We are excited to announce our TEAN scholarship winners for Summer 2023! Congratulations to Zamia, Ryan, and Zoe!

From becoming fully immersed in the Korean way of life  to tasting new Australian cuisine, our scholarship winners share what they’re looking forward to most while abroad. We asked our scholarship winners a few questions to learn more about their stories too! 


MEET OUR DIVersity Scholarship Winner

Zamia C.

Home University: University of Memphis 

Headed to: Seoul, South Korea

Program: Internship in Seoul 

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? I have been exposed to Asian cultures ever since I was young, so it came as no surprise to my family when I decided to study three Asian languages: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. While most people had their eyes set on Europe, I had mines set on Asia. I guess it was only a matter of time before I went.

What does your scholarship mean to you? As someone who comes from a low-income family, I knew traveling would come with a multitude of financial stressors. Even after finally giving in to the encouraging voices around me, I still wondered if this was an opportunity I could afford. Receiving this scholarship was a reminder that there are many people in the world rooting for people like me. It reminds me of the saying, “Where there is a will, there is a way.” I am so thankful for the people who gave me a way.

What are you most looking forward to? There are a lot of things that I am looking forward to, but if I had to choose one thing I am the most excited about, it would have to be the culture. I am eager to immerse myself in Korean culture and learn about the many things that make it unique. I plan to observe, learn, reflect, and repeat. As a future businesswoman who has promised to commit herself to cultural empathy and humility, South Korea is truly my first step.


MEET OUR Summer Pathways scholarship winner

Ryan M. 

Home University: Western Kentucky University 

Headed to: Australia

Program: Internship in Australia  

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? I am studying to become a future sports dietitian and I have always heard, being in the sport science world, that Australia has a booming sports culture. I cannot wait to see the similarities and differences in Australians’ approach to following sports and working with athletes compared to my experience in the US. 

What does your scholarship mean to you? This scholarship means the world to me. It affords me peace of mind to enjoy my internship without being anxious about having enough funds to support myself while abroad. I will be able to more fully immerse myself in every experience having this extra financial stability. 

What are you most looking forward to? I am most looking forward to trying all the Australian foods that I have never seen before!


Meet our Photography Scholarship winner

Zoe N.

Home University: University of Texas – Arlington

Headed to: Shanghai, China

Program: Fudan University Summer Program

What inspired you to pick your study abroad destination? I chose to study abroad in Shanghai, China because it aligns with my interests. My hobby of collecting Chinese dolls, running an online shop selling them in America, and scrolling through Chinese social media has given me knowledge about Chinese customs, film, fashion, music, and daily life. In the spring of 2021, many of my trades with Chinese suppliers were declined due to being asked to agree to the One China Policy. I even experienced cyberbullying on Weibo (Chinese social media) since I was neutral and did not want to get involved in politics. However, this did not stop me from discovering the country. Not long after, I realized that there are still Chinese people who understand the geopolitical differences and helped me through the hard times. Through these experiences, I discovered more aspects of Chinese people and China as a whole, which further strengthened my love for Chinese culture.

What does your scholarship mean to you? Receiving this scholarship means so much for me as it recognizes my hard work. This is the first time I have achieved something with my photos, so the scholarship is a confirmation that I am on the right path, and a huge encouragement for me to continue pursuing my passion for travel photography. I will use the scholarship funds to support my travel expenses or study in Shanghai, enabling me to capture more beautiful moments through my camera lens.

What are you most looking forward to? I am excited about immersing myself in a new culture, experiencing the vibrant cityscape, breathtaking landscapes, and ancient buildings. I look forward to exploring both popular tourist spots and hidden local gems, as well as indulging in the diverse and delicious Chinese cuisine. Also, can’t wait to capture countless photos and videos of this beautiful country.



TEAN offers generous scholarships to help make study abroad a reality. No matter your program or term length, we have a variety of merit- or need-based scholarship opportunities for you!

There are also a number of university, local, and national scholarships you may be eligible for. Be sure to check with your Study Abroad and Financial Aid offices to see if they offer any scholarships or additional information.