Many students consider either studying abroad or interning abroad. However you can actually do both at the same time for an even more immersive experience! When you study abroad with TEAN for a semester in Australia or New Zealand you can also have the option of interning for 1 – 2 days a week gaining real world professional experience that sets yourself apart from other students who have gone abroad.

Intern while studying abroad in Australia or New Zealand
Intern while studying abroad to gain real world professional experience and boost your resume

Internships for Academic Credit

Want international work experience? Consider studying abroad at the below universities that can also provide the credit for your internship.


University of Sydney – Internships available in a wide variety of fields.
University of Wollongong – Internships available in business or science research.
University of Western Australia – Kinesiology or health studies internships available.
Griffith University, Gold Coast – Community internship available in a not for profit organization.
International College of Management, Sydney – Hospitality or event management internships available.
Macquarie University – Internship available in business administration, HR and marketing

New Zealand

AUT University, Auckland – Internships available in most fields.
University of Auckland – Internships available in variety of fields within Arts & Humanities department.
Massey University, Palmerston North / Massey University, Wellington – Communications internships available
University of Canterbury, Christchurch – Internships available in a variety of fields.

Interested in the above programs? When you apply online with TEAN make sure you let your TEAN Program Manager know that you are specifically interested in the intern and study abroad program. If you need help sourcing a placement please let your Program Manager know so that they can connect you with the Internships team to discuss the cost of our internship placement add on fee*, which can vary depending on your destination.

*Please note this fee does not apply to the University of Western Australia program where the fee is already included in the program.

Study abroad and intern in Sydney, Australia
Big cities like Sydney offer many opportunities for internships

Intern after your semester abroad

Interning while studying abroad means committing 1 – 2 days per week to your work placement while also completing other courses making it more of a time commitment than simply taking a regular course load. If this sounds like a lot, an alternative option is to study abroad for your Spring or Fall semester and then complete one of TEAN’s full time internship programs for the Spring, Fall, or Summer. TEAN currently offers full time internship programs in the following destinations:

There are numerous ways to make study and internship abroad work and, while it does require more commitment and effort on your part, the students that rise to the challenge find it very rewarding. Plus, just think how awesome your resume right out of college will look!

Contact us with any questions you have on studying and interning abroad at the same time.

Post updated: July 18, 2023