The TEAN Full Ride Scholarship is designed to give a standout student the opportunity to study abroad. This year’s Full Ride Scholarship recipient is Katie Sause, from University of Rhode Island, who will be studying abroad on our Australian Environment, Wildlife and Conservation Summer Program.

Meet Katie

Katie is a sophomore Environmental and Natural Resource Economics major. This summer program that will take her to several locations across the country to learn about Australia’s diverse range of physical, as well as cultural, landscapes and ecosystems.

Our 2018 Full Ride Scholarship Recipient, Katie Sause

Katie said she has a lot to be excited about, but she is most looking forward to would be interacting with the natural environment in ways that she never has before. “This program grants me the opportunity to interact with wildlife and ecosystems, that prior to this program, I could have only dreamed of first hand experiencing,” she says.

Katie is an active member of the Herpetology Club, Sailing Club and Environmental and Natural Resource Student Association (ENRESA) on campus. In the community, she volunteers with Big Brothers Big Sisters on weekly basis as a mentor. She has also spent time volunteering for Ronald McDonald House and her town’s local nursing home.

With plans to focus her studies and career path in the area of mitigating species extinction, Katie’s passion for one of TEAN’s core values, Choose Earth, is clear. She has dreams of working for organizations such as The World Wildlife Fund or The United Nations in the future and has shared goals of attending Graduate School and continuing to broaden her world view in the years to come.

University of Rhode Island study abroad office team surprises Katie
The University of Rhode Island study abroad office surprised Katie with the news before class.

When asked how this scholarship will impact her study abroad experience, Katie expressed that receiving this award removes financial burdens and will allow her to relax, enjoy this once in a lifetime opportunity, and soak up as much knowledge as possible.

“Receiving this award has increased my courage to embark on this trip, and has made me even more excited to begin this academic journey. Although I was greatly looking forward to studying abroad before receiving this award, I am even more so now and each time it crosses my mind I cannot stop smiling,” said Katie.

About the Full Ride Scholarship

The TEAN Full Ride Scholarship was started following on from our 20 for 20 scholarship campaign in 2016 to celebrate our 20th anniversary. The scholarship covers tuition, all program fees, orientation and housing. This scholarship is in addition to our regular pool of semester scholarships awarded each year.

You can learn more about our programs, opt to receive updates from TEAN including future scholarship announcements by submitting your information here on our website.