The healthy and safety of students during TEAN programs is our highest priority. We work closely with program participants, host universities, local law enforcement, and other trusted health and security organizations to maintain a high level of health and safety practices and communications throughout the study abroad process. Learn more about our protocols below.

You can also find more information about current safety precautions and travel updates regarding specific events or situations affecting program locations on our Alerts & Updates page.


Health & Safety

TEAN is committed to the health and safety of every program participant. We continually monitor the safety and security of our study abroad program locations as well as popular student travel destinations. We advise students of the safety and health risks associated with studying and traveling abroad based on information and guidance from the U.S. State Department, OSAC (Overseas Security Advisory Council), our insurance provider, local law enforcement, the World Health Organization, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and other experts in the education abroad community. We also draw from the expert support of our host universities, which provide comprehensive services to all TEAN participants.

All TEAN students are guided through program-specific health and safety training, which begins with tailored pre-departure communications and concludes with a comprehensive orientation onsite which is facilitated by TEAN staff as well as staff from the host university. Students are given local emergency contact information and are guided through TEAN communication plans. TEAN staff members conduct phone drills early in each program to ensure students are reachable and responsive during the course of the program in case of emergency. All TEAN students are registered with the U.S. State Department through the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). Through STEP, local embassies will notify students of safety concerns and provide resources and support in cases of natural disaster, civil unrest, or other emergencies. Friends and family members are also able to subscribe to receive updates and alerts for their student’s host location.

TEAN has an Emergency Response Plan for all of our study abroad locations that is implemented by both our Resident Director staff in Asia Pacific and our U.S.-based staff in Chicago, Illinois. In conjunction with this plan, TEAN has implemented a critical incident reporting structure and communication plan to ensure all stakeholders have access to relevant information in a timely manner. Our staff will work with students, parents, and study abroad staff at both the student’s home and host institutions to provide the most up-to-date information regarding situations that may arise while studying abroad.

Emergency Communications

Emergency Communications

Program participants are given contact information for onsite staff members who are available 24/7 in cases of emergency. Students in need of urgent assistance should first contact local TEAN staff. If the person reporting an emergency does not know the TEAN onsite staff contact information, they may reach the TEAN U.S. office at 800.585.9658 or 312.239.3710 during regular hours (Mon – Thurs: 8:30 am – 5:00 pm CST, Fridays: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm CST).

Upon receiving an emergency call, TEAN will activate our emergency response protocol which will include communications with relevant stakeholders, typically including the participant’s emergency contact/s and home university staff. In the event that medical care is required, TEAN can assist the affected participant through insurance protocols.

Monitoring Worldwide Security Levels

TEAN’s stateside and on-site staff closely monitors U.S. State Department (DOS) Travel Advisories and Country Specific Risk Indicators at all times. TEAN also regularly reviews reports by the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO), as well as information provided by trusted security analysis services, local governments and media outlets.

U.S State Department Travel Advisories

In January of 2018, the DOS replaced existing guidance and implemented a new system for U.S citizens to understand important travel security information. Under this new, 4-tiered, color-coded system, the DOS has issued an advisory level for every country in the world. The advisory levels are as follows:

  • Level 1 – Exercise Normal Precautions (blue)
  • Level 2 – Exercise Increased Caution (yellow)
  • Level 3 – Reconsider Travel (orange)
  • Level 4 – Do Not Travel (red)

In addition to its advisory level, the DOS provides specific information on any risk indicators affecting each country and specific advice on what travelers can do before they leave and once abroad to provide for their own safety. TEAN encourages all students and their families to review the DOS country specific information for their program country and any countries where students intend to travel independently while abroad. This information can be found on the Travel.State.Gov website. Additionally, TEAN advises students to thoroughly read the Health and Safety sections of the Online Orientation in their TEAN Student Portal in preparation for their program.

Helpful resources for students include:

U.S. State Department Alert Issued for an TEAN Program Country

If the U.S. State Department issues an official Alert for a TEAN location, and the message includes an official State Department recommendation that all U.S. citizens evacuate the country, TEAN’s default action will be to cancel the program and proceed with evacuation procedures. If the program has not yet started, TEAN’s default course of action will be to suspend the program. Exceptions can be made if the language in the Alert gives TEAN management clear reason to believe that the warning is the result of dangers that exist in areas well outside of the city/cities where our program is operating. If we do suspend the program, we will work with students to transfer them to another TEAN program. During this process, we will ask students to obtain written approval from their home institution.

TEAN Region-Specific Travel Restrictions

In order to maintain the highest level of safety for all TEAN participating students, TEAN has restricted independent travel to certain areas of the world. TEAN participants are not allowed to independently enter or travel within the following regions during the participation of a TEAN program:

Last updated: 10/16/2023

  • Afghanistan
  • Algeria*
  • Armenia*
  • Azerbaijan*
  • Bangladesh*
  • Belarus
  • Benin*
  • Burkina Faso
  • Burundi
  • Cameroon*
  • Central African Republic
  • Chad
  • Colombia*
  • Côte d’Ivoire
  • Cuba
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Ecuador*
  • Egypt*
  • El Salvador
  • Ethiopia
  • Eritrea
  • Guatemala
  • Guinea
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Guyana*
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • India*
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Israel
  • Jamaica*
  • Kenya*
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Mali
  • Mauritania
  • Mexico*
  • Moldova
  • Mozambique*
  • Myanmar (Burma)
  • Nicaragua
  • Niger
  • Nigeria
  • North Korea
  • Pakistan
  • Panama*
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Philippines*
  • Republic of the Congo
  • Russia
  • Saudi Arabia*
  • Somalia
  • South Sudan
  • Sudan
  • Syria
  • The Gaza Strip and West Bank
  • Tunisia*
  • Turkey*
  • Trinidad & Tobago
  • Turkmenistan
  • Uganda
  • Ukraine
  • United Arab Emirates*
  • Venezuela
  • Yemen

There are a wide variety of criteria that TEAN uses to determine whether or not to restrict travel to a specific region. The restriction may be based on an ongoing situation which poses an immediate threat to TEAN participants, significant regions of the country that are dangerous for TEAN participants, the lack of services for US citizens, or other factors.

This list of restricted locations is continually updated based on TEAN direct observation, US Department of State recommendation, Overseas Security Advisory Council, WHO reports, and expert consultation. TEAN reserves the right to add countries/regions to this list, without notice.

All TEAN students are made aware of the regions that have travel restrictions when they sign our Code of Conduct which states that they will abide by all travel restrictions established by TEAN. It is the TEAN student’s responsibility to be aware of the most current travel restrictions, which can always be accessed on TEAN’s website here. Violation of any TEAN travel restriction is cause for automatic dismissal from the TEAN program, and participants will be required to return to the U.S. immediately.

* For travel within or to these countries/regions, before finalizing any travel plans, students should submit their travel itinerary to their Resident Director at least two weeks in advance of their intended travel dates. Students may be asked to provide additional information. TEAN reserves the right to prohibit travel within or to these countries/regions. Please contact TEAN for more information if you are planning to visit any location outside of your host country while participating on an TEAN program.

Statement on Title IX

Statement on Title IX, Sexual Assault and Misconduct

The cultural and legal context surrounding Title IX issues in host countries may be different from what students are used to in the U.S. Many behaviors considered to be harassing or discriminatory in the U.S. may be more common, or even socially tolerated, in other countries. While many U.S. institutions have developed sophisticated structures of support and judicial process surrounding sexual and interpersonal misconduct, universities abroad are generally less involved at an administrative level. Although TEAN cannot control the local environment, TEAN staff will do as much as possible to support students as they navigate through this unfamiliar territory. TEAN strives to provide relevant resources onsite and works collaboratively with students’ home universities to provide additional remote support.

In the case of sexual assault or sexual misconduct, TEAN strives to empower its student participants and support their rights as much as possible. In some instances, students’ home institutions may require TEAN to report Title IX incidents to designated officials at their home institutions, including the names of those involved. In these cases, the home institution may launch a judicial process to adjudicate the alleged assault or misconduct. Upon learning of an incident of sexual assault or misconduct, TEAN may need to share some details with other program participants to protect their safety. TEAN will make every effort to do so while upholding the confidentiality of the reporting individual and others who may be involved.

TEAN strongly recommends that any program participant who experiences a sexual assault or incident of harassment communicate with a trusted friend or family member for emotional support and report the incident to TEAN onsite staff. If the student does not wish to discuss the incident directly with TEAN, we urge them to contact the local U.S. embassy or consulate for assistance. The embassy/consulate can provide a list of trustworthy medical facilities and other local resources. For more information about U.S. State Department resources, visit the website.

Additionally, a student’s home university likely has an extensive web page devoted to Title IX violations and resources, and likely has a list of trained advisors who are equipped to provide resources and support.

Medications Abroad

Medications Abroad

Any student taking regular prescription medications should discuss travel plans with their regular doctor, and develop a plan for the duration of the student’s time abroad. Certain countries may have customs restrictions prohibiting the postal delivery of medications sent from the U.S. It may also be difficult or impossible to fill U.S. prescriptions at the host location. When possible, students should bring enough medications to last for the duration of the program. Students should always bring a copy of their current prescription with them as well as contact information for their U.S.-based doctor.

Students are encouraged to disclose medical conditions and current prescriptions with TEAN. Though TEAN does not require this information in our application procedures, we urge students to start a dialogue with us as soon as possible so we can offer guidance and direct students to further resources. TEAN Program Managers are best equipped to field questions related to the specific program location. For more information on medications abroad, please see the following online resources:

Medical marijuana

Students should never travel with any amount of marijuana in their possession. Marijuana is illegal in many countries. Even students carrying a U.S. prescription for marijuana can be arrested, prosecuted and deported if in possession of any illegal substance. Airports and airplanes are federal jurisdictions. You can be detained and arrested when going through security. Federal authorities do not recognize the medical marijuana laws or cards of any state.

Safety Tips

Safety Tips

Students on all TEAN programs are provided with these safety tips and recommendations before they’re departure and during their program orientation:

  • Emergency Contacts: Students designate a parent or guardian as their Emergency Contact in their Virtual Application to ensure that information regarding an emergency situation will automatically be passed on to their parents.
  • Communication Information: Students provide TEAN with the most up-to-date contact information including their telephone, mobile phone, address and email address. We also encourage students to notify their parents and Resident Director in case of an emergency.
  • Keep Others Informed: When students travel while abroad, it is critical that they inform others (roommates, parents, Resident Director) of their travel plans. Keeping others informed will make it easier to locate all students in case of an emergency.
  • Stay Informed: We provide as much information as we can and we strongly encourage all of our students to research the political, cultural, and social climate of their study and travel abroad destination before heading overseas. While abroad, students should pay attention to local news sources for developments that may affect their health and safety, as well as stay in touch with their Resident Directors. For any questions, please contact an TEAN staff member either in the U.S. or abroad.
  • What about anti-American sentiment? Although individual Americans are generally well liked abroad, host nationals will often question the activities of the U.S. Government and may hold anti-American views. This has occurred for some time, in periods of both peace and crisis. Participants in the past have found these tips useful:
    • Use common sense
    • Dress to blend in
    • Speak softly and respectfully
    • Avoid overt displays of American patriotism
    • TEAN also advises that students avoid all public demonstrations

Family Orientation Guide

Family Orientation Guide

The Family Orientation Guide was created to answer all of the questions you may have about your student’s study abroad experience and to direct you to additional TEAN resources and information. Please click below to access the Family Orientation Guide.

View Guide

Para acceder a la guía en Español, haga clic aquí.

Additional Resources

Health and Safety Resources


Health Insurance

A Blanket Accident and Sickness Policy is included in the program price and covers the participant for the official on-site period of program. 

This is not an optional benefit; every participant will be covered by this plan. We recommend that all program participants maintain comprehensive health insurance while abroad. This is particularly important for pre-existing conditions, but is also beneficial if the participant has an injury or illness while abroad and requires further treatment upon return home. 

Submit a Claim

If you incurred medical expenses during your time abroad and would like to file a claim for reimbursement, please select the following links for a claim form and filing details:

If you have filed a claim with ACI and would like to check on the status, select the following link: Claim – Status Check

Australia Semester/Year Study Abroad Programs

Required Australia Health Insurance (primary to TEAN insurance)

The basic medical and health insurance policy, or Overseas Student Health Coverage (OSHC), fulfills the mandatory insurance required by the government for international students in Australia. The country has excellent medical and health systems available to international students. The Australian government required OSHC can be administered by Allianz, Medibank Private, BUPA and AHM, as all are government insurance providers.

  • The cost for OSHC is included in TEAN program fees.
  • OSHC provides free or discounted access to the University Health Service and to public hospitals.
  • Enrollment in OSHC is finalized during students’ university orientation program at which time they will receive a membership card and detailed instructions on how to use their OSHC plan.
  • TEAN includes a supplemental insurance policy from CHUBB Insurance for medical evacuation and repatriation for all programs as well as military, political, personal threat, as those important coverages are absent from the standard Australian Government OSHC policies. See the “Insurance Description of Coverage” in the section above for details on that policy.
  • Routine dental care and optical care are NOT covered by OSHC; we recommend students schedule any necessary examinations before they depart as they are likely to be considerably more expensive in Australia.

There are some limitations to OSHC. If students have any existing health concerns, they should contact their current insurance provider before they leave for Australia. Higher level coverage, such as access to private hospitals and dental services, is also not included in OSHC. Medical insurance for higher level medical needs is the student’s individual responsibility.

Please follow the links below for details on different host institutions’ preferred health care providers:

  • Allianz: University of Queensland, Macquarie University,  University of Sydney, Murdoch University, University of Western Australia, Griffith University, Monash University and University of Newcastle, International College of Management, Sydney
  • Medibank Private: University of New South Wales, Queensland University of Technology, University of Western Australia, James Cook University, RMIT University, University of Technology Sydney
  • BUPA Australia: Bond University, University of Wollongong, University of Melbourne,
  • CHUBB Coverage (TEAN’s Insurance): Australia short-term summer programs
Benefit for Injury or Sickness No Limit (OSHC)
Benefit for Medical Evacuations No Limit (CHUBB)
Benefit for Repatriation of Remains No Limit (CHUBB)
Benefit for Accidental Death and Dismemberment while Overseas $15,000 (CHUBB)
Mental Nervous Coverage One treatment per day (CHUBB)
Exclusions See Policy Exclusions (CHUBB)

New Zealand Semester/Year Study Abroad Programs

Required New Zealand Health Insurance (Primary to TEAN Insurance)

New Zealand also has excellent medical and health systems available for international students. The basic medical and health insurance policy, or Overseas Student Health Coverage (OSHC), fulfills the mandatory insurance required by the government for international students in New Zealand. The New Zealand government through the Ministry of Education Code of Practice for Pastoral Care of International Students requires that international students have medical and travel insurance. Our partner universities in New Zealand utilize Student Safe Insurance, which provides both medical and travel insurance.

  • The cost for the OSHC through Student Safe is included in TEAN program fees.
  • For full semester programs, TEAN includes a supplemental insurance policy from CHUBB Insurance for medical evacuation and repatriation for all programs as well as military, political, personal threat, as those important coverages are absent from the standard OSHC policy. See the “Insurance Description of Coverage” in the section above for details on that policy.
  • Routine dental care and optical care are NOT covered by OSHC; we recommend students schedule any necessary examinations before they depart as they are likely to be considerably more expensive in Australia.

There are some limitations to Student Safe Insurance. If students have any existing health concerns, they should contact their current insurance provider before they leave for New Zealand. Medical insurance for higher levels of need is the student’s individual responsibility.

Benefit for Injury or Sickness No limit (OSHC)
Benefit for Medical Evacuations No limit (OSHC)
Benefit for Repatriation of Remains No Limit (CHUBB)
Benefit for Accidental Death and Dismemberment while Overseas $20,000 (OSHC)
Mental Nervous Coverage One treatment per day (CHUBB)
Exclusions See Policy Exclusions (CHUBB)

Asia Programs

Asia Health Insurance

TEAN provides health insurance as part of the program fee through a partnership with CHUBB, an established worldwide leader in the educational travel and cultural exchange insurance market. We will enroll students in advance of their departure so that they have health coverage before they leave their hometown.

CHUBB is committed to providing comprehensive insurance coverage to international students and cultural exchange participants worldwide.  Coverage provided through health insurance typically includes:

  • $500,000 of coverage per injury/illness
  • 24-hour worldwide emergency assistance
  • $100,000 for emergency medical transportation, evacuation and return of mortal remains and 100% for emergency medical transportation, evacuation and return of mortal remains
  • Diagnosis, treatment and surgery by a physician
  • Operating room charges
  • X-Rays for outpatient services
  • Dressings, drugs and medication requiring a prescription

All semester programs in Korea

Please note that all Korea semester programs require students be enrolled in Korean National Health Insurance in addition to the TEAN policy.  Students will be enrolled once they arrive in Korea and will pay the Korean government $40 USD/month while abroad.  More details will be provided to students during the application process.

Additional Insurance Information

Travel Insurance

TEAN highly recommends the purchase of extra travel insurance through a travel agency or directly through the airline for any unexpected mishaps, especially with personal belongings, that can occasionally occur while you are traveling. Additional travel insurance is optional and is not included in the TEAN program fee. Students can purchase travel insurance when securing their flight booking for approximately $400 for a standard international flight to our program destinations.

Diving Insurance

As with any insurance policy, there are exclusions to the coverage which are listed in the Description of Coverage. It is important for students to read and understand the policy coverage and exclusions prior to going abroad. Among the activities not covered by this policy are scuba diving and scuba-related accidents and injuries. With this in mind, it is recommended that any students planning to participate in scuba diving take steps necessary to obtain specific coverage for that activity. The Diver’s Alert Network, considered the standard in the scuba industry, provides many scuba-related resources in addition to the insurance coverage.