TEAN works to make studying abroad accessible to all students, which also includes making sure advisors have the information and tools they need to better guide and support students through the entire process. Below you will find helpful resources for advisors, information on program accreditations, academic information for TEAN programs and assessment information.

Advisor Resources

Program Search

The program finder allows you to search all TEAN programs by term, location, program type and subject area to narrow down which programs might be a good match.

Curriculum Integration

Curriculum integration is a collaborative process between TEAN and our strategic U.S. partners. Together, we identify programs and courses that best serve student needs and complement the academic requirements of individual departments, majors or academic programs. TEAN can then create department-specific curriculum flyers to help students plan for study abroad as a seamless part of their degree trajectory and save academic advisors time researching and articulating courses on an ad hoc basis.

Curriculum integration is an integral part of our service offerings:

  • It makes study abroad more accessible to all majors.
  • It dispels the myth that study abroad is only for elective courses.
  • It helps certain majors complete the dream of being able to study abroad for a semester versus a short-term program.

By taking these identified and approved core requirements, students will stay on track and not hinder their graduation target.

For more information about this process or to initiate a curriculum integration project at your university, please contact your TEAN Regional Director.

Advisory board

Our Advisory Board has proven to be a valued asset to our organization. Constituted by up to twenty-five members, board members provide valuable advice regarding matters such as program development, quality assurance and student health and safety, and security concerns. The Board is of tremendous value to our organization, and we applaud each member for the time and effort that they contribute to our development in the ever-evolving world of international education. Meet our board members

Advisor Requests

To receive printed materials about our programs and services, such as country brochures flyers, please complete the Request for Information.

Advisor Portal

Advisors from TEAN’s partner institutions can access our advisor portal to view current and past applicants and track students’ application progress. If you have not yet received login credentials and would like to access the portal, please contact your TEAN Regional Director.

New Advisor Portal Login

Legacy Advisor Portal Login

Events and conferences

Find out what conferences we will be attending throughout the year, as well as webinars and events created by our team for advisors and partners. You can find additional details here.

Academic Advising Guides

Academic Advising Guides

When selecting a study abroad program, most students are motivated by program location and available courses. TEAN’s Academic Advising Guides were designed to help direct students to programs with available courses in their academic area of interest. The program chart indicates subject availability by location, and the featured program section highlights some options that align well with the featured major or area of study.

Communications & Media
Engineering & Computer Science
Health & Exercise Science
Humanities & Social Sciences
International Studies
Science & Math
Design, Visual & Performing Arts 

For information about any TEAN program or to request program recommendations based on an academic major, please contact a TEAN Program Advisor.

Looking for program options in Europe, Latin America, or Africa? Check out program options with ISA, TEAN’s sister division.


Program Accreditation Information

While all TEAN host universities are fully accredited at an institutional level, many of these universities also carry disciplinary accreditations from U.S. or internationally recognized agencies. Below you will find a list of some well-known accrediting agencies and links to corresponding TEAN programs carrying their accreditations. It should be noted that international universities that do not carry the below accreditations are not necessarily of poorer academic quality; they may simply have reasons for not seeking accreditation from foreign entities as the process is quite labor intensive.

AACSB: The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) is a U.S.-based professional organization which has extended globally to provide quality assurance and professional support for college-level business programs. Click here for a list of TEAN programs carrying AACSB accreditation.

EQUIS: The European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) accredits business programs at higher education institutions around the world. The accreditation is based on a quality assessment which pays specific attention to the program’s global connections and internationalization efforts.

AMBA: The Association of MBAs (AMBA) offers accreditation to top level post-graduate business programs which meet the association’s high standards for teaching, curriculum, and student interaction. AMBA has accredited over 240 programs in more 70 countries.

ABET: ABET is a U.S.based accreditation board for engineering and technology. While ABET is expanding globally, and while the board has accredited institutions in many countries outside of the U.S., there are significant gaps in its reach. Currently, ABET does not accredit any programs in Australia or New Zealand, where the majority of TEAN’s engineering programs are located.

The Washington Accord: The Washington Accord is a mutual recognition agreement between ABET and other international accrediting boards for engineering programs. Signatories of the Washington Accord are responsible for the accreditation of schools within their jurisdiction, and all uphold the same shared benchmarking standards. Engineers Australia, Engineering New Zealand, and ABEEK in South Korea are signatories which accredit many of TEAN’s partner universities.


Program AACSB EQUIS AMBA ABET Washington Accord
Bond University X X
Griffith University X X
International College of Management
James Cook University X
Macquarie University X X
Monash University X X X X
Murdoch University X
Queensland University of Technology X X X X
RMIT University X
University of Melbourne X X X
University of New South Wales X X X
University of Newcastle X X
University of Queensland X X X
University of Sydney X X X
University of Technology – Sydney X X
University of Western Australia X X X

New Zealand & Fiji

Program AACSB EQUIS AMBA ABET Washington Accord
AUT University X X
University of Auckland X X X X
University of Canterbury X X X X
University of Otago X X
Massey University X X X
Victoria University of Wellington X X X X
University of South Pacific X X


Program AACSB EQUIS AMBA ABET Washington Accord
Korea University  X X X
Hanyang University X X
Sejong University X
Sogang University X
Yonsei University X
Pusan National University
Fudan University X X X X
J.F. Oberlin University
Singapore Management University X X X
Mahidol University  X

Academic Affairs and Records

Academic Support

TEAN’s Academic Affairs & Records department supports student learning in the classroom and beyond while valuing direct engagement with local host communities. Once enrolled in a TEAN program, our students have access to the full range of academic and student support services at their host institution, as well as the guidance and personalized support of TEAN staff, in the US and abroad. Our Academic Affairs & Records team works across departments and time zones to support efforts to provide students with unparalleled, customized assistance through all stages of the process, including program selection, course registration, pre-departure guidance, comprehensive on-site orientation, on-site academic support, co-curricular learning opportunities, and post-program transcript processing.

Course Information

Courses, along with program location, are a top consideration in the program selection process. And selecting a program that supports a student’s academic goals is a key element of a successful education abroad experience. TEAN’s Academic Affairs department works to provide resources and support to help students identify program options based on their course needs. We also work with study abroad staff and academic advisors to facilitate academic alignment initiatives to integrate an education abroad experience into a student’s on-campus degree plan. To learn more about how TEAN supports campus internationalize through curriculum integration, please see visit our CI information section above.

Co-Curricular Learning

At TEAN, we believe that learning happens both in and beyond the classroom, and we work to ensure that students have the tools needed to engage with their host communities in a way that fosters learning and growth. The Discovery Model is our educational framework that organizes student learning into six areas of discovery: Intercultural, Sociopolitical, Historical, Environmental, Professional, and Sustainability. On-site cultural activities and excursions are associated with one or more areas of discovery and students are encouraged to dig deeper with the learning objectives posted on Schoology, the LMS used across all TEAN programs. All students participating in TEAN programs also have the option to participate in the Choose Earth Certificate program by focusing on learning that falls with the Sustainability area of discovery.


Upon completion of the TEAN program, students’ official host university transcripts will be sent to our Office of Academic Records. Our team will then forward the host university transcript accompanied by the TEAN Cover Letter. The Cover Letter is intended to assist the transcript evaluator at the home university and facilitate the credit transfer process. It contains important academic information specific to the students’ TEAN program, including: translated course titles, credits/contact hours for each course, language level (if applicable), language of instruction, recommended U.S. letter grade equivalencies, and a recommended semester credit/quarter unit conversion formula. Transcripts cannot be released for students with an outstanding balance. To learn more about transcripts, please visit our Transferring Credit page.

TEAN School of Record

TEAN credit-bearing internships work with the University of South Florida (USF) as the School of Record. Upon completion, students participating in these programs will receive an official transcript from USF, making it easier for your institution to approve courses and process credit earned abroad.


The Impact of Study Abroad

At TEAN, we strive to create education abroad programs that change the lives and life habits of our students and the people they meet while encouraging them to live sustainably. To achieve this, we have built a number of tools and processes into our programs that help us assess just how well we are impacting the cognitive, affective and behavioral development of our students — before, during and after the study abroad experience. Together, these assessment tools provide TEAN with quantitative and qualitative outcomes data that help us evaluate our programs.

Partner University Grade Report

By enrolling in a TEAN program, students receive an official transcript directly from their respective Australian, New Zealand or Asian university. TEAN does NOT issue academic transcripts. Students receive course grades on these official partner university transcripts. TEAN provides approximate equivalents between U.S. and Asia Pacific grading systems.

TEAN reviews these grade reports in order to assess academic achievement at TEAN locations. More specifically, TEAN assesses: academic performance per course, student adaptation to new teaching styles, host versus home academic achievement and aggregate student performance.

Onsite Arrival and Orientation Evaluation

At the start of each program, TEAN asks students to take a 30+ question online survey related to student satisfaction with TEAN services and support. TEAN uses this information to improve its administrative processes related to the TEAN website, pre-departure advising, onsite arrivals, orientation, housing and local staff.

Post Program Evaluations

At the end of each program, TEAN asks students to take a more detailed 65+ item online survey related to student satisfaction with TEAN onsite services and support during the program. TEAN uses this information to improve its administrative processes related to the host institution academic experience, cultural integration, excursions, onsite staff, housing, travel and expenses.