With varied landscapes, world-class cities, safe communities and more, Australia offers an ideal place to study abroad (plus you can spend your free time at the beach!).

While Australia often gets overlooked as a study abroad destination due to its distance from the U.S., there are a number of reasons academically, financially and personally why Australia is an awesome place to study abroad.

In fact, the distance and size of the country is one of the reasons that makes studying abroad in Australia so attractive — if you’re going to go all that way, you’ll want to stay a while and make the most of it! Though you can hop across the pond to Europe for a week vacation, you need more time to fully explore Australia. With weekends free and most schools offering a 2-week semester break you’ll have heaps of time to explore Australia while also being immersed in your new school and community.

Here’s what else you’ll enjoy….

1. English language programs for all majors

This one speaks for itself – literally! With classes and credits available in English, you can study abroad and easily stay on track for graduation. With a shared language, you’ll also assimilate with the local culture in no time, and no doubt your new Aussie friends will teach you all the peculiarities of their unique lingo.

2. Study whatever you want, wherever you want

University of Queensland (UQ) campus
The University of Queensland in Brisbane offers most majors and is ranked in the top 50 in the world and fourth in Australia by the QS World University Rankings.

TEAN offers more than 25 different semester and summer programs in Australia, so whatever your area of study, we’ll be able to help you find the right fit. Australia boasts some of the top academic institutions in the world, and with 21 different university options for semester abroad programs, whether you’re looking for an urban or beachside campus (or both!), you’ll be spoiled for choice.

3. Happiness and safety

Australia is a safe and happy country. Sounds a little silly but it’s true! Australia is ranked in the top 10 happiest countries in the world according to the UN’s World Happiness Report while the big urban centers of Melbourne and Sydney are ranked in the top 10 safest cities in the world by the EIU Safe Cities Index of 60 cities worldwide. You can expect all other less populated cities to be just as safe.

4. Excellent weather any time of year

Let’s face it, fall and winter weather in most of Europe is not ideal, and a summer abroad in the tropics can be sweltering. But whatever time of year you plan to study abroad in Australia, it’s safe to assume the weather will be pretty nice. Summers average in the cheerful mid-80s, and even in the winter, it hardly ever drops below 50.

5. That beach life

Whitehaven Beach in Australia
“Whitehaven is easily the best beach in Australia. Honestly, all the Aussie beaches are pretty spectacular. I loved living in Broadbeach and being able to lookout my window to see the beach. There were countless days spent whale watching, surfing, or sun bathing on the many beaches throughout the Gold Coast and Australia.” Hannah Schube, DePaul University

There’s no way around it, Australia boasts a bevy of beautiful beaches. More than 10,000 actually. While tropical islands may get all the fame, when it comes to pristine beaches, in Australia they’re just as stunning and, with so many, it’s still possible to have a beach all to yourself. Aussies spend a lot of their leisure time at the beach with 95% of the country’s population living within a hour’s drive of a beach. When you study abroad in Australia you’ll be sure to be living that beach life too. The country also has more than 500 national parks and 2,700 conservation areas. Yeah, it’s pretty beautiful.

6. Cultural diversity

Between its massive multicultural cities, like Sydney and Melbourne, and indigenous Australians, Australia is home to both traditional cultures and a modern blend of lifestyles that is as invigorating as it is accepting. In fact, Sydney is considered one of the most diverse cities in the world with nearly 45% of the people who live there being born outside of Australia. With all different types of people comes a unique mix of cultures, food and traditions that always keeps things interesting.   

7. Ability to work while studying

If you’re worried about budgeting for study abroad, Australia is actually a great choice. With your student visa, you are allowed to work up to 40 hours every two weeks alongside your courses – an opportunity that many other countries don’t offer. Since Australia’s minimum wage is a competitive AUD$17 per hour, working part-time can go a long way toward offsetting the cost of a semester overseas. If an internship in your desired professional field is more what you had in mind, that’s also possible through TEAN’s comprehensive internship programs that offer course credit.

8. Sooooo much to do

Sailing in Townsville
“The Townsville Yacht Club proved to be one of the many hidden gems that Townsville had to offer. My friend had mentioned to me that every Wednesday there is a sunset regatta in which captains open their boat to anyone who wants to be part of their crew. They teach you how to sail and then you race the other boats in the club, and finish with a drink with the captain as well as snacks. The price? $10.” Brady Clarke, University of New Hampshire

Dive the Great Barrier Reef, see a performance at the iconic Sydney Opera House, catch an Aussie Rules football match, learn to surf, cafe hop like crazy…there’s so much to see and do throughout Australia. No matter which study location you choose, you’ll certainly find a ton to keep you busy and be able to indulge in a number of interests.

9. Travel opportunities throughout Australia AND Asia Pacific

Yes, a visit to the iconic Sydney Opera House is definitely in order, and natural wonders like the Great Barrier Reef, Kakadu National Park and Uluru are all must-sees. If you’re making the trek clear to the other side of the globe, however, there’s no point staying in the same city the entire time or even on the same continent – especially not with cheap flights to other Asia Pacific destinations beckoning. When you study abroad in Australia you can also take advantage of relatively easy access to New Zealand and Southeast Asia during optional trips with TEAN or on your own. Hello, Thailand…

10. Australia is where TEAN offered our first study abroad programs

Our founders were inspired to start TEAN after falling in love with Australia while studying there themselves and it’s where we first began running programs. While we’ve grown to offer destinations across Asia Pacific, Australia remains near and dear to our hearts. We know it better than anyone else and still love it as much as when we started…we think you will too!.

Head here to find your perfect program, and let’s start planning your study abroad experience together.