Jun 04

Everyone Else Is…But You Don’t Have To

The semester is coming to an end, and I’m conflicted about how I should be … Read more

May 23

Autumn in Sydney

I’ve been studying abroad in Sydney over the last few months, and I’ve loved my … Read more

May 07

Aussie Awesomeness with Alex

As my time abroad in the loveliest place on earth wraps up, I wanted to … Read more

May 02

If You Think You Need It, You Don’t: A Guide To Packing

Guys, I am not exaggerating when I tell you I’m the queen of overpacking. I’m … Read more

Apr 11

Seven Sheilas Take on the Blue Mountains

I knew I had picked the right place to study abroad as soon as I … Read more

Mar 21

Two Days in Tasmania

When I got to Australia, Tasmania wasn’t super high on the list of places I … Read more

Mar 05

Heaps of Adventure in Cairns

Arriving in Australia to study abroad was a very intimidating and nerve-wracking experience. But having … Read more

Feb 08

Going Home: How to Handle a Bittersweet Experience

If you’re anything like me, you spent well over a year just planning how to … Read more

Dec 07

Top Three Spots to Explore in Springbrook National Park

If you’re anything like me, you want to go out and explore all the hidden … Read more

Jul 05

Australia vs. USA: How Being Abroad Differs from Living in the States

Let’s get down into the nitty-gritty of being abroad. What differences are there between Australia … Read more

Jun 27

When Things Don’t Go to Plan…

While studying abroad, I wanted to explore as much of my host country as possible. … Read more

Jun 20

Budgeting Travel Tips

While exploring our host city is great, it is also a lot of fun to … Read more