be able to continue my study as well as explore Australia without worrying as much about the financials. 

What are you most looking forward to? I am most looking forward to exploring more of Australia and meeting new people to have long lasting connections with from around the world!

Ella P.

Home University: Colorado State University 

Headed to: Christchurch, New Zealand 

Program: University of Canterbury 

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? I have always wanted to visit New Zealand since I was very little. I love the mountains and the ocean so couldn’t have imagined a better place to live. I am an avid outdoors person – kayaker, mountain climber and die hard skier. I have been researching the ski club at Canterbury; it looks like a blast. Every new bit of information I find about New Zealand and the University of Canterbury just makes me more sure that I couldn’t have chosen a better place to study. 

What does your scholarship mean to you? This scholarship is allowing me to follow my dreams of going to New Zealand and meeting new people and seeing new things. I am incredibly grateful to receive this scholarship. 

What are you most looking forward to? I am most looking forward to meeting new people and experiencing a different culture. I am also looking forward to living by the ocean and by the mountains and exploring all of the amazing outdoor opportunities New Zealand has to offer. 


Home University: University of Colorado, Colorado Springs

Headed to: Wellington, New Zealand 

Program: Victoria University of Wellington

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? I was drawn to New Zealand because of how beautiful it is and how in touch they are with Maori culture. I have only heard great things about the country and needed to see it for myself! 

What does your scholarship mean to you? This scholarship means more chances to go out and explore the North Island and really get a feel for life in New Zealand. 

What are you most looking forward to? I’m most looking forward to hiking, seeing the coast, and of course, learning all I can about New Zealand’s culture and history! 

Luke T. 

Home University: University of Alabama

Headed to: Christchurch, New Zealand

Program: University of Canterbury 

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? A friend from New Zealand first gave me the idea and I wanted to have a southern hemisphere ski season.

What does your scholarship mean to you? This scholarship has opened up so many doors and opportunities for me on this trip! I am so excited to maximize my time in New Zealand with this windfall that will let me pursue even more activities, like skiing, hiking, and backpacking than I had ever hoped for!

What are you most looking forward to? Me and some of the friends that I have quickly become close with on this program found a guided tour in Queenstown that will let us try a variety of ski hills around New Zealand with a local’s insight. Also, I can’t wait to see the friends I made during orientation who are studying at other universities when they come down for my birthday! Already an amazing experience!


TEAN offers generous scholarships to help make study abroad a reality. No matter your program or term length, we have a variety of merit- or need-based scholarship opportunities for you!

There are also a number of university, local, and national scholarships you may be eligible for. Be sure to check with your Study Abroad and Financial Aid offices to see if they offer any scholarships or additional information.