So, you’ve taken the plunge and made the decision to travel solo while you’re abroad. What is the best way to have a successful and unforgettable trip? Follow along for tips on how to maximize your solo journey.

Make sure you are friendly and approachable

Especially when around other travelers that may be in the same tour group as you or someone you are sharing accommodation with. There are many other people traveling alone as well, and they most likely are just as keen for meeting and making new friends as you may be. Don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with someone. There’s no sense in being stubborn and waiting for someone else to say “hello” to you first, so go ahead and make a pal!

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make a Plan for the duration of your trip

Have your flight tickets printed in a folder with the name and address of your accommodation, and have printed copies of receipts from any tours you may be doing. Figure out before you leave how you are getting from the airport to your accommodation.   It’s also a good idea to budget your money for the trip by listing how much you’ve spent on transportation, accommodation, activities, etc. Of course, don’t forget to give yourself a set amount of spending money as well.

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experience all that you can during your Trip

You are on your own schedule, so do anything and everything that sounds intriguing to you. That may mean spending a day wandering around one street looking in every op shop, trying coffees, or reading your favorite book, or you could end up hiking a mountain and watching the sunset from the top. Whatever it is you want to do, go out and do it. The beauty in traveling on your own is that you have the power to do whatever you want with nothing and no one stopping you from doing so.

Ultimately, any traveling experience should be based on what you personally want out of it. You have this incredible opportunity to study in another country for an extended period of time. Utilize this as much as you can by traveling to different parts of the country, or to surrounding countries nearby.

Get Out there and Go for IT

If you find yourself being the only one out of your friend group who wants to travel to a certain place, you shouldn’t be afraid to do it on your own. You will gain an amazing sense of independence and pride within yourself when you are the one planning the flights, booking the accommodations, and exploring new sites all on your own. To be able to say you traveled a certain portion of the globe alone and had a great time will make for a great story to tell friends and family that you can sure to be proud of.