What is Veritas?
The mission of Veritas Christian Study Abroad is to provide college-level study abroad programs at international host universities, while helping students develop as ministry-minded Christian leaders as they learn to live and serve in another culture. Veritas Christian study abroad programs incorporate distinctive elements—Christian spiritual support and community, ministry opportunities, and academics—to deepen their faith during a traditional study abroad program.
Ministry Opportunities & Academics
Students work with the local church and established ministries while studying abroad, serving others in the host community. Students will get a broader understanding of the joys and challenges of cross-cultural ministry. Engaging with the local community also provides unique immersion and perspective of their host culture.
To further enrich the study abroad experience, semester and summer Veritas Christian Study Abroad students also explore faith and life abroad through an additional course taught from a Biblical worldview. In addition to being a full-time student at a host institution abroad, semester students take a 3-credit Comparative Religions or Global Ministry Practicum course and summer students a 1-credit Global Ministry Practicum course.
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