We are hosting a brand new TEAN Photo Contest – just for summer interns!

It’s open to TEAN Interns in any of our locations for both May and June start dates. We have three categories you can enter. The contest will run all summer (enter photos anytime) with a final deadline of Sept 2, 2019 to submit any entries.

Photo by Haley Downey, Auburn University, Wildlife Internship

The Categories

  • “Day in the life” – photos of you at your internship in action. Everything from taping up a player’s leg at a rugby match to sitting at your desk crunching numbers. What does your day to day look like?
  • “Meet my colleagues” – photos of you with the office or your team and colleagues at your internship. Looking for group shots (including you) at your internship placement.
  • “Awesome places to work” – photos of your office space, special events, front of your building, office dog or other photos that show off your internship and what makes it awesome.

A few rules

  • Submit as many photos for as many categories as you’d like! Yay!
  • No photographs incorporating illegal activities and/or alcohol will be considered.
  • Only submit photos that belong to you.
Photo by Kalli Rapaport, Rollins College, Business Internship with Rugby League Club

How to Enter

Submissions must follow the below instructions in order to be considered:

  • In your caption, describe what we see in the photo and tell the story behind the photo.
    Hint: Don’t underestimate the importance of this – be clever! Only photos with well-thought out captions really stand a chance of winning the top prize.
  • Photos must be a minimum of 2100×1500 pixels or more.
  • Name photograph submissions as follows:
    Your first name_Your last name_number.jpg
    For example, Hugh_Jackman_1.jpg; Hugh_Jackman_2.jpg etc.
  • Email one photo per email to alumni@teanabroad.org with the subject “Internship Photo Contest”.
  • Include the following information in the body of the email:
    – your first and last name
    – your internship placement and location
    – your Instagram username (if you have an account)
    – your home university
    – category you’re entering (from the list above)
    – caption for the photo


Entries will be judged as follows:

  • Composition (33%)
  • Clarity and technical quality (33%)
  • Story behind the photo, as described in your caption (33%)
  • The X factor (1% – we had to get to 100% somehow)
Joey Pucino, The University of Arizona, Communications Internship


  • $250 VISA gift card – one winner who nailed it across all categories!
  • $100 VISA gift card – one for the best photo in each category (3)


Can I still enter the regular photo contest by TEAN?
Yes, you can still enter TEAN Alum Photo Contest, but you must enter different photos. The TEAN alum photo contest has some extra categories where you might want to submit your non-placement related pictures from your host city and travels.

What if I can’t take photos at my placement?
Sometimes due to the nature of your internship environment, you might not be permitted to take photos. If this is the case, be creative on the type of photos you can take. For example, maybe you can’t take a photo in your workplace but you can take one out front with company sign.