Springbrook National Park
An overview of Springbrook National Park with a faint background of the Gold Coast; a view that must be seen in person

If you ever get the chance to go near the border of Queensland and New South Wales, please take a day trip to the best FREE spot in Australia, Springbrook National Park. This place is definitely a hidden gem that only Aussies know about (which is why I am telling you! You. Have. To. Go.) 

The picturesque national park is located on the McPherson Range with several waterfalls, rainforests, campsites, and mountains amongst the range. Make sure to grab a friend with a car or splurge on a taxi because, sadly, you cannot take a bus there. My friends and I got the lucky chance to hike down a subpart of Springbrook called Purlingbrook Falls. We walked a little upward, whew I know, and then down a rainforest mountain that had mind-blowing views, cool unique plant life, and stops with unexpected waterfalls.

Waterfall Springbrook

Even though the landscapes were absolutely breathtaking, I could easily say that my favorite part was Waringa Pool. While the hike down was a little exhausting, our end result was an amazing natural spring. If you are feeling a little adventurous, bring a bathing suit because there is a steep rock at the top where you can jump into the cool refreshing water. The entire experience was completely worth the walk and was a great fun FREE way to spend some quality time with my newfound friends.

Waringa Pool Springbrook National Park
I decided to get a little adventurous and take a leap

Now to all my non-hikers out there, do not miss out on these amazing views because you have never hiked or even thought of stepping on a trail. This was my first hiking experience and it turned my clumsy walk into a total trailblazer stride. Alright. Maybe I am exaggerating a little bit, but trust when I say if I can walk it, so can you. I promise you will not regret going to this sweet Queensland local spot. Did I mention that it was free?

Skylar Clark is a student at the University of Maryland and a TEAN Featured Blogger. Skylar is currently studying abroad with TEAN on the Gold Coast, Australia.