Corinne and Elephant
Corinne, University of Rhode Island, meeting a new elephant friend

Thailand Summer 2105 Study Abroad Applicants: complete the required items below to receive a FREE day trip to experience Thailand’s elephants up close with a visit to the Elephant Nature Park!

When will the trip take place?
Your day trip will take place on a chosen weekend date during Module one.  Due to scheduling purposes this Early Admissions Bonus will only be available for those participating in Module One or the combined Module One and Two.

Where are we going?
Enjoy a full day visit to the Elephant Nature Park; a natural home and sanctuary for elephants, buffalos, dogs, cats, birds and many other rescued animals.  Your visit will start with a picturesque drive through the rural countryside from Chiang Mai to the Park.  You will be able to observe free roaming elephants that have been rescued from around Southeast Asia and even help with bath time.  You will hear the personal stories of rescued and orphaned elephants and see first hand how they became a proud herd, free from abuse for the first time in their lives.

If a friend of mine signs up after the deadline, can they still go on the trip?
Absolutely! However, other participants will need to pay TEAN for the excursion and it will no longer be an automatic inclusion.

Sold! What do I need to do next?
You’ll need to complete all of the following items by March 6, 2015. No exceptions will be made for late items.

  • Complete Part I of your Virtual Application (Personal, Parent, Academic, and Supplemental Sections).
  • Upload a digital photo in your Virtual Application (A close up photo included your head and shoulders only, with a white backdrop.
  • Upload your passport copy in the “Files” section of your Virtual Application.
  • (If renewing, please send evidence that your passport has been applied for).
  • Get a recommendation completed by an advisor or professor in your Virtual Application (Part I).
  • Get your Statement from University completed by your advisor in your Virtual Application (Part I).
  • Answer 2 of the 4 Intercultural Understanding Questions and submit via email or file upload in the “Files” section of your Virtual Application (Part II).
  • Submit your $500 program deposit (does not apply to every student due to special billing arrangements with some universities). Please call or contact us to see if you need to pay the deposit!
  • Submit a copy of official transcripts for every university attended to the address below.
    The Education Abroad Network
    505 N LaSalle, Suite 200
    Chicago, IL 60654